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Supplies Natural Pest Control For Sale In Phoenix

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Mosquito Bits
Prices start at : 7.1 USD / 1.00 lbs

Check birdbaths, roof gutters, rain barrels, animal troughs, old tires and more. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Sprinkle 1 Tbsp per 75 square feet. Can also be used as a top-dressing or soil additive to kill fungus gnats without harming people, pets or plants.
  • brand: Summit Chemical Co.
Praying Mantis
Prices start at : 10.5 USD

A ferocious predator, it will attack just about any insect in its path, and unfortunately this includes other beneficial insects. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: If immediate release is inconvenient you can keep the egg case(s) in the refrigerator for up to one week.
  • brand: Planet Natural
Nesting Block (Mason Bee)
Prices start at : 21.5 USD / 5.00 lbs

Just hang in a sunny, sheltered area and let the bees do the rest. Native to almost every state, this non-aggressive pollinator prefers to nest in wood blocks. These popular Mason Bee Houses encourage the world's best pollinating bee to make its home...
  • brand: Cabin Fever
Prices start at : 8.15 USD / 2.00 lbs

A Multi-Purpose Insecticide and Repellent. Time applications for early to mid morning or in the late afternoon. Concentrated formula makes over 5 gallons of natural insect spray. OMRI Listed for use in organic production.
  • brand: Safer Brand
Liquid Net for Horses
Prices start at : 8.15 USD / 3.00 lbs

Ingredients: Citronella oil, cedarwood oil, lemongrass oil, geraniol, sodium lauryl sulfate, peppermint oil, eugenol, lime juice and wintergreen oil. Available in TWO convenient sizes.
  • brand: Liquid Fence
POP! (Recycled Bottle)
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 2.00 lbs

Lured by the scent, flies enter through the yellow top cap and drown in the water. Features: • Contains NO pesticides • Ready to use – just add water • No killing agents – insects die naturally • Environmentally responsible — gives used...
  • brand: RESCUE!
First Response
Prices start at : 8.5 USD / 2.00 lbs

Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing. Benefits: • No toxic chemicals or pesticides to harm children or pets • Know immediately if treatment was effective • Reusable, safe and effective! Includes 1 reusable trap with...
  • brand: SpringStar
Liquid Copper Spray
Prices start at : 5.03 USD / 3.00 lbs

99.92% Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing. May be applied as a dormant or growing season spray on flowers, fruits and vegetables.
  • brand: Bonide
Fly (Indoor)
Prices start at : 4 USD / 0.75 lbs

Contains NO pesticides… yet, is very effective! Features: • Advanced system is easy to use • Safe for organic use — contains NO pesticides! • Works for houseflies, blowflies and cluster flies • May be used in food handling areas • Made in...
  • brand: Monterey Lawn & Garden
Deer & Rabbit (Granular)
Prices start at : 12.5 USD / 3.00 lbs

Product Label – PDF format Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF format Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing. Vegetation will be protected up to 24-inches in height.
  • brand: Liquid Fence
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 2.00 lbs

Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing. STEP 2: Secure with twisty-ties (trees) or with staples/ stakes (gardens). Can also be used as a temporary fence to protect shrubs, trees and vegetable gardens from destructive deer.
  • brand: Dalen
Fox Urine Granules
Prices start at : 7.06 USD / 3.00 lbs

Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing. Features: • Non-toxic formula — no poisons! • Easy to apply weather resistant granules • Completely safe around children, pets and plants • Works on a pest's fear of predators...
  • brand: Shake Away
Soldier Bugs
Prices start at : 159.95 USD

However, to ensure live delivery, it is important that you receive your order when it arrives. Once your order has shipped, a Fedex tracking number will be sent to you via email announcing when your package will be delivered.
  • brand: Planet Natural
TangleTrap (8oz)
Prices start at : 4 USD / 1.00 lbs

Attractants or color can be used to lure insects. This allows you to prepare your own traps using the size and material which best suits your needs. Traps can be made using waxed cardboard (milk cartons work great), glass, wood, plastic sheets or other...
  • brand: Tanglefoot Company
Stink Bug (Outdoor)
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 0.75 lbs

Once inside, the device's unique design prevents escape and the pest eventually dies of dehydration. Other foliage and shrubs can be used if a tree is not available. Late Summer and Early Fall: Hang within ten feet of your house to intercept adults before...
  • brand: RESCUE!
Slug Saloon
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 0.75 lbs

Contains NO poisons! The Slug Saloon Trap features a proven design that has been trapping slugs and snails with great success! Attractive and reusable, it blends in nicely with most garden surroundings.
  • brand: Rincon-Vitova
Mosquito Fogger
Prices start at : 4.84 USD / 2.00 lbs

Kills & repels for up to 8 hours! EcoSMART Mosquito Fogger works fast to reduce annoyance from mosquitoes, flies, gnats, moths and other flying insects. Active Ingredients: Geraniol …..
  • brand: EcoSMART
Cutless 0.33G LGR
Prices start at : 195.99 USD / 21 Pound

Depending on type and size of plants treated Flurprimidol - 0.33% Perennial Landscape and container grown ornamental plants Apply Cutless 0.33G over the treatment area with a spreader Time required for onset of growth suppression can vary from 2-8 weeks...
Big Stinky
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / 2.00 lbs

Includes a 6 oz bottle of bait. • Flesh Flies • House Flies • Green and Blue Bottle Flies • Fish Flies • and many more! Why Trap Flies? Great for use around barns, kennels and garbage bins.
  • brand: CR Industries
Octane 2% SC
Prices start at : 119.04 USD / 8 Ounce

This product gives instant satisfaction and provides the necessary fuel to your current broadleaf weed control regiment needed for a rapid kill. When not mixing in tank appy 1.0 - 4.0 fluid oz.
Caliente WDG
Prices start at : 142.87 USD / 2 Ounce

Proper spray volume and uniform coverage are important to maximize efficacy of Caliente. Per 20 - 50 gallons of water per acre. Caliente WDG is an innovative and highly effective broadleaf and grassy weed post-emergent herbicide.
Cyanarox Fly Bait
Prices start at : 72.99 USD / 25 lb Pail

Outdoor operations such as vegetable processing plants dairy meat seafood and fruit plants. Cyanarox can be used in residential areas commercial areas restaurants hotels supermarkets.
Musca-Cide Fly Bait Spray
Prices start at : 22.16 USD / 12 Ounce

For larger mix rates please refer to the label for more mix rates. The Musca-Cide Fly Bait Spray can be applied as a paint on or a spray on treatment to attract and kill house flies.
Maxforce FC Magnum Roach Gel Bait
Prices start at : 13.49 USD / 30 Gram Tube

We recommend applying bait under baseboards, sinks, countertops, seats, around water pipes, water heaters, dishwasher equipment, in crack and crevices as well as voids where insects harbor.
Spider Mite Knockout
Prices start at : 8.3 USD / 2.00 lbs

Safe to apply on food crops up to one day before harvest. Water plants before application. Unique nozzle sprays in all directions — even upside down for hard to reach areas. 99.80% Grower's Tip: Natural pyrethrins degrade in a matter of hours after...
  • brand: Doktor Doom
Cy-Kick CS Aerosol
Prices start at : 23.03 USD / 20 Ounce Can

Several holes may be required in long-running voids. Release approximately 1 second of product. Microencapsulation also creates optimal sized capsules for insects to pick up easily and quickly, leading to faster diffusion of the active ingredient into...
Systemic Fungicide RTS
Prices start at : 19.35 USD / 32 Ounce

Prevents and controls major bacterias and fungus such as Powdery Mildew Black Spot Ray Blight Rust Leaf Spot Brown Patch Dollar Spot Anthracnose Red Thread Dichondra Stripe Smut Take All Patch Scab Needle Rust Tip Blight Leaf Spot Greasy Spot Downy Spot...