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Milky Spore
Prices start at : 25 USD / 3.00 lbs

However, time must be allowed for this process to completely saturate a treated area (2 to 4 years), but only one application is required as the disease continues to multiply on its own, as long as larvae are present.
  • brand: St. Gabriel Organics
Ant Control
Prices start at : 11.92 USD / 3.00 lbs

Do NOT apply within 3 days of harvest. OMRI Listed for use in organic production. Reapply after heavy rains or watering. SAFE for use around the home (outside only), vegetables, lawns, gardens and greenhouses (non-commercial).
  • brand: Monterey Lawn & Garden
Fire Ant Bait
Prices start at : 19.4 USD / 3.00 lbs

Dual action sterilizes the queen & kills workers that contact it. Features: • Will reduce and eventually eliminate the entire mound • Unique carrier is very attractive to the target pest • Shake directly from the container or apply with a hand spreader...
  • brand: BASF Pest Control
Garden Dust
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1.00 lbs

99.5635% Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF User's Tip: Bt breaks down quickly in sunlight — apply in late afternoon or on cloudy days for maximum effectiveness.
  • brand: Safer Brand
Garden Insect Spray (Spinosad)
Prices start at : 14.55 USD / 3.00 lbs

Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Mix 4 Tbsp. Per gallon of water and apply uniformly to both upper and lower surfaces of plant foliage.
  • brand: Monterey Lawn & Garden
BotaniGard ES
Prices start at : 57.5 USD / 4.00 lbs

However, it is potentially pathogenic to honey bees. The applied spores attach to the insect, germinate and penetrate through the insect cuticle (skin). Frequently mix solution as you spray and reapply as often as necessary.
Semaspore Bait
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 6.00 lbs

The disease spore spreads to healthy grasshoppers through cannibalism. WHAT TO EXPECT: In 2-4 weeks, 50% of the grasshopper population will die, and most survivors will be infected to continue spreading the disease.
  • brand: Planet Natural
Met52 EC
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 2.00 lbs

For best results, repeat applications at 5-10 day intervals. Soil Drench: Applications should be thoroughly watered-in without causing water to come out of the bottom of the pot. Repeat applications at 5-10 day intervals for best results.
  • brand: Novozymes
Mosquito Bits
Prices start at : 7.1 USD / 1.00 lbs

Check birdbaths, roof gutters, rain barrels, animal troughs, old tires and more. Benefits: • Easy application! Sprinkle in standing water or add to soil • No toxins — gentle on the environment • Safe around fish, livestock, horses, pets, birds...
  • brand: Summit Chemical Co.
Bt kurstaki (Bt-k)
Prices start at : 6.5 USD / 2.00 lbs

Active Ingredients: Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki strain SA-12 solids, spores and Lepidopteran active toxins (At least 6 million viable spores per mg) ….. Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing.
  • brand: Monterey Lawn & Garden
Mosquito Dunks
Prices start at : 4.45 USD / 1.00 lbs

Great for use in water gardens, flower pots, bird baths, rain gutters and decorative ponds! Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF Frequently Asked Questions – PDF Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for...
  • brand: Summit Chemical Co.
Prices start at : 54.95 USD / 4.00 lbs

Use gloves and wash thoroughly following application. Crop and Rangeland: Apply 2 to 10 lb per acre for control of grasshoppers, crickets and cutworms. Because the chemical is consumed by the pest, it is effective at the low concentration.
  • brand: Peacock Industries
Predatory Mites (Spidex)
Prices start at : 61.95 USD

On heavier infestations a second release may be required. Instructions for care and release are provided with each order. Once released, they will immediately begin searching for food on the underside of leaves.
  • brand: Koppert
Fly Parasites
Prices start at : 14.5 USD

The parasites do not attack the adult flies, thus measures need to be undertaken to keep the existing population as low as possible. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: It is best to release Fly Parasites throughout the season for several reasons: pests produce more...
  • brand: Planet Natural
Fungus Gnat Predator
Prices start at : 73.5 USD

The predators come packaged as 25,000 mites of all stages in vermiculite and peat. Instructions for care and release are provided with each order. Stratiolaelaps scimitus – Fungus Gnat Predators actively search for fungus gnat larvae and other harmful...
  • brand: Planet Natural
Aphid Parasites (Aphipar)
Prices start at : 94.95 USD

New parasites soon emerge through a hole at the rear of the “mummy” and begin searching for healthy aphids to attack. The first mummies can be seen about 2 weeks after introduction.
  • brand: Koppert
Prices start at : 4.03 USD / 3.00 lbs

OMRI Listed for use in organic gardening. 98.088% Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing.
  • brand: Safer Brand
Nesting Block (Mason Bee)
Prices start at : 21.5 USD / 5.00 lbs

Just hang in a sunny, sheltered area and let the bees do the rest. To ensure proper crop pollination put these nesting habitats up early. Features: • A warm and watertight shelter • 60 hole nesting block • Attracts several backyard pollinators •...
  • brand: Cabin Fever
Don\'t Bug Me
Prices start at : 10.17 USD / 3.00 lbs

Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing. Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF DIRECTIONS FOR USE: May be used indoors or outdoors as a contact spray for flying and crawling pest insects commonly...
  • brand: Fox Farm
Mite & Insect Spray
Prices start at : 5.65 USD / 3.00 lbs

Non-phytotoxic — will not injury indoor/ outdoor plants when used as directed. May be applied any time during the growing season up to the day of harvest on crops. Produced according to the National Organic Program (NOP), Monterey All Natural Mite &...
  • brand: Monterey Lawn & Garden
Grub Killer
Prices start at : 16.66 USD / 3.00 lbs

This organic formula will provide you with the results you're looking for… and peace of mind! Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing. OMRI-Listed for use in organic production.
  • brand: Safer Brand
Azamax Spray
Prices start at : 10.05 USD / 3.00 lbs

Available size: Pint (16 oz) Spray Bottle w/ 10 Vials Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Simply drop one pre-dosed delivery vial into the opening on the side of the bottle, add water, shake and apply.
  • brand: General Hydroponics
Tomato & Vegetable
Prices start at : 4.03 USD / 3.00 lbs

Thoroughly spray all plant surfaces where insects are found. Available size: Quart (32 oz) Spray DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Apply every 7 to 10 days when insect pests are present, or as needed to prevent damage.
  • brand: Safer Brand
Liquid Ladybug
Prices start at : 20.97 USD / 3.00 lbs

Safe for people, pets and plants and can be used from seedling to harvest without affecting taste or quality of the crop. Complete coverage of all plant tissue is necessary for effective control.
  • brand: Eco Organics
Bon-Neem II
Prices start at : 7.52 USD / 3.00 lbs

Ideal for use on houseplants, herbs, vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, lawns and shrubs. 98.88% DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Apply when insect pests first arrive or as soon as damage is noticed.
  • brand: Bonide
Thrips Predator (Thripex)
Prices start at : 84.95 USD

Available size: 50,000/ bottle Price includes UPS Express Shipping. We will NOT be responsible for “live shipments” left unattended at your doorstep. To release, gently tumble the container to mix the contents and shake the predators out close to...
  • brand: Koppert
Trichogramma Wasps
Prices start at : 12.95 USD

Guarantee Planet Natural guarantees live, timely delivery of our beneficial insects. Trichogramma ( T. Brassicae and T. Orders received by Wednesday 8:00 AM (EST) will ship the following Monday through Tuesday.
  • brand: Planet Natural