Paperback, 340 pp. Brown and Tony Kirkham. The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers (2nd edition) answers every aspect of those questions for more than 450 genera of trees and shrubs.
This model is similar to #7, which was built for larger hands. Manages a professional workload with ease. Features: • Anvil-type pruner • Exceptional rotating handle reduces stress on the hands • Swiss precision and quality • 7.9 in.
This sleek and simple Flexrake Classic Pruning Knife offers the durability and smooth function of classic gardening tools in a small package. You'll need it for everything from cutting flowers to opening packages.
PondCare AlgaeFix is an effective, EPA registered algaecide that solves algae problems. Do NOT use with crustaceans, including; crabs, shrimp, freshwater shrimp and freshwater lobsters.
Apply 2 months during growing season. Garden Pre-Plant: Apply 3 to 6 lbs per 100 sq ft and till into the soil 2 to 6 inches. Perfect for lawns, flowers and vegetable gardens! Nature Safe Landscape Fertilizer delivers a balanced, slow-release fertility...
Long when open • 1-year manufacturer's warranty Grower's Tip: This great tool is small enough to fit in a pocket when folded, making it easier to have multiple options at the ready for your yard and garden chores.
Just the clean “thwip-thwip-thwip” of the Full Feature Light Reel Mower. Features: • 4 spider 5 blade, ball bearing reel • Tempered steel reel and bed knife blade • Unbreakable steel side plate • 10-inch wheels with radial tread tires •...
See product label for specific instructions. Promotes bigger, more abundant blooms… NATURALLY! Each 4 lb bag feeds 80 one-gallon or 16 five-gallon plants. Pure & Simple! Dr. Earth Palm, Tropical & Hibiscus Fertilizer (Exotic Blend) was created to meet...
Features: • Controls string algae in ponds and on waterfalls • Used all-season as a preventative treatment • Alternative to copper-based products • Works on contact • Will not harm plants or fish DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Step 1: Turn off circulation.
And with basic care, these classic, durable beauties will be ready to pass to the next generation of gardeners! Features: • Metal and wood construction – no plastic! • Best for branches up to 2 in.
Note: Shipping weight exceeds 30 lbs (does not qualify for free freight) DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Normal Lawns: Apply 4-8 lbs per 1,000 square feet with a drop or rotary spreader. Contains quality, all-natural ingredients including feather meal, nitrate of...
Available size: 2.5 Gallon DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Mix a 3-5% solution for control of annual weeds, mosses and cryptogams. It is formulated to deliver maximum performance and provides fast acting results on a long list of weeds and grasses, as well as most...
50′ x 20′). DIRECTIONS FOR USE Easy to use, just follow the seasons! Early Spring (February – April): During this crucial period, feed your lawn just after the first signs of growth.
A second application should be made in 14 days. It's fully chelated to work quickly and has been formulated for use on lawns, ornamentals, trees and shrubs. Prevent or correct plant yellowing (chlorosis) with Liquinox Iron & Zinc.
Plus, because this iron is organically complex, it does not stain concrete, like your drives, patios, sidewalks or other areas. Grasses take up this iron, giving them a deep green color.
Avoid spraying desirable plants. Areas can be re-sown five days after treatment. 78% Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF Grower's Tip: Best results are obtained with young, actively growing weeds, less than five inches in size.
Inside the covers you'll discover: • Detailed entries on weeds you need to know • The best short-term and long-term strategies for knocking back these interlopers • Time-tested organic techniques • Excellent information about what weeds can tell...
This is an updated release with expanded information. This book is considered a classic by small-scale fruit growers around the world. Yes, apples can go organic, too! The Apple Grower distills the wisdom and research of a dedicated organic orchardist...
Easy application method and schedule! Benefits: • Clarifies ponds using photosynthetic bacteria • Clears out organic matter, fish and animal waste and algae • Reduces ammonia and nitrogen load • Adds biological filters to maintain water quality...
The Hand Weeder Tool for Root Removal does the trick. The forked tip and curved blade let you leverage stubborn plants — every inch of them — out of your garden. Lightweight, ergonomic, and small enough to keep on hand wherever you garden.
Also, adjusts to a fine mist for low growing plants and shrubs! Easy to use, just drop the weighted strainer into any pail or bucket to draw solution. Always mix spray solutions according to product label instructions.
Features: • Easy to install — only one person needed! • Includes non-girdling triangle strap with brass grommets • 3 pencil-pointed stakes made of recycled plastic • 33 ft.
We recommend AllDown Organic Herbicide as an effective replacement. 79.50% Note: For best results, apply on warm, dry days. Kills weeds in eight hours or less. 3.00% Other Ingredients: Mineral Oil (USP), Lecithin, Water.
Creates open air passages to help get water and nutrients down to the root zone. Grower's Tip: Aeration reduces soil compaction and helps control thatch in lawns while allowing fertilizer and water to move more freely into the root zone.
Long; cuts branches up to 1 in. Features: • Forged aluminum handles and steel blades • Cushioned, ergonomic handles with built-in shock absorption • Precise adjustment system ensures clean, precise cuts – always • Lightweight • Built in wire...
AllDown Organic Herbicide — a 20% vinegar weed killer, plus citric acid — is the product to reach for when you're tempted to give up or resort to chemicals. Overspray or drift will injure or kill contacted vegetation.