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Summer Bedding Plants

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Gracious formal living room, centre hall, separate dining room, gourmet kitchen with chefs peninsula island. Our property is a beautiful Victorian Red Brick Century Home, 2.48 acre lot with severance potential, plus a separate building currently operating...
How to Deadhead a Canna
The individual flowers should be snipped off when they start to fade, and then each stalk can be cut off at its base after all the stalk's flowers have been removed. Then rinse them in hot water, and wipe them dry with a clean cloth.The deadheading process...
Santa Monica
How to Grow a Magnolia Tree From a Cutting
They should snap easily when you bend them and have both full-size leaves and new, small leaves. Also called tulip tree or Japanese magnolia, the saucer magnolia will grow in USDA zones 4 through 9.Cut sections of softwood from evergreen sweetbay (Magnolia...
Santa Monica
How to Remove Dead Blooms From a Dianthus
Removing the dead blooms encourages the remaining blooms to flower for a longer period of time.Trim the dead flowers before they form seed in the inner pod of the flower head. Using garden shears cut the foliage back by up to 5 inches to retain strong...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Zucchini Plants
Cut it off the vine with a sharp knife, being careful not to pull the vine when lifting the fruit.Protect your plant by handpicking any cucumber beetles. It's an easy plant to grow once you know a few of its likes and dislikes.Prepare the site for your...
Santa Monica
Do Zucchini & Cucumbers Mix in the Garden?
Cucumbers thrive in well-drained soil, plus they need full sun and plenty of room to grow. Everyone knows the joke about finding a bulbous zucchini on the doorstep left behind by a generous neighbor who has planted too much and resorts to giving these...
Santa Monica
Companion Planting With Eggplants
They require plenty of sun, supplemental feeding and regular watering. Grow them in alternate rows, or stagger them within rows. The perennial herb, French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus "Sativa"), which grows in USDA zones 5 through 8, helps protect...
Santa Monica
Is the Lobelia Plant an Annual or a Perennial?
It may be treated as a perennial or an annual plant, depending on the climate of the location in which it is grown. With perfect growing conditions, it will grow year after year. More than 360 species of lobelia are grown as annuals, perennials or shrubs.Trailing...
Santa Monica
How to Get an Iris to Bloom
Too much nitrogen-rich fertilizer results in abundant and healthy leaf growth but few flowers. Plants suffering from the beginning stages of root rot may fail to flower or the buds may rot without opening.
Santa Monica
How to Tell When Banana Peppers Are Ripe
Pick hot banana peppers by grasping the pepper at the base of the stem where it attaches to the fruit and snapping the stem. Allowing them to fully ripen on the plant to the desired stage gives you some control over both the flavor and the color of the...
Santa Monica
Medicinal Plants for Kids
Even in the face of more sophisticated medicines, ginger can still be used to naturally and effectively help children experiencing an upset stomach. Of course, serious problems require the advice of a doctor, but from upset tummies to stress, many natural...
Santa Monica
Deadheading a Bee Balm Plant
Bee balm begins flowering in midsummer and each flower cluster can persist for several weeks. Bee balms are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, where they require little maintenance to thrive.
Santa Monica
Wave Petunia vs. Supertunia
Use clean, sharp stem clippers rinsed in rubbing alcohol between cuts to avoid spreading diseases.Supertunias produce sterile seeds, and must be propagated from stem cuttings. These overachieving petunias have many shared characteristics and a few notable...
Santa Monica
How Long Does Watermelon Take to Grow & What Month Do You Plant?
In zones 3 and 4, set seedlings outside a couple of hours a day starting at the beginning of June to harden the tender plants to the weather. Use black plastic mulch to heat the soil before planting and to help with water retention.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Chinese Lantern Plant
Water replanted plants at least once each week until they become re-established.Monitor a new Chinese lantern plant for cutworms -- small caterpillars that chew off a seedling at its base.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Aeonium
Cover outdoor aeoniums with lightweight, breathable cloth if frost is forecast, and remove the covering the following morning to allow any trapped moisture to escape. Aeoniums require minimal care once established in a sunny, fast-draining bed.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Ranunculus Plants
Use compost, aged manure, ground bark or peat moss. The best location provides full sun, such as a spot that faces south or southwest.Dig a hole, with the shovel, about 5 to 6 inches deep by the same width to test the drainage capabilities of the planting...
Santa Monica
How to Transplant Daisies
Place the root ball into the new location. While daisies are a favorite flower of summer no matter where they are growing, what if they are located in a spot that just doesn't support them anymore?
Santa Monica
When to Transplant Day Lilies
Day lilies grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 10, depending on the variety. Creating a mound of soil in the bottom of the hole allows you to spread the day lily roots out in the hole so they can establish well.
Santa Monica
How Much Sunlight Do Petunias Require?
Lack of sunlight leads to weak plants that are more prone to disease. Prune the plants by up to half their height at midseason if they are weak and spindly. Before transplanting petunias to a full-sun bed, harden them off so they don't suffer leaf scalding...
Santa Monica
How to Root Lilac Cuttings
Find new wood that's still between 3 and 5 inches long but snaps instead of bends, otherwise the wood is too green and won't root. Water the media until the excess moisture drains from the bottom and the media feels evenly moist.Timing is crucial when...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Watermelon From Seed With Milk
Soak bi-weekly to encourage deep roots.Thin plants to the strongest seedling about two weeks after germination. The first application is to soak the seeds in milk to help them germinate faster -- a real plus if you are in colder areas with short summers.
Santa Monica
Types Of Vinca
The leaves grow up to three inches long, twice the size of common periwinkle leaves. It regularly escapes cultivation and invades shady wild areas, especially in the eastern U.S. It often escapes from overgrown gardens and moves into nearby forests.
Santa Monica
Names of Purple Roses
Plant them in zones 4 through 9. Roses of a purple hue are widely available, although less often seen planted in a garden or featured in a bouquet. Over time, their color lightens to a bluish gray.
Santa Monica
How to Plant a Naked Lady
Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9 and 7 through 10, respectively, naked ladies live for decades. If you plant them too deeply, they may rot. A 1-inch layer requires 30 pounds.Dig planting holes deep enough that the round or teardrop...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Lychees from Seed
They are highly frost-sensitive and will only grow outdoors within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11, where they are a common sight in ornamental landscaping.
Santa Monica
Ways to Use Lemon Tree Leaves
Wrap some lemon leaves into a cheesecloth and use as a sachet in your dresser. Typically the leaves are still fresh when used, to avoid the bitter flavor of dried leaves.Finding fresh lemon tree leaves is difficult unless you live in a climate where they...
Santa Monica