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String Trimmer Reviews

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Why A String Trimmer Mower Should Be In Your Tool Shed
When it comes to tools and equipment, I'm a firm believer that bigger isn't always better. String trimmer mowers can also slide under fences to help keep the grass under control, which is something that a riding mower could never do.
Choosing A Weed Eater: Tips On Using String Trimmers In The Landscape
Many gardeners know more about weeds than weed eaters. When choosing a weed eater, keep in mind the size of your yard and the kind of plants you are going to be cutting with it. Keep the machine clean and in good working condition.
What to Do When Trees Have Been Hit by a String Trimmer
The circle should be between 4 and 6 feet in diameter. Instead, they slice through weeds and other materials with a flexible but sturdy piece of thin nylon -- nylon that can easily slice through a tender sapling's trunk, or even the thick bark of an established...
Santa Monica
Cut Weeds Quietly in Small Spaces With a Special Tool
Karen Lanier Reasons I like the double-bladed weed cutter tool: Understanding the tools I use is empowering. For my small, oddly shaped garden bed, I borrowed a weed cutter and learned how to swing it.
String Beans with Mustard Sauce
Cool or room-temperature dishes are all we want during a heat wave. Slowly add the olive oil, and whisk very well. You might also enjoy these Locavore Recipes: Summer Salad Romano Green Beans Read more of Locavore Recipes » Tags Hausman , Hungry Locavore...
Mowing: Learn To Mitigate These 5 Common Obstacles
Raising the mower deck and cutting the grass taller can help alleviate these problems. However, you should still check to ensure that clippings didn't wind up on the field side of the fence.
How to Care for a String of Pearls Plant
It performs best as a houseplant, but will survive outdoors within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8a to 10b if grown in a bright, sheltered location. A slight wilt won't harm an established string of pearls plant, but extended dryness...
Santa Monica
5 Farm Tools I\'m Thankful For
In addition to serving a key role in baling hay (carrying around a hundred bales at a time from the fields to your barn), hay wagons can also be used for moving other large items: corral panels, firewood, tools, lumber, you name it! 5.
Hanging Support For Tomatoes – How To String Up Tomato Plants Overhead
Most of us use aor single pole trellis to support the plant as it grows and fruits. In other words, it allows you to produce more fruit per square foot.This method also keeps the fruit off the ground, keeping it clean but, more importantly, reducing any...
Easy Garden Chimes For Kids – Tips For Creating Wind Chimes For Gardens
Learn how to make wind chimes with your kids for a fun summer project.Creating wind chimes for gardens doesn't have to be a complex project. This will be the holder for the chimes.Cut five strands of colorful twine or string about 18 inches long.
7 Garden-Tested Gifts For Your Favorite Gardener
I also like the self-feeding line. There's a wide range of price points represented, too. I use mine all the time. Billhook Tool Billhook cutting tools are traditionally used to lop hedges and other brush, but you'll find the one carried by Lee Valley...
Cottage Food Win: Wyoming Food Sales Deregulated
“It was not necessary for the drafters of the U.S. Constitution to include a provision about food freedom of choice because it was a right that was recognized at that time; this is no longer the case,” says Pete Kennedy, president of the Farm-to-Consumer...
Canker On Fruit Trees: What To Do For Trees Weeping Amber Color Sap
Remove dead, damaged and weak twigs and branches that may provide an entry point for disease and never leave stubs attached to trunks or large branches. The only way of fixing tree cankers caused by the disease is to prune out diseased branches.
Magnolia Planting: How To Care For A Magnolia Tree
They grow 40 to 80 feet tall with a spread of 30 to 40 feet. You should perform all other pruning after the tree flowers. These attractive trees also feature glossy, dark green leaves and a large, exotic-looking pod that opens in fall to reveal bright...
Harvesting the Sun: A Guide to Leasing Land to Solar Developers
At the top of the list, Sherman encourages landowners to request all the details relating to payment terms, length of lease, property tax implications, liability and land disturbance.
Edgers For The Garden: Learn How To Use A Garden Bed Edger
Imagine scraggly grass overhanging the driveway as compared to a neat line dividing lawn and concrete.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });It's easy to confuse an edger and a trimmer because they have similar...
Staking Tomato Plants – Find The Best Way To Stake Tomatoes
Tomatoes can be easier to train if they are pruned, but this isn't absolutely necessary as string can be tied to any additional branches that grow.Whether you use a tomato cage, tomato stakes or grow tomatoes on strings, one thing is certain.
Dried Gourd Maracas: Tips For Making Gourd Maracas With Kids
Make a knot in the string, thread a bead and tie a knot. When it is shaken or slapped, the beads hit the outside of the gourd, creating a rhythmic sound. Follow up the painting with a coat of shellac to preserve the maraca, which will last two weeks or...
Rosary Vine Houseplants: How To Grow Rosary Vines Indoors
That means rosary vine can spread easily and quickly. It is that simple to propagate and grow rosary vines.Rosary vine houseplants are old-fashioned indoor greenery that enchant with the thick heart-shaped leaves and slim stiff stems.
How to Dry Roses With Hairspray
Once the hairspray is dry, remove the string and place the roses in a vase or storage container. Although roses are beautiful and fragrant, they eventually lose their petals and die.
Santa Monica
Help! My Chicken Ate Something Terrible
While your bird might pass a whole piece of string, sometimes only part of it exits while the rest awaits its evacuation notice. Regardless of what your bird might have ingested, watch for any unusual behavior.
4 Steps To Keep Young Trees Out Of Your Fields
Needless to say, maintaining the edges of these fields is an ongoing quest that requires careful attention every year. If you're also having trouble keeping trees out of your fields (or if the edges of the surrounding forest have gradually crept outward...
Decor For The Birds
Avoid salty foods and anything moldy or spoiled. For variety, roll them in black-oil sunflower seeds or wild bird seed formulated for the birds in your yard. Other foods birds enjoy include chunks of mild cheese, baked potato and wee baskets of shredded...
Wind Chimes Make Harmony in Your Garden
Until I can afford weatherproof speakers or a resident string quartet, wind chimes are where my two passions coincide. A longer tube - on a trumpet, or a tuba - produces a deeper sound too.
El Segundo
A Different Kind of Crinum
I was pleased to find a form of it that grows well in my garden. Like all my other gardening friends, she's likely to have something beautiful blooming in her garden at any time. Keep your eyes open for such a lily in gardeners' yards..
El Segundo
How to Calculate Tree Density
This calculation method is called point-quarter and it divides the area into quadrants for taking a sampling of trees.Tree density can determine the number of trees in an area.Stretch out a string along the length of the area you are measuring.
Santa Monica
Forest Unleashed
When I do, those 8-foot-tall walnut and oak will have a much better chance surviving the deer. Had I planted my trees in rows, I could have simply mowed the errant seedlings, but my trees were broadcast seeded and grew the old fashioned way: where they...