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Street Tree Plant With Fast Growth For Sale In Arkansas

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Sakhalin Cork Tree, Sakhalin Corktree Phellodendron sachalinense     - Phellodendron amurense  sachalinense
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Amurense; vase shaped; said to grow very quickly; native to Korea, Japan, western China. * More upright branching than P.
  • Species: sachalinense
  • Crop Year: 1996
  • Genus: Phellodendron
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Germination: 99%
  • Collection Locale: Rochester, NY
United States
Sycamore Maple ACER pseudoplatanus
Price : CALL

Most bonsai specimens thrive in bright lighting conditions. * They are often used in shelterbelt plantings. * Very common in Europe; a widely used street tree with handsome dark green leaves.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Botanical Name: ACER pseudoplatanus
  • Genus: ACER
  • Height: 60-110 feet
United States
Montezuma Pine, Ocote Pinus montezumae
Price : CALL

* Pinus montezumae , known as the Montezuma Pine , is a species of conifer in the Pinaceae family. * A vanillin flavouring is obtained as a by-product of other resins that are released from the pulpwood.
  • Family: PINACEAE
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 9
  • Common Name: Montezuma Pine, Ocote
United States
Chinese Paper Birch Betula albosinensis     - Betula albo-sinensis
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Very ornamental tree. * Grown mostly for its striking red and multicolored bark that peels off to reveal other shades and colors. * It is a larger tree so should be given some room to grow.
  • Crop Year: 2006
  • Species: albosinensis
  • Genus: Betula
  • Common Name: Chinese Paper Birch
  • Germination: 83%
  • Purity: 68%
United States
Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra     - Quercus borealis
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* Trees may live up to 500 years according to the USDA , and a living example of 326 years was noted in 2001 by Orwig et al. * Prefers a good deep fertile loam which can be on the stiff side.
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Common Name: Northern Red Oak
  • Seeds Per Pound: 80
  • Family: Fagaceae
United States
Honduras Pine, Caribbean Pine Pinus caribaea  hondurensis
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* The Caribbean Pine ( Pinus caribaea hondurensis) is a hard pine native to Central America. * Wildfire plays a major role limiting the range of this species, as it has been reported that this tree regenerates quickly and aggressively, replacing latifoliate...
  • Common Name: Honduras Pine, Caribbean Pine
  • Height: 140 feet
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Quantity: 5.59 lb
  • Variety: hondurensis
  • Germination: 63%
United States
Freeman\'s Maple, Freeman Maple ACER x freemanii     - ACER freemanii
Price : CALL

* Fast growth and tolerance to adverse climatic and soil conditions. * Popular ornamental tree in parks and large gardens. * A hybrid of the red and silver maples, combining the best of both species.
  • Botanical Name: ACER x freemanii dry seed
  • Height: 40-60 feet
  • Common Name: Freeman's Maple, Freeman Maple
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
United States
Thornless Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos   Inermis
Price : CALL

It is a popular street tree in the East and Midwest and offers a graceful habit and fine textured leaves that can be spectacular in their rich golden yellow fall color. There will be a few seedlings that develop thorns, but not many.
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Botanical Name: Gleditsia triacanthos Inermis
  • Cultivar: Inermis
  • Genus: Gleditsia
  • Species: triacanthos
United States
Silky Oak, Silkoak Grevillea robusta
Price : CALL

The nectar falls in showers when the flowers are shaken. It is a native of eastern coastal Australia , in riverine, subtropical and dry rainforest environments receiving more than 1,000 mm per year of average rainfall.
  • Purity: 99%
  • Collection Locale: India
  • Genus: Grevillea
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 38
  • Germination Test Type: cut
United States
Scotch Pine, Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris    England, East Anglia
Price : CALL

* Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * It was one of the first trees introduced to North America, in about 1600. * Scots pine is the only pine native to northern Europe. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products.
  • Location: England, East Anglia
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Height: 75 feet
  • Common Name: Scotch Pine, Scots Pine
  • Family: Pinaceae
United States
Redgum, Sweetgum, Sapgum Liquidambar styraciflua    Southern
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

Full sun to filtered shade. * This is a beautiful deciduous hardwood, that grows with a symmetrical cone shaped crown. Commonly found on bottomland sites, but tolerates a wide variety of conditions.
  • Common Name: Redgum, Sweetgum, Sapgum
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 76
  • Crop Year: 2016
  • Location: Southern
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Germination: 98%
United States
Cottonwood, Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

The winter buds are slender, pointed, 1–2 cm long, yellowish brown, and resinous. The twigs are grayish-yellow, stout, with large triangular leaf scars. The bark is silvery-white, smooth or lightly fissured when young, becoming dark gray and deeply...
  • Common Name: Cottonwood, Eastern Cottonwood
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Botanical Name: Populus deltoides
  • Seeds Per Pound: 680,400
  • Species: deltoides
  • Genus: Populus
United States
Castor Aralia Kalopanax septemlobus     - Kalopanax pictus
Price : CALL

* Kalopanax septemlobus , common name Kalopanax or Prickly Castor-oil Tree , is a deciduous tree in the family Araliaceae , the sole species in the genus Kalopanax . It is native to northeastern Asia , from Sakhalin and Japan west to southwestern China...
  • Height: 100 feet
  • Species: septemlobus
  • Family: ARALIACEAE
  • Botanical Name: Kalopanax septemlobus
United States
Robl  Beech, Roble Beech, Patagonian  Nothofagus obliqua     - Lophozonia obliqua
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 packet

* Lophozonia obliqua, (Patagonian oak, roble or roble beech) (usually found in North America)) is a deciduous tree from Chile and Argentina. Another report suggests that it is not a good wind resister.
  • Height: 150-175 feet
  • Germination: 45%
  • Species: obliqua
  • Seeds Per Pound: 52,791
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Genus: Nothofagus
United States
Katsura Tree, Japanese Judas Tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Landscape Use: specimen for parks, large lawns and golf courses, can be used as a street tree. * It is a highly valued timber and is used for furniture, the interior finishes of buildings, boxes etc.
  • Collection Locale: China
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Seeds Per Pound: 796,491
  • Quantity: 10.13 lb
  • Height: 40-60 feet
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
United States
Honeylocust, Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos
Price : CALL

Seedpods - the pulp is sweet and can be eaten raw or made into sugar. The render young seedpods can be cooked and eaten. The juiceof the pods is antiseptic. * Honey locusts can reach a height of 20–30 m (66–100 ft), with fast growth, and are relatively...
  • Species: triacanthos
  • Botanical Name: Gleditsia triacanthos
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Common Name: Honeylocust, Honey Locust
United States
Aristocrat Pear, Callery Pear Pyrus calleryana   Aristocrat
Price : CALL

The flowers are produced in early spring before the leaves expand fully, and are white, with five petals, and about 2 to 3 cm (0.79 to 1.2 in) in diameter. The leaves are oval, 4 to 7 cm (1.6 to 2.8 in) long, glossy dark green above, slightly paler below.
  • Genus: Pyrus
  • Common Name: Aristocrat Pear, Callery Pear
  • Botanical Name: Pyrus calleryana Aristocrat
  • Family: Rosaceae
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
United States
Slash Pine Pinus elliottii
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

It is fast-growing, but not very long-lived by pine standards (to 200 years), and prefers humid climates and moist soil. * Deep green needles, 5"+; 6" cones; a source of pulp, timber, rosin, and turpentine; native to the southeast U.S.
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Purity: 99%
  • Quantity: 1.12 lb
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Crop Year: 2016
  • Species: elliottii
United States
Scotch Pine, Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris    Scotland, Glen Tanar
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * It was one of the first trees introduced to North America, in about 1600. * Scots pine is the only pine native to northern Europe. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products.
  • Family: Pinaceae
  • Quantity: 3.91 lb
  • Collection Locale: Glen Tanar, Scotland
  • Crop Year: 1995
  • Purity: 98%
  • Species: sylvestris
United States
Chinese Parasol Tree, Chinese Parasoltree, Wutong Firmiana simplex     - Sterculia platanifolia
Price : CALL

A lotion of the leaves is used in the treatment of carbuncles, haemorrhoids and sores. , Firmiana platanifolia , or Sterculia platanifolia L.f. ) is an ornamental plant or tree of the cacao, or chocolate, of the family Sterculiaceae of the order Malvales...
  • Genus: Firmiana
  • Collection Locale: Louisiana
  • Family: Sterculiaceae
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Common Name: Chinese Parasol Tree, Chinese Parasoltree, Wutong
United States
Maritime Pine, Cluster Pine Pinus pinaster  aberdoniae
Price : CALL

* This variety has pale green leaves and rounder cones than the species. It is a relatively non-variable species, with constant morphology over the entire range. * In addition to industrial uses, maritime pine is also a popular ornamental tree, often...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Botanical Name: Pinus pinaster aberdoniae
  • Common Name: Maritime Pine, Cluster Pine
  • Species: pinaster
  • Variety: aberdoniae
United States
Norway Spruce Picea abies    North America - Picea excelsa    North America
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

Probably not that long-lived in Britain, about 200 years seems the absolute maximum. The shoots are orange-brown and glabrous (hairless). * Commonly used for general landscape purposes it is fast growing when young, eventually a tall, broad column narrowing...
  • Height: 115-180 feet
  • Seeds Per Pound: 50,197
  • Common Name: Norway Spruce
  • Species: abies
  • Crop Year: 2003
  • Genus: Picea
United States
Scotch Pine, Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris    Latvia, Riga
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* It was one of the first trees introduced to North America, in about 1600. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products. * Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * Extremely adaptable to various soils.
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Quantity: 1.91 lb
  • Collection Locale: Russia
  • Family: Pinaceae
  • Crop Year: 2012
  • Common Name: Scotch Pine, Scots Pine
United States
Shinybark Birch Betula luminifera
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, N Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang. * Broad-leaved forests on sunny mountain slopes; 200-2900 m.
  • Collection Locale: China
  • Quantity: 1.87 lb
  • Botanical Name: Betula luminifera
  • Crop Year: 2011
  • Species: luminifera
  • Family: Betulaceae
United States
Golden Rain Tree, Pride Of India, Varnish Tree Koelreuteria paniculata
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* A decidious Tree growing to 10 m (32ft) by 10 m (32ft) at a fast rate. * It is in flower from July to August, and the seeds ripen from September to October. * Foot-long clusters of yellow flowers in midsummer, followed by red or brownish "pods" that...
  • Collection Locale: New York
  • Common Name: Golden Rain Tree, Pride Of India, Varnish Tree
  • Family: Sapindaceae
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 13
  • Crop Year: 2015
  • Purity: 99%
United States
Montezuma Pine, Ocote Pinus montezumae
Price : CALL

* Pinus montezumae , known as the Montezuma Pine , is a species of conifer in the Pinaceae family. * A vanillin flavouring is obtained as a by-product of other resins that are released from the pulpwood.
  • Common Name: Montezuma Pine, Ocote
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Family: PINACEAE
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 9
United States
Northern Catalpa, Western Catalpa, Northern Cigar Tree, Catawba Tree, Hardy Catalpa Catalpa speciosa
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

It is largely used for fence posts and rails, telegraph poles etc, it is also occasionally used for making furniture, the interior finish of buildings etc. * Heart-shaped leaves to 1'; fast grower, yellow and white flowers in late June; large and sometimes...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Seeds Per Pound: 29,964
  • Family: Bignoniaceae
  • Genus: Catalpa
  • Height: 45-60 feet
  • Quantity: 2.4 lb
United States