In early spring, soon after planting, determinate annual plants put on a lovely exhibition of petite white flowers. Enjoy the berries fresh off the bush, sweetly flavoring ice cream or shortcake—or starring in strawberry pie.
Each zone corresponds to the minimum winter temperatures experienced in a given area. These plants are also day-neutral, which means a heavy crop in early spring, lighter crops in hot summer weather, and increased size berries in fall.
Each zone corresponds to the minimum winter temperatures experienced in a given area. Tolerates leaf scorch and blight. Developed at the University of Maryland, this prolific variety has become a favorite among commercial and backyard growers alike.
Plant in raised beds, and cover with plastic or straw mulch to prevent fruit contact with soil, which can cause rot. Produce berries consistently from late spring through fall. Produce berries over a 2-3 week period in early summer.
GARDEN HINTS: Strawberries grow best in a sunny area with rich, moist, well-drained soil containing plenty of organic matter. Grow as an annual or perennial. Excellent edging, border or container variety.
It consistently yields a large crop of firm, sweetly aromatic, large, glossy red berries that are filled with lip-smacking flavor. Growing your own strawberries is fun, inexpensive, and easy.
Each zone corresponds to the minimum winter temperatures experienced in a given area. You'll want to plant plenty of extras for freezing or making preserves. A top-performing variety! This easy-care plant is very vigorous, giving you crops of large, glossy,...
THIS IS A GREAT BARGAIN. We can't ever come out even! We'll send a mixture of varieties both June bearing and everbearing. The only thing is we never know which kind will be most popular with our customers.
Berries are easy to pick with the calyx breaking easily from the fruit stem. Everbearing, vigorous plants are easy to grow and keep attractive through the season. Berries stay around the same size from July to October.
Keep soil temperature between 60°F (16°C) and 75°F (24°C), if possible. Leave the mulch in the aisles to keep the fruit clean and help suppress weeds.Plants will set fruit from midsummer through October.
Ever-bearing hybrid ‘Ruby Ann' dazzles in the garden, landscape, and is stunning in hanging baskets where the lush plants abound with ever-so-red fruits—as red as you'll see in Stawberryland—and attractive trailing runners.
Press seeds into moist mix and keep moist until plants emerge in 2-3 weeks. Some growers prefer to plant the crowns with closer spacing (5-9" in-row spacing for single rows or staggered double rows with 10-20" in-row spacing) and to remove all runners...
Grows 6-8'' tall and 18'' wide. The plants generally bear in the spring and then later in the summer like an everbearer. The result is a plant that bears a smaller pale pink berry that has a unique pineapple flavor to it.
Developed by USDA and University of Nebraska, crossing wild Rocky Mountain strawberries with garden varieties to combine the rare aromatic flavor of wild strawberries with the large size, heavy fruiting and everbearing habit of the domestic varieties.
Mid-season variety is a quality berry fresh, frozen or processed. Red throughout the entire berry if picked at full maturity - just wait until the end of the berry has turned completely red.
Vigorous everbearing plants provide continuous harvest through summer. The unusual flavor of White Soul blends well with mesclun mixes and baby greens. Birds leave fruits alone, and plants do not need protective netting.
Enjoy large yields of big, red, sweet strawberries. Ripens in June. Low-maintenance and productive — a sure thing. Each zone corresponds to the minimum winter temperatures experienced in a given area.
Self-pollinating.The USDA hardiness zones offer a guide to varieties that will grow well in certain climates. It is used extensively by commercial “pick your own” operations because of the fruit's classic look and taste.
‘Montana' is a beauty and a sweetie. Ornamental plants are spectacular in a hanging basket, mingling gorgeous outsize white flowers, oodles of sweet berries, and an entourage of runners spilling this way and that.
An exceptional variety, with the unique combination of deep rose flowers and sweet, bright red berries. Compact, neat plants are ever-bearing with few to no growing problems: perfect for the home garden.
Each zone corresponds to the minimum winter temperatures experienced in a given area. In addition to keeping weeds at bay, this everbearer produces wave after wave of sweet, delicious, scarlet-red strawberries.
Production and berry size may decline during the hottest part of summer. Set plants with the roots straight down into the soil, making sure the middle of the crown is level with the top of the soil.
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea
Introduced in 1982, it is a diploid cross between Brewers Gold and a high alpha-acid male with good storage properties (USDA65009 X USDA63015M). Nugget is a superior variety for picking, drying and baling.
Pinch off blossoms of June bearing varieties the entire first year. Plant in raised beds, and cover with plastic or straw mulch to prevent fruit contact with soil, which can cause rot.
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea
It can usually be counted on producing crops in summer and in fall. 'Vern's' is a reliable producer of large tasty sweet figs with a dark brown skin and a light amber flesh. This is an improvement over a well-known but mostly unreliable 'Brown Turkey'...
Duration: Perennial
Botanical Name: Ficus carica 'Vern's Brown Turkey'
Well loved for their sweet scented violet-blue flowers, they are still favourites as pot plants or outdoor bedding plants. Native to Peru, heliotrope prefers a rich, well-drained soil in full sun.