We like to meet the families first. The families are brought in to pick out their pups when they are 4-5 weeks old in order of deposit received. We have a litter of 4 born October 19th that will be ready for homes December 14th.
We like to meet the families first. The families are brought in to pick out their pups when they are 4-5 weeks old in order of deposit received. We have a litter of 4 born October 19th that will be ready for homes December 14th.
Tails docked and dew claws removed. 1st vaccinations, deworming, and vet checked. Both parents on site. Health tested and 1 year health guarantee. Ready to go at 8 weeks. AKC registered litter.
We like to meet the families first. The families are brought in to pick out their pups when they are 4-5 weeks old in order of deposit received. We have a litter of 4 born October 19th that will be ready for homes December 14th.
Tails docked and dew claws removed. 1st vaccinations, deworming, and vet checked. Both parents on site. Health tested and 1 year health guarantee. Ready to go at 8 weeks. AKC registered litter.
Tails docked and dew claws removed. 1st vaccinations, deworming, and vet checked. Both parents on site. Health tested and 1 year health guarantee. Ready to go at 8 weeks. AKC registered litter.
Tails docked and dew claws removed. 1st vaccinations, deworming, and vet checked. Both parents on site. Health tested and 1 year health guarantee. Ready to go at 8 weeks. AKC registered litter.
He will come with full AKC rights and will have received age appropriate vaccines. Ready 12/13/18 but I can hold him for Christmas. Shipping/Delivery is available. I'm going with brindle (for now)Tail has been docked and dew claws have been removed.
She's great with kids and others animals of all species. 3.9lbs, apricot. Never bred and not spayed (I can have her spayed if you prefer) Comes with full AKC registration. Additional information/pics/videos available upon request.
(cannot be registered AKC - Party Poodles locked out by other breeder). Mother of female has points toward Champion Status. Female Christie (Black and White Party) is ACA Registered.
(cannot be registered AKC - Party Poodles locked out by other breeder). Mother of female has points toward Champion Status. Female Christie (Black and White Party) is ACA Registered.
Female Christie (Black and White Party)is ACA Registered. Beauty is Black w/white markings. Mother of female has points toward Champion Status(cannot be registered AKC-Party Poodles locked out by other breeder).Male Enoch (Red) is AKC w/ Champion Bloodlines.