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Squirrel Vs Bird Feeder

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Hummingbirds, Nature\'s Kamaikazes: Information and tips to enjoying them: Part 3
Can they hurt one another?”Rarely do hummingbirds actually harm each other. Put the bird in a dark box and call your local fish and wildlife department. Very few North American spiders will actually tackle a hummingbird, but spider webs are quite treacherous.“Do...
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Spotlight on Attracting and Feeding Wild Birds
Your garden will provide cover for birds while it is green and lush, but the best cover for birds in winter is from dense brush or coniferous plants. One of the best resources we have at Dave's Garden is a group of members who garden in a professional...
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Wooden Birds: The Carving Art of Murray Springthorpe
When Uncle Murray retired, his interest in shipping led him to begin carving ships. His inspiration came from living in Swan Lake, a development in Markham, Ontario with a beautiful, naturalized man-made lake – home to several swans and many ducks,...
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Hummingbirds, Nature\'s Kamaikazes: Information and tips to enjoying them: Part 2
It is available in several shades of red, pink, purple or white. Stay tuned for the next installment. Most are native somewhere in the hummingbird's range, and depending on their cultural needs, most can be grown somewhere in North America.“ Hummingbirds...
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The Squirrel in My Garden
It was on the ground in plain sight, but it was also up close to the forbidden house. There was a dog they called Lucy, but she only came to the window sometimes, she was very old.
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Making Your Own Bird Cakes, Rendering Fat for Suet
If you would like to make it easier, put a metal strainer over the bowl. While the fat is melting, stay close to the stove. You will need:5. (Prices may be higher during deer hunting seasons.)When you get the beef fat home, stick it in the freezer while...
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Recycling for Birds - Food for Thought
Fill with suet and hang.— Some time last year, a resourceful person on the Bird Watching Forum gave me another recycling tip. Think about what would look good in your garden and could have a practical application.
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From Nature Back to Nature: Bird Feeders from Vines
Using a tasty peanut butter suet mixture to hold the seed mix onto your wound vine wreath, you will have given your fine feathered friends a tasty treat that will last for many winter days.Here is my peanut butter/suet/seed recipe, but I think most any...
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Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
If you like hummingbirds and don't already have this, get one for yourself, too... Here's a goodwith a lot of information about feeders and maintenance including cleaning.In May, I hung my HummZinger on a pole near my pool and within sight of the great...
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Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Gardening for the Birds
Barnes combines the number one and number two hobbies (gardening and birdwatching) in an informative and educational format.Even though Mr. Barnes has written this with the assistance of the Kentucky Co-operative Extension Service, the principles apply...
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Recycle Your Christmas Tree! Make a Peanut Butter Feeder from a Section of its Trunk to Attract Birds to Your Garden
Thanks, Martha!Melt the lard and peanut butter, and stir them together. After the holidays. Odds are good that one of your neighbors will be throwing out a cut tree. I also press this mixture into blocks, storing them in my freezer to use in my little...
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Crafting With Pine Cones, Nature\'s Perfect Ornament!
If giving as a gift, place dipped cones in a basket and wrap with netting and a bow. Glitter spray and some ribbon makes an ornament that any child would be proud to hang on the tree.
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Hummingbirds, Nature\'s Kamikazes: Attracting and enjoying the Ruby-throat hummingbird: Part I
These tiniest of birds with the boldest of attitudes have captured the hearts of young and old alike. We eagerly anticipate their arrival each spring, and mourn their departure in the fall.
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This is for the Birds!
My birdseed bill last winter was right around $100. This spring, I'll spend some of that seed money to add even more to the winter smorgasbord! Something that will last longer than a day or two, and give me enjoyment all summer long.
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Backyard Birding in Winter
These images teach me what to do better the next time. As a relative newcomer to backyard birding, I have not taken that step as of yet. Only the best remain on the hard drive after the painful but necessary photo culling process.Indoors is also the place...
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Beginning to Bird
For the seeds, of course. The little ones have fledged. Why, oh, why do they have to rip my flowers apart? I would go outside in the snow to observe the birds through my lens, take mental note of their antics, and then excitedly run inside to go onto...
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Should Humans Eat Seeds? We\'re Not Birds, After All!
Avocado seed diagram Here's what I learned:"The seed is the matured ovule, containing the small plant (an embryo) with enough food to start its development," saidLinnaueus, considered one of the parents of botany.
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Mr. Squirrelah and the Ice Storm
He stopped and smiled as he saw his Momma in the distance, and waited to see how long it would be before she saw him. When she did, they ran together and gave big hugs! Pieces of ice had shattered like glass all over the ground.He carefully crept out...
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Mr. Squirrel Meets Macho
They played chase, but Macho wouldn't grab any of the squirrels ever again. But Macho had him cornered, caught like a baseball player in a run down between 2nd and 3rd base. He grabbed the peanut and ran! Over and over, he came down for a peanut.
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Feeding Birds in the Garden: Tips and Ideas for the Best Experience
I also turn the garden hose on mine every month or so to wash away droppings and debris.. I use black oil sunflower seeds instead of the popular mixes as they provide more nourishment than other seeds and most birds like them.
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Gardening Tips to Make Life Easier
Secure the top and bottom of a piece of netting to the structure where you want the plants to grow. When fruit sets and becomes heavy, all I have to do is drape the stem over a branch and it will stay up where it belongs--in the sun.The nice thing about...
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Tulip Poplar
Aphids were at work in the canopy, and their honeydew was dripping from the tree. Needless to say, I had to find another place to keep the plants until sale time. One can stand underneath the tree in spring when the leaves first flush out and feel a mist...
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Backyard Bird Feeding
I keep these larders full because I know they'll attract birds to my yard and I can watch them even while I work. There are large ponderosa pines and western junipers that attract crossbills and nutcrackers or robins and waxwings, respectively.
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Frozen Bird Feeders
Don't worry, your birdies can still eat their treats from the ground as your bird feeder melts. Step 2: Freeze Your Feeder After your treats are placed into the water, put the whole thing into your freezer or on an outside porch until it hardens.
Autumn Birds: A To Do List for Your Bird Cafe
Throughout the winter and the spring, you'll enjoy seeing the leaves tossed in the air by insect eating birds.Dave's Garden member "GrannyGrunt" uses wheat straw in her certified Backyard Wildlife Habitat as a mulched area for the birds.
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National Bird Feeding Month
The top two popular outdoor activities for Americans are gardening at number one and bird watching at number two. Some of the larger tube feeders also come with wire cages to reduce competition from larger birds and so that the smaller ones can feed in...
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A Bird in the Hand: What to Do If You Find a Baby Bird
If you are concerned about cats or small children in the area, you can try to place it in a bush or small tree, out of reach of ground-level predators. In addition, most homeowners are not able or prepared to feed them every 20-60 minutes all day.
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