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Squirrel Food Producing Plant Seeds For Sale In Hayward

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Chinese Hickory Carya cathayensis
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 1 packet

Used for tool handles etc. A very good fuel, burning well and giving off a lot of heat. It has a sweet flavour and is highly esteemed by the Chinese. * The seed is eaten raw or cooked.
  • Crop Year: 2016
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Purity: 99%
  • Height: 60 feet
  • Botanical Name: Carya cathayensis
Pin Oak Quercus palustris
Price : CALL

It is native from Massachusetts to Delaware and west to Wisconsin and Arkansas. The leaves are deeply lobed, pointy 3-6" and turn winey red, russet-red or bronzy in fall. The acorns are 1/2"; the tree grows quickly; needs acid soil, is subject to chlorosis...
  • Family: FAGACEAE
  • Common Name: Pin Oak
  • Height: 60-70 feet
  • Genus: Quercus
Shumard\'s Red Oak, Shumard\'s Oak Quercus shumardii
Price : CALL

It is cultivated at least as far north as Ottawa, Ontario and as far south as Lake Worth, Florida. It is found locally north to southern Michigan, southern Pennsylvania, Maryland, and the extreme south of Ontario, Canada.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Height: 100 feet
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Common Name: Shumard's Red Oak, Shumard's Oak
Texas Live Oak, Plateau Oak, Escarpment Live Oak Quercus fusiformis
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / 1 packet

Acorns 3/4 to 1 inch long, rather elongate. Virginiana, which it is sometimes considered a variety of. Virginiana var. Fusiformis), commonly known as texas live oak, escarpment live oak, plateau live oak, or plateau oak, is an evergreen or nearly evergreen...
  • Height: 20-40 feet
  • Collection Locale: Texas
  • Purity: 99%
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Genus: Quercus
Bush Chinquapin, Dwarf Golden Chinquapin Chrysolepis sempervirens
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 packet

* The seed is eaten raw or cooked. Conservation Plant Characteristics Chrysolepis sempervirens (Kellogg) Hjelmqvist bush chinquapin CHSE11 Summary Duration Perennial Growth Habit Shrub Native Status L48 (N) Federal T/E Status National Wetland Indicator...
  • Botanical Name: Chrysolepis sempervirens
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Quantity: 0.05 lb
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
Shingle Oak Quercus imbricaria
Price : CALL

* A tree usually fifty to sixty feet high, maximum height one hundred, with broad pyramidal head when young, becoming in old age broad-topped and open. * An ornamental and shade tree, it is also suitable for hedges, screens, and windbreaks.
  • Species: imbricaria
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Height: 60 feet
Swamp Chestnut Oak, Cow Oak Quercus michauxii
Price : CALL

* The Swamp Chestnut Oak ( Quercus michauxii ) is a species of oak in the white oak section Quercus section Quercus , native to bottomlands and wetlands in the southern and central United States , from New Jersey south to northern Florida , and west to...
  • Height: 60-120 feet
  • Species: michauxii
  • Botanical Name: Quercus michauxii
  • Family: Fagaceae
Little Walnut Juglans microcarpa
Prices start at : 20.95 USD / 1 packet

* Juglans microcarpa , known also as the Texas Walnut or the Little Black Walnut (literally the Jupiter's acorn with small nuts) is a large shrub or small tree (10–30 ft tall) which grows wild along streams and ravines in Texas , New Mexico , Oklahoma...
  • Family: Juglandaceae
  • Germination: 91%
  • Genus: Juglans
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 4
  • Botanical Name: Juglans microcarpa
  • Height: 10-30 feet
Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* It is one of the more important white oaks for lumber production. * The swamp white oak is a medium-sized tree of America's north central and northeastern mixed forests. * Over 400 Swamp White Oak trees are being planted in the newly constructed September...
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Collection Locale: Illinois
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 11
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Height: 60-80 feet
Punjab Sumac Rhus punjabensis
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

It attains a tallow-like consistency on standing and is used to make candles. * An oil is extracted from the seeds.
  • Purity: 96%
  • Germination: 71%
  • Quantity: 0.42 lb
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 74
  • Height: 40ft
  • Crop Year: 2001
Texas Live Oak, Plateau Oak, Escarpment Live Oak Quercus fusiformis
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / 1 packet

Acorns 3/4 to 1 inch long, rather elongate. Virginiana, which it is sometimes considered a variety of. Virginiana var. Fusiformis), commonly known as texas live oak, escarpment live oak, plateau live oak, or plateau oak, is an evergreen or nearly evergreen...
  • Collection Locale: Texas
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Height: 20-40 feet
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 5
  • Quantity: 8.27 lb
  • Species: fusiformis
Sawtooth Oak Quercus acutissima
Price : CALL

* Most planting in North America was carried out for wildlife food provision, as the species tends to bear heavier crops of acorns than other native American oak species. * Quercus acutissima lives in deciduous forests at altitudes of up to 2,200 metres...
  • Species: acutissima
  • Botanical Name: Quercus acutissima
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
Water Oak, Spotted Oak, Duck Oak, Punk Oak, Orange Oak, Possum Oak Quercus nigra
Price : CALL

* Water oak serves the same ecological role as weeping willow and other wetland trees. It grows in sandy soils, red clays, and old fields to the borders of swamps, streams, to bottomlands.
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Height: 100 feet
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Common Name: Water Oak, Spotted Oak, Duck Oak, Punk Oak, Orange Oak, Possum Oak
Sand Hickory Carya pallida
Price : CALL

The seed ripens in late autumn and, when stored in its shell in a cool place, will keep for at least 6 months. The seed is up to 3cm long. Rather thin-shelled, the seed is small and sweet.
  • Species: pallida
  • Family: Juglandaceae
  • Common Name: Sand Hickory
  • Height: 90-100 feet
Sweet Corn Squirrelog Refill
Prices start at : 5.22 USD / each

Comes with nail or screw hole for easy refills. 100% consumable, more economical, easier to use and remain on the feeders resulting in more enjoyment. Refill pack for squirrel hangers and feeders with nails or spikes.
French Marigold Tagetes patula
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 1 packet

* The French marigold ( Tagetes patula ) is a species in the daisy family ( Asteraceae ). The growing plant repels whitefly and can be grown near tomatoes to keep that crop free of the insect.
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Genus: Tagetes
  • Germination Test Type: Actual
  • Germination: 99%
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: annual
  • Species: patula
Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* It is one of the more important white oaks for lumber production. * The swamp white oak is a medium-sized tree of America's north central and northeastern mixed forests. * Over 400 Swamp White Oak trees are being planted in the newly constructed September...
  • Quantity: 269.56 lb
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Species: bicolor
  • Germination: 98%
  • Collection Locale: Illinois
  • Genus: Quercus
Chinquapin Oak, Chinkapin Oak, Yellow Chestnut Oak, Yellow Oak, Chestnut Oak Quercus muehlenbergii
Price : CALL

* Chinkapin oak can be separated from Q. Prinoides on the same site by its single stem and sparse acorn production. * Chinkapin oak is generally found on well-drained upland soils derived from limestone or where limestone outcrops occur.
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Height: 90-110 fet
  • Species: muehlenbergii
Crimson Clover, Italian Clover Trifolium incarnatum
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

It is often used for roadside erosion control, as well as beautification; it tends, however, to eliminate all other desirable spring and early-summer species of native vegetation in the area where it is planted.
  • Quantity: 4.25 lb
  • Genus: Trifolium
  • Seeds Per Pound: 78,996
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
Common Flax, Flax, Linseed Linum usitatissimum
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

The seed, or the oil from the seed are normally used. * Linseed has a long history of medicinal use, its main effects being as a laxative and expectorant that soothes irritated tissues, controls coughing and relieves pain.
  • Height: 2 feet
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Species: usitatissimum
  • Seeds Per Pound: 75,364
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Purity: 99%
Woodland Elaeocarpus Elaeocarpus sylvestris     - Elaeocarpus decipiens
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* The wood does not resist water, so it is not considered good timber, but it is used for growing shiitake mushrooms. The oil from the seeds may be processed into soap or lubricants.
  • Common Name: Woodland Elaeocarpus
  • Family: Elaeocarpaceae
  • Germination: 71%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 10
  • Quantity: 0.93 lb
  • Height: 30-40 feet
Curly Dock Rumex crispus
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* Curled Dock ( Rumex crispus ), also known as Curly Dock, Yellow Dock, Sour Dock, Narrow Dock , sometimes as "narrow-leaved dock" (which properly refers to a variant of Sorrel ), and ambiguously as " garden patience " , is a perennial flowering plant...
  • Germination: 98%
  • Botanical Name: Rumex crispus
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Family: Polygonaceae
  • Genus: Rumex
  • Height: 2-3 feet
Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra     - Quercus borealis
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* In forests, the northern red oak grows straight and tall, to 28 m (90 ft), exceptionally to 43 m (140 ft) tall, with a trunk of up to 50-100 cm (20-40 in) diameter. * Tolerate: Drought, Dry Soil, Black Walnut, Air Pollution.
  • Germination: 98%
  • Common Name: Northern Red Oak
  • Collection Locale: Illinois
  • Seeds Per Pound: 80
  • Botanical Name: Quercus rubra
  • Genus: Quercus
European Filbert, Common Filbert, Common Hazelnut, European Hazelnut Corylus avellana
Price : CALL

* One of the species grown for its nuts; may grow as a tree or, more often, a multi-stemmed shrub; dark green leaves; native to Europe, western Asia, north Africa. * The seed can be eaten raw or roasted and used in breads, cakes, biscuits, sweets etc.
  • Species: avellana
  • Family: Betulaceae
  • Height: 20 feet
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
Western Juniper Juniperus occidentalis  occidentalis
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked. Because of its small size,however, it is mainly used for fencing, fuel. In very exposed positions at high altitude, they can assume a krummholz habit, growing low to the ground even when mature with a wide trunk.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Genus: Juniperus
  • Variety: occidentalis
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Seeds Per Pound: 1,374
  • Collection Locale: California
Titan Sunflower Helianthus annuus   Titan
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* One of the all around largest sunflowers available to growVery Impressive! * Flower heads are 18-24 inches across.
  • Genus: Helianthus
  • Crop Year: 2016
  • Collection Locale: Iowa
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 15
  • Germination: 92%
  • Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus Titan
Chinquapin Oak, Chinkapin Oak, Yellow Chestnut Oak, Yellow Oak, Chestnut Oak Quercus muehlenbergii
Price : CALL

* Chinkapin oak can be separated from Q. Prinoides on the same site by its single stem and sparse acorn production. * Chinkapin oak is generally found on well-drained upland soils derived from limestone or where limestone outcrops occur.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Botanical Name: Quercus muehlenbergii
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Common Name: Chinquapin Oak, Chinkapin Oak, Yellow Chestnut Oak, Yellow Oak, Chestnut Oak