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Spotlight on Attracting and Feeding Wild Birds
Some are landscapers, others have a unique product, a few are experts in their chosen field, and some are qualified nursery folk, growing specialty plants and trees. It stays fresh for a long time when exposed to the elements, and it keeps well in storage.
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Wooden Birds: The Carving Art of Murray Springthorpe
However, Uncle Murray also had a love for nature. When Uncle Murray retired, his interest in shipping led him to begin carving ships. You see, Uncle Murray was 6' 6” – and as big and muscular as he was tall.
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Hummingbirds, Nature\'s Kamaikazes: Information and tips to enjoying them: Part 2
It seems that he happily showered us with so much information, that there was enough material for another article. It is available in several shades of red, pink, purple or white. Stay tuned for the next installment.
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Making Your Own Bird Cakes, Rendering Fat for Suet
If it starts spattering like bacon grease or smoking, turn the temperature down. That way, he or she can make up a pile for me as time allows. Here is the frugal way to make your own for next to nothing, plain or fancy! Why render the fat?
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Recycling for Birds - Food for Thought
The result is a wonderful spot for birds to stop and perch. Grab a basket or saucer and fill it with other goodies that the birds will happily use for their nests. Believe it or not, some birds use it for nests.Many items may also be used to create bird...
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From Nature Back to Nature: Bird Feeders from Vines
A gathering of birds was happily sitting on the wound grapevine, pecking at the peanut butter and swinging in the breeze, while another little group nipped at the apple core on the ground where I had been sitting.That was many years ago, but I still like...
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Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
They're inexpensive and so much fun! A hummingbird window feeder. Of course, I try not to let that happen too often. There was also a nyjer feeder for finches on that pole. I don't want my friends to move on to 'sweeter pastures'.
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Attracting and Keeping our Feathered Friends, the Songbirds
Why does my neighbor get all of the “really cool” birds in his feeders and I can only get sparrows, starlings and the like?This has been puzzling me for several years so I decided to find out why.
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Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Gardening for the Birds
The design section offers a number of potential gardens with suggestions for incorporating a family's need for parking, storage and pets into a garden that also welcomes birds, butterflies and wildlife.Once the garden structure is decided upon, he offers...
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Recycle Your Christmas Tree! Make a Peanut Butter Feeder from a Section of its Trunk to Attract Birds to Your Garden
It's very popular with the local songbirds, especially on cold and snowy winter dayTo make a feeder of your own, you'll need the following:Cut a sixteen to twenty inch section of the trunk, near the base of the tree.
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Crafting With Pine Cones, Nature\'s Perfect Ornament!
The first step in preparation is to place the pine cones in a 200 degree oven for one hour. Start by melting paraffin slowly over a low heat. Glitter spray and some ribbon makes an ornament that any child would be proud to hang on the tree.
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Hummingbirds, Nature\'s Kamikazes: Attracting and enjoying the Ruby-throat hummingbird: Part I
This simple recipe for home made hummingbird nectar is all that you need.Bill reccomends native plants instead of the popular and colorful hybrid selections though. The only loss here, was that if these females habitually raised two clutches, they only...
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This is for the Birds!
Add the cost of thistle for the summer Goldfinches, and I'm spending almost $150 a year to enjoy the wildlife in my gardens. When cold weather sets in, bird-watching from my kitchen window is a lively pastime.
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Backyard Birding in Winter
The sparrows knew where the popcorn was—under eight inches of snow! Watching them from inside the bedroom window, I had to laugh at their antics as they danced about with their little legs in brave attempts to brush the snow away.Sometimes they would...
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Beginning to Bird
It is music to my ears to hear them in greater numbers again as I eagerly anticipate birding in the fall and winter with a 55–300mm camera lens that acts as my birding binoculars.I discovered a young mockingbird in the top of the Norway Spruce today.
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Should Humans Eat Seeds? We\'re Not Birds, After All!
Avocado seed diagram In "stone fruits" (peach, plum, and other drupes), the endocarp is the fruit itself, and it surrounds the actual seed--the pit. The sunflower "shell" is thegreen stuff of an avocado, but dried into a hard outer "hull."both still enclosed...
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Feeding Birds in the Garden: Tips and Ideas for the Best Experience
A couple of wooden sticks, some plastic wire ties and I have a piece of repurposed garden art that is a real conversation piece. Many birds will pick the seeds out and drop them on the ground, as the blocks are usually filled with cheap, undesirable seed...
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Backyard Bird Feeding
I mostly stock unshelled black oil sunflower seeds and nyjer thistle in my tube feeders and spread a little dove and quail mix on the platform feeder to attract the mourning doves and California quail that pass through.I fill suet feeders for the woodpeckers...
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Frozen Bird Feeders
Once the contents are frozen, turn the pan upside down to release the now frozen ring of treats. The smaller dish will create a hole in the middle or your finished bird feeder, reminiscent of Bundt a pan.
Autumn Birds: A To Do List for Your Bird Cafe
The straw, which does not compact, "...provides the birds with a place to scratch around, which they seem to enjoy doing. Autumn is always an excellent time to plant bushes as the cooler weather and impending dormancy allow the roots to become established.Put...
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National Bird Feeding Month
Over a 3-year span, over 200 people made numerous 45-minute long observations of bird activities at feeders. I also hang a couple of hummingbird feeders which attract Annais and Rufuous hummingbirds.I know that even in winter, feeding the wild birds is...
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A Bird in the Hand: What to Do If You Find a Baby Bird
If the nest isn't accessible, or is destroyed by bad weather, you can provide a temporary nest to get the baby up out of the reach of predators. Line it with paper towels or tissues, and be sure there are several air holes.
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Birdbath Care During the Winter
Preparing birdbaths for winter use is simple and, most of all, extremely helpful to birds during freezing weather. If the basin is not already dark, cover the bottom of the basin with a black plastic trash bag or liner to absorb more solar energy throughout...
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What to Feed Backyard Birds
If you are trying to attract doves, quail and sparrows, scatter cracked corn on the ground. Backyard birds eat mostly seeds but many are also fruit and/or insect eaters. Proso millet comes in red and white varieties and is often found in seed mixes on...
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Garden Visitor: The Blue Jay
With its handsome blue-gray feathers and striking markings, this fearless, noisy marauder catches both the eye and the ear. I had a jay that would wait in the crape myrtle by my back door for the cat, who liked to spend his days outdoors.
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It\'s For The Birds
There must be a way to clean the houses. There must be both of these present otherwise you could suffer losses due to over-heating or drowning.Cleaning. They build their nests in the strangest and often least safe place they can find.
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The Great Backyard Bird Count
Shrubs and trees offer cover for birds and the occasional squirrel bold enough to navigate past the dogs.Scattered amongst the plantings and gardens are bird feeders that lure beautiful avian species into the yard.
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