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Square Bale Prices

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What Are Hay Bales For?
Shoreline erosion can result in damage to fisheries and recreational areas over time, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website. Water logging hay bales in strategic locations near the shorelines of lakes, rivers or other bodies of water will...
Santa Monica
Straw Bale Greenhouse Building Plans
The brown coat smoothes out the surface and fills in any major depressions. In terms of cost, straw-bale buildings end up about the same per square foot as conventional buildings. Straw-bale buildings are healthier and safer than most conventionally constructed...
Local Food Prices Indicate Value
“We literally put the customers in the situation and let them choose,” says Sharma. A recent study […] Value cues—signals that attract increased attention from consumers—may influence the customers' preference for the higher-priced local food...
Buying Tools: Price Versus Quality
A reader recently responded to a July blog post that talked about buying tools locally where you could get service. The owner makes heirloom quality saws. Brent pointed out that tool-buying decisions should include buying the best-quality tools you can...
Starting A Straw Bale Garden: How To Plant Straw Bale Garden Beds
Starting a straw bale garden is an inexpensive and viable option to working up the soil in a regular garden. Straw bale garden instructions direct you to water bales well for three to four weeks before using this method.Locate the bales in their permanent...
New Apps Keep Your Horse Slim and Healthy
App 1: Hay Price Calculator “Horse owners are one of the few groups of livestock owners that buy hay by the bale,” Martinson says. Manage hay costs and your horse's weight with these two apps from the University of Minnesota.
How to Garden With Hay Bales
Hay, which farmers use as animal feed, contains more seeds. If the twine eventually rots, the stakes will hold the bale together. For gardeners with a tired back or stiff knees, a hay-bale plot virtually eliminates bending and stooping: There is no soil...
Santa Monica
How to Price and Market Arugula
As with anything, you need to consider your cost of production when pricing arugula. If you sell at a farmers market, you will price higher than if you sell wholesale to restaurants.
4 Considerations When Pricing Hatching Eggs
Rare breeds are more profitable than more common chickens, no matter if you're selling them as adults, chicks or eggs. It's tricky because there isn't a lot of competition to look at.
Pricing and Marketing Edible Flowers: Nasturtiums
For that reason I generally recommend pricing them by volume (container) or individually. Figure out what kind of volume they might want and plant accordingly—a plant will give you at least one to three fresh flowers per day in peak season, so plant...
How to Grow Strawberries in Hay Bales
Of urea per bale. Make sure your strawberry bed is near a water source, since you'll be watering often.Place a layer of black plastic on the ground where you'd like your strawberry bed.
Santa Monica
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
Start as Early as Possible To anyone who has ever baled hay, this is obvious but it bears repeating—the process is slow and can't be rushed. So while you shouldn't try to start baling hay before the hay is fully dried, there's no reason to dawdle around...
Worldwide Peat Shortage: Soaring Prices, Dwindling Supplies
Before we offer a new formulation, it's tested."One possible effect of the supply scene is that growers may venture into other media like compost or coir as their primary source next year.
El Segundo
How to Plant Potatoes in Straw Bales
The pieces can be placed directly on top of the ground. The 2 feet will allow the potatoes to grow and spread under the straw. Potatoes provide important protein, vitamins and minerals, and can be grown in any climate and at any altitude.
Santa Monica
How to Price Your Produce for Market
If you pay yourself a decent wage for labor, this formula should give you a rough estimate of what it costs you to grow a certain item, and a good idea of the minimum per-pound-price you should charge.
Composting Hay: Learn How To Compost Hay Bales
The additional hay will mix in with the original compost, increasing the size of your compost supply.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });You should note that some growers use herbicide in their hay fields...
Q&A With Straw-Bale Builder Andrew Morrison
Can you build with straw bales in an urban environment? I want everyone to gain value from the work I've done over the last 20 or so years. If so, what kind of buildings? I have personally worked on several single family homes, townhomes and zero lot...
4 Reasons to Start a Hay-Bale Garden
About the Author: Kevin Fogle is a South Carolina-based freelance writer and photographer who keeps an urban front-yard garden. As an added bonus, you will rarely have to contend with some of the more annoying common garden weeds like dandelions, wiregrass...
How To Store Hay To Make It Last
Stack the second layer with the strings facing up, perpendicular to the first layer. Hay is highly flammable, so you don't want it overhead if your main barn catches fire. A sloped top, created by pyramiding the final layers, sheds snow and rain better...
4 Ways To Feed Hay & Reduce Waste
You need to offer 1 foot of outside bale diameter per cow per day so that everyone can have their turn eating, according to UM Extension estimates. Unrolling the bale doesn't cause such significant compaction of the ground around the hay, and it spreads...
Square Shaped Fruits: How To Grow A Square Watermelon With Kids
It's easy to grow other square shaped fruits and vegetables too. All you need are some square molds or containers.So where did the idea come from and why on earth would anyone think of a watermelon grown square?
Framing Square: The Carpenter\'s Computer
Of course, when you buy a framing square, you get a great deal more than you may ever use, for a framing square is truly a carpenter's computer. And that is just the beginning. Framing squares differ in the number and type of information presented and...
How To Develop A Pricing Structure For Your Produce
That said, on a small scale, this will require you to calculate each sale and be prepared to give exact change. Pricing can be one of the more frustrating parts of being a market farmer.
Calculating Plants Per Square Foot: Number Of Plants Per Square Foot Guide
For carrots, the answer is 4. This new and intensive gardening method uses 80 percent less soil and water and about 90 percent less work than traditional gardens. An engineer named Mel Bartholomew invented an entirely new type of gardening in the 1970s:...
How to Build a Compost Bin with Straw Bales
Depending on your design, you may need to lift them more than 2 feet high to add a second row to your bin, and you'll need the strength to move the bales safely. Layer yard waste and uncooked produce scraps with soil in the bin.
Put Your Framing Square to Work
To put your framing square to work, you need to know the parts. However, there are a number of excellent descriptions on the web. The heel is where the two arms meet. A typical square has a face (the side with the manufacturer's logo), a tongue (the shorter...
How To Grow Quality Hay
Does it have rich color, or is it dull and gray? For many farmers, growing your own hay to feed your livestock is one satisfying step closer to a self-sufficient farm. Once the hay begins to mature, the amount of nutrients can diminish quickly, leading...