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Square Bale Picker

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What Are Hay Bales For?
In the fall and winter you can purchase hay bales to decorate for certain holidays. Water logging hay bales in strategic locations near the shorelines of lakes, rivers or other bodies of water will form a nearly immovable barrier that will help control...
Santa Monica
Straw Bale Greenhouse Building Plans
We're cultivating Wisconsin-grown tropical plants on the second floor while using the lower level for shade-tolerant, cool temperature plants. We gave our granary new life by transforming it into a two-story, super energy-efficient greenhouse–insulated...
Starting A Straw Bale Garden: How To Plant Straw Bale Garden Beds
Learning how to plant straw bale garden beds, on the ground or in a raised bed offers easy access to those who should not bend.Purchase bales of straw from a farmer's market or a local farmer.
How to Garden With Hay Bales
Spread 1/2 cup of nitrogen-rich fertilizer such as 15-10-10 over the top of the bale. Plants thrive in hay bales because there is no soil to become compacted, and rich organic matter is continually available to the growing plants.Bales of hay or straw...
Santa Monica
Choose The Right Type Of Apple Picker For Your Harvest
For one, the baskets are usually large enough to hold many apples at once—depending on their size, you might be able to fit anywhere from five or six large apples to a dozen smaller ones in the basket, reducing the number of times you have to raise...
Why I\'m Using an Apple Picker in the Winter
Of course, any project like this should be undertaken with caution—you should wear safety goggles to keep snow out of your eyes, and if there's a substantial load of snow on the roof, you might want to find a different solution.
How to Grow Strawberries in Hay Bales
Of urea per bale. Straw bales work well because they have fewer seeds in them, which results in fewer weed problems, but Bermuda grass, fescue or rye grass hay are also suitable, according to the University of Mississippi Extension, as they also compost...
Santa Monica
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
Depending on the number of helpers and the number of balers you run simultaneously, (probably just one if you're a hobby farmer), it could take hours to produce and stack a couple of hundred bales of hay.
How to Plant Potatoes in Straw Bales
Potatoes provide important protein, vitamins and minerals, and can be grown in any climate and at any altitude. The seed potatoes can be cut large, but do not cut them smaller than into quarters.Place the potato pieces 2 feet apart, in a row.
Santa Monica
Composting Hay: Learn How To Compost Hay Bales
First, it gives you plenty ofin the middle of the summer growing season, when most of the freely available ingredients are green. Fill one planter with this mixture and another with pure potting soil.
Q&A With Straw-Bale Builder Andrew Morrison
Further, they have officially tested to be three times as fire resistant during ASTM testing as a conventional wall system. For example, buildings constructed with straw bale walls are three times as energy efficient as conventional structures due to...
What Is Rose Picker\'s Disease: Tips On Preventing A Rose Thorn Infection
I understand that it is an inconvenience to drop everything, go treat a “boo-boo,” and then go back to work. Had we taken her to the doctor as soon as possible, be it against her will, perhaps we could have saved her the grueling experience.The first...
4 Reasons to Start a Hay-Bale Garden
About the Author: Kevin Fogle is a South Carolina-based freelance writer and photographer who keeps an urban front-yard garden. The only drawback to hay-bale gardening is finding a helpful friend to physically install the heavy bales and dismantle the...
How to Build a Compost Bin with Straw Bales
12 bales, build a four-sided, double-layer bin. Step 3: Fill with waste. Because straw is compostable, your straw-bale walls will begin to decompose with the pile. If your pile starts to smell, turn it—it's probably too wet and needs oxygen: Turning...
Farm Storehouse: A Roundup of Products to Help You & Your Operation
Sharpeners Sharpen hand tools and axes before storing them for the winter with Graensfors Bruk files, available in steel or diamond file faces. Help motorists see your horse when riding at dusk with a reflective collar that won't cause hair loss or rubbing.
How To Store Hay To Make It Last
The round bales shed water better so tarps aren't necessary. Sky-high machinery and fuel costs and the lack of affordable haying-crew labor is driving up the cost of putting up hay .
Strawbale Gardening: Why and How
As the name suggests, this is a method of gardening that allows you to grow plants in bales of straw instead of growing directly in the soil.The first question to answer is, why? Once they get wet they become heavy and are hard to move.
El Segundo
How Does Straw Grow?
If square baling, it is recommended to connect a wagon to the back of the baler to catch the bales coming off the baler. In northern states wheat is planted in the late fall and harvest the following summer around July.
Santa Monica
4 Ways To Feed Hay & Reduce Waste
Hay can be the most expensive element of keeping livestock over the winter. You can assemble round-bale rings and square-bale feeders yourself if you have welding skills; they can also be purchased new or found used online and at farm sales.
Tools of the Trade: Choosing a Hay Baler
By John & Sue Weaver If you keep any sort of livestock, you probably feed baled hay. Top New Holland The exclusive rotary Flow-Action, chain-driven feeding system in New Holland's Model 565 baler was recognized by the American Society of Agricultural...
New Apps Keep Your Horse Slim and Healthy
App 2: Healthy Horse Veterinarians and professionals have long expressed concern over increasing rates of equine obesity. “Horses have evolved from work animals to recreational animals, with many leading leisurely lifestyles of limited exercise and...
Calculate Winter Forage Needs
Plan ahead with this forage-stocking plan. You can also limit hay access time to stretch forage supplies. After a summer drought , winter-forage management can be difficult for farmers who keep livestock, but some foresight and planning can help eliminate...
4 Uses For A Hay Wagon (Besides Moving Hay)
If you want to take advantage of your hay wagon on a more regular basis, here are a few ideas to help get you started. Add the fact that I often prune back the edges of fields (producing large piles of branches and small trees), and you can see why my...
Toxic Fescue: A Danger for Livestock Moms-To-Be
Many have a rough hair coat, salivate excessively and experience multiple reproductive problems. Ewes , does , and female llamas and alpacas with fescue toxosis pass lambing and kidding due dates by up to 10 days.
4 Gifts For The Backyard Orchardist
However, as with most small tools, you can't go wrong with having two in case one is lost or damaged. As with a pruning and budding knife, I already have both of these tools. It's basically a wire basket on a long, extending pole that allows anyone to...
5 (More) Farm Tools For Which I\'m Thankful
Apple Pickers A huge number of apples would go to waste each year if it weren't for apple pickers . Yard Carts It's hard to beat a good yard cart for convenience and ease of use. How time flies! It seems like yesterday that I compiled a list of five tools...
Choose the Right Gloves for Hay Season
Instead, I want durable gloves that protect my hands while I lift and stack hundreds of bales at a time. It might take a day or two to break them in and loosen them up (which is pretty typical, I've found), but before long I expect they'll fit perfectly...