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Square Bale Hay Feeders For Cattle

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Composting Hay: Learn How To Compost Hay Bales
The additional hay will mix in with the original compost, increasing the size of your compost supply.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });You should note that some growers use herbicide in their hay fields...
How to Garden With Hay Bales
Pull any weeds that appear. Water the bale deeply. Spread 1/2 cup of nitrogen-rich fertilizer such as 15-10-10 over the top of the bale. Water the bale with a fine spray to avoid washing off the soil.Spread the straw to create a hole, then place your...
Santa Monica
Homemade Gifts from the Garden
I don't know a gardener who doesn't love to share what they grow. These make wonderful gifts and any flower lover will find a place for them in their garden.Any foodie would welcome a gift of herbs.
El Segundo
5 Tips To Prep Your Herd For Winter
Separate Animals If Needed For many small- to medium-sized herds on small acreage, it may be helpful to separate animals into small groups based on dietary needs so you can feed more accurately based on need.
Three Aralias for your indoor gardens
They have a fussy reputation, and many owners comment about unexplained leaf drop. Despite the assets, these aralias are not among the best beginner houseplants. Polyscias species have been known to cause abut it seems rare.
El Segundo
Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without express permission of the creator.
El Segundo
How to Grow Strawberries in Hay Bales
Soaking may require as much as 15 gallons of water per bale. Straw bales work well because they have fewer seeds in them, which results in fewer weed problems, but Bermuda grass, fescue or rye grass hay are also suitable, according to the University of...
Santa Monica
Two hummingbirds - Ruby and Little Jade
Hummingbirds can be quite bold. Often, there are hummingbird stand-offs... That's Little Jade in the opening thumbnail. Both of the feeders are 'hers'. This little bird is not at home.
El Segundo
Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
You will use the two outside cords to tie the knots, while the two inside cords will be the ‘carrier' cords for your work.These three images will demonstrate how to tie the first series of knots.
El Segundo
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
The roots live in water around the rocks. I should describe lucky bamboo for the two or three of you who have never seen it. Fertilizers labeled for hydroponic growing would be most suitable.The most common, of the few complaints about lucky bamboo, is...
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
After a time, the cage was interwoven with circle after circle of grapevine. Multicolored lights added some needed brightness to the dark brown tree. I tuck a few seeds in 2 ½" x 3 ½" brown coin envelopes.
El Segundo
4 Reasons to Start a Hay-Bale Garden
The only drawback to hay-bale gardening is finding a helpful friend to physically install the heavy bales and dismantle the garden at the end of the growing season—two rather labor-intensive tasks.
Attracting Feathered Friends with Backyard Birdfeeders
Hopper feeders may be hung or mounted on a pole and are appealing to a wide variety of birds. Gone are the hassles of a daily commute and morning "fashion crises." I would never had guessed when I started working from home five years ago, that the best...
El Segundo
Livestock Feeders
It features small holes for less wastage and adapts to most bale sizes and shapes. Another Country Manufacturing offering, the Model CM2125 combination feeder, is welded out of rugged, 16-gauge steel with heavy, steel hay bars.
Gardening in Straw Bales: Overcome Poor Soil, Limited Space, Weeds, Mobility Problems, Aching Backs and more
The least successful were root/underground crops like onions and potatoes.Although this method is commonly called “Straw Bale Gardening” not everyone uses or has access to oat, wheat, rice or other straw.
El Segundo
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
It is not related to wheat, nor is it a cereal, and it isn't a grass. My answer is always the same: “I'm so c-c-c-cold!” I try to not talk about the weather, I try to not think of it, too.
El Segundo
How Do I ... Build a Hay Feeder
Grab Dennis Acevedo's “How Do I … Build a Hay Feeder” plans for the details. More free Hobby Farms downloads Find more free downloads . How Do I … Build a Hay Feeder! By Dennis M.
Hay Substitutes for Livestock
Nutrients in the plant are concentrated in green leaves, and the leaves are generally more palatable and digestible than the stems. The corn stalk will likely be deficient in protein and energy.
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
Lt's taking my gardening proficiency to the next level. Are you, like me, shopping wisely these days? The sales pitch came from my husband. A note for when I applied fertlizer, and a reminder to apply more in two weeks?
El Segundo
Hummingbirds, Nature\'s Kamaikazes: Information and tips to enjoying them: Part 3
Occasionally, a very large praying mantis will catch one, or a bullfrog..(yes, a bullfrog) will have one for dinner. You'll have a very grumpy hummingbird hovering under the hook.“I live in an area that is on the margin of the Ruby Throat Hummingbird's...
El Segundo
Is a Breeding Bull Right for Your Farm?
In case of infertility, Troxel recommends having a breeding-soundness evaluation performed at least 60 days before the bull is needed. Ensuring fertility is essential, especially for small-scale farmers who have only one bull to service a herd.
Cattle & Their Wild Cousins: How Livestock Has Adapted for Winter
The wild yak's woolly undercoat insulates its thick skin beneath locks of outer hair that's two feet long. Its short legs help it climb and keep its balance, and it grows at a slow rate, taking about eight years to mature.
25 Photos of You and Your Cow
Courtesy Kimberley C. Courtesy Stacy S. Courtesy Regina L. Courtesy Sue L. Here are some of our favorites. Courtesy Sherry F. Courtesy Amy S. You sent in a lot of great snapshots—both sweet and funny.
9 Baby Cows We\'ll Go Grassfed For
Courtesy Chopping Block Farm Courtesy Anthony W. Celebrate calving season with these baby cow photos from reader hobby farms. Courtesy Joe G. Want to share photos of your farm's calves and other baby animals?
7 Things To Look At When Selecting Grassfed Cattle For Your Herd
Find Forage-Finished Animals With a plan to grass-feed and grass-finish your cattle, you want them to come from a long line of animals that have been grassfed and grass-finished. Know What You're Getting At the local stockyards, you can find a few young...
How To Milk A Cow
Rid the pasture of poisonous plants and plants that will taint the milk, such as wild onions, advises Robby Dale Estes, assistant dairy manager at Eastern Kentucky University's Stateland Dairy.
Hummingbirds, Nature\'s Kamaikazes: Information and tips to enjoying them: Part 2
If you are able to get a picture of the strange hummingbird, it would help also.The most likely times that a sighting of an unknown will happen, is in late winter/early spring, or in the late fall after the Ruby Throats have migrated south.
El Segundo