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Hain Celestial Feeds Homeless
Meals will be served at 227 Bowery (between Houston and Delancey Streets) at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Each guest will receive a Thanksgiving meal, as well as a new coat and “blessing bag” filled with winter clothes and hygiene...
UC Davis Launches Sustainable Ag Major
Applications for freshmen and transfer students to enter the major will be available in November. Nine faculty members from eight departments are affiliated with the degree program.
Habitat for Humanity Bay House Wins Green Award
In 2009, Habitat Bay-Waveland made a commitment to build all its new houses to the green certification standards of the National Association of Home Builders Research Center and the U.S. Green Building Council.
Midwest Gears Up for Renewable Energy Tour
NFU has been working since 1902 to protect and enhance the economic well-being and quality of life for family farmers, ranchers and rural communities through by grassroots-driven policy positions adopted by its membership.
Ornamental Grasses For Containers: How To Grow Ornamental Grass In A Pot
Provide a unique texture, color, height and even sound to the home garden. Pull or cut out the parts that are dying out and then replant each piece separately.Ornamental grass care for container gardens includes raking or pulling out the dead blades.
What is a Standard Flower Show?
The purposes of a Standard Flower Show as outlined by NGC are to educate club members and the viewing public, to stimulate interest in horticulture and floral design, to provide an outlet for creative expression, and to convey to the community the objectives...
El Segundo
What Is A Breadfruit Tree: Learn About Breadfruit Tree Facts
The resultant breadfruit poi is referred to as poi ulu.Recently, scientists have discovered three compounds or saturated fatty acids (capric, undecanoic, and lauric acid) that are more effective atthan DEET.
Good Food, Good Business Video Preview
David owns Mercury Productions Inc., a video production firm. A few honors: 2006 Portland Office of Sustainable Development's BEST Award for new product development Programs selected for showing at national and international film festivals Numerous media...
Q&A With Rent The Chicken
We've had both urban folks, as well as people with 10-plus acres of land. JT: When we first started Rent The Chicken, we made the assumption that our target market would be “hipsters” in the city.
Battle Invasive Plants During Planting Day
To learn more about the day's activities or commit to organizing an event in your area, visit the Get Growing website . “We say plant natives because it builds up native insects and native birds that feed the food chain.” You can incorporate native...
Rabbit Behaviors
This is a common behavior of many animals, and there's no reason to discourage this, as only other animals can detect the smell. Take your cue from the common rabbit behaviors listed below: Thumping Rabbits might give a loud thump with their hind legs...
Genetic Diversity Improves Honey Bee Colony Health
According to the USDA, CCD has taken about 34 percent of the overall U.S. Honey bee-population each year since 2007. Newton says the research suggests Honey bees might take advantage of these beneficial symbiotic bacteria to convert indigestible material...
U.S. \
Tags community , compost , food system , garden , gardening , Slow Food “The response has been really positive and, I think, a good way to meet other people in the community who are interested in the values of Slow Food,” she says.
10 Ways to Connect to Something Greater
Get involved with a community group working to solve an issue you care about. If you've felt stuck or everyday life has been feeling mundane, stepping outside your comfort zone will leave you feeling invigorated and refreshed.
Master Gardeners, Who they are, What they do
I can honestly say that I have enjoyed every single hour of my volunteer time.Probably the most rewarding community service programs consist of working with kids. These calls are answered by MG's.
El Segundo
Rehab Your Land ... Starting With A Soil Test
A soil test is typically not a contingency for buying a farm, but it's not a bad idea to know the basic nutrient content, especially the deficiencies of your soil's nutrient profile, before buying the land.
Start A Garden Club
We do community services projects together, we plant hundreds of flower bulbs, and wine—not tea—is our beverage of choice. Garden clubs are more relevant than ever, and today, there's plenty of potential for men and women of all ages—even kids—to...
Connecting with Your Local Community Garden
The site had been transformed from a junk heap to a working farm that fed 350 families and hosted 150 different species of plants. Many are sponsored by civic organizations or churches.
El Segundo
Garden Clubs -- Mighty Forces for Good
It is a decision that each group has to make based on their preferences and needs. We work with youth gardeners, promote energy conservation, roadside beautification, school and community gardens, and many more worthwhile projects.Participating in the...
El Segundo
Lettuce Varieties to Try
Their deeply lobed leaves are loosely arranged into a low-growing rosette. “It isn't the tall, crispy, crunchy romaine you get in the grocery store, but the color is so beautiful and the flavor is very mild,” he says of this variety's medium-green...
5 Questions to Ask Before Keeping Sheep
Sheep are generally categorized into wool, meat and dairy breeds, but certain breeds can do double- or even triple-duty. Most shepherds begin with a starter flock based on what breeds are available nearby, which may indicate sheep that do well in your...
Happy, Hunting Grounds
My method of spreading coffee grounds follows my usual path of least effort. This applies worldwide. I am adamantly addicted to gathering used coffee grounds as a soil amendment for my garden beds.
El Segundo
The Perfect Hobby Farm
“We interpret that the men would want to be inside,” she says. She shares enthusiastically the benefits of the outdoor chin-to-toe costumes. It's also a lovely, pristine illusion.