Ephermera, from the Greek for "things lasting only a day" as in the May Fly of the order Ephemeroptera. In the plant kingdom, ephemerals are a bit longer lived, but once their flowers have set seed, they too may disappear in a day.
Magnolia denudata a rather low, rounded, thickly branched, and coarse-textured tree to 30 feet (9.1 m) tall. Payment via paypal accepted. The 10 16 cm white flowers that emerge from early to late spring, while beautiful and thick with a citrus-lemon fragrance,...
Meanwhile, I spent the winter in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, where although I personally got quite chilly a few times, the temperature rarely dipped below freezing. My pot of petunias outside the back door--that kept wilting all summer--just started to...
It is a tree reaching 25 40 m height, with a trunk up to 1.5 m in diameter. The Chinese White Pine (Pinus armandii; family Pinaceae) is a species of pine native to China, occurring from southern Shanxi west to southern Gansu and south to Yunnan, with...
You see, we had an oldIt's time to look at the bones of your garden before it is overgrown with this year's perennial growth. It was definitely not something that my husband could tackle by himself.
As a group, they are easy to recognize. This flowering habit means the plants are in bloom over a period of 4-6 weeks. These primroses look best when planted in groups. They are easily grown from seed especially if the seed are fresh.
However, they have a beauty all their own, with a slender, horizontal branching habit, and small, long-lasting blooms that continue into early June. At one time, dogwoods came in only three basic varieties: red, white and pink.
For any questions please mail 2007 John Deere 3320 4WD 32hp - $2,900 Make: John Deere Model: 3320 Model Year: 2007 Fuel: Diesel Engine HP: 32 Hours: 95 Engine Cylinders: 3 Transmission: Hydrostatic Drive: 4WD This is a \"like new\" John Deere 3320, E-Hydro,...
Cut between each membrane to loosen sections. It leads nearly all produce items in the wide array of nutrients it supplies in significant amounts for a healthy diet.I'm proud to be a Michigander, because my state ranks third in the nation for Asparagus...
Spring can start slow here, snow lingers and the wind blows chill sometimes well into May. Late in the season, I begin to feel a part of it all, down to the very small.: "March 1" "Equinox" "April Fool's Song" "Spring Ahead" "A thousand little spiders"...
Those piles of mushy leaves I will pick up by hand, cutting them short with my handy cutters. Don't be afraid to take a finger and ruffle in the soil around old stems, searching for a new shoot half an inch down.
Years after that, we were lucky to have the opportunity to build our house and have a small garden around it where I planted fruit trees and lots of plants, not far from the city of Bucharest.Our garden isn't so big, but I still tried to grow vegetables...
Perhaps you can work to provide the rest of them, too? Expectantly I wait through the colder days, hoping that the iris got a good, dry summer baking for maximum winter flower. Dryland herbs work best in this area - so I amended the drainage well by digging...
Newly planted trees may benefit from a protective wrap of burlap or commercially available tree wrap products to shield their trunks and major branches.Hydrangeas in particular benefit from a protective wrap of burlap, especially those that flower on...
Heavy snow on top of sheets or fabric can also weigh down plants, so providing support can be crucial. Snowdrops, hyacinths, and some daffodils also seem to be particularly resistant to the cold, wet spring precipitation.
Winter Aconite photo courtesy of Dave's Garden and member Larry DavidCorydalis lutea photo courtesy of Dave's Garden and member Equilibrium Those long-awaited harbingers of the spring garden are beginning to make their appearance here at Cottage-in-the-Meadow-Gardens:...
Add water until moist and mix well. While many people enjoy hunting for morels in the wild, morels will grow in backyards or indoors with the proper preparation, care and patience.
I remember all the cousins seeing who could get to the backyard first. They were just for adornment--and they did that admirably, just as you adorned my life with your example--and just as your pretty yellow bows adorned that very special Easter.
Part 2 of this series will describe the most popular primrose groups that are readily available and easy to grow in the garden setting. In part 1 of the article entitled: Primroses: Diversity is Their Key to Popularity, I described the main cultural requirements...
Blooms are bright yellow to yellow-orange and put on a brilliant show in late winter and early spring. Bark is like that ofand can spread to an unruly eight feet wide but will form a mound if kept trimmed.
Gardener's start your engines! It's time to create edible bounty from your garden - starting with optimum veggie varieties, seed planting times, and care. The whole process is a labor of love which enhances the flavors and nutrition of the truly natural...
You probably know the Dutch crocus but there are other crocus species worth growing.. Tommies are said to self-sow. They can also be planted into your lawn, as long as you can avoid mowing the area until the foliage has matured in middle to late spring.
One medium orange contains over 100 percent of the daily recommended serving of Vitamin C. A ripe orange will have a crisp, sweet citrus scent.Taste the orange. Be careful not to bruise the skin as this will damage the underlying fruit.
Remove most of the camellia shrub's branches and foliage. Cut these branches and stems back to the main stem or nearest branch intersection. Prune away all leggy, crowded, crossing, rubbing, dead or damaged growth from the camellia to keep it from becoming...
When consumed, hyacinth bulbs will cause vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps.An allergic reaction to a hyacinth bulb or flower should be treated immediately by washing the area thoroughly with warm water and mild soap.
Thinning out the branches on your river birch trees will open up their canopies and allow more sunlight for proper nutrients and reduce stress. Select lopping shears for branches that are a few inches thick in diameter.