Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
It will take a bit of practice to make the resulting opening exactly the size that you want it, but you can take a piece of rope and tie everything together at the bottom and check to see if it fits before finishing.When you get everything the way that...
Placed in your own vase or dish, with or without water, they're the cheapest luck money can buy. The stems are typically "planted" in a decorative ceramic pot or glass vase with rocks or marbles in place of soil.
The rain and cold of winter does little harm to the tough grapevine construction.Grape vines are easy to find because they grow wild throughout the countryside. After that, it was a matter of cutting many lengths of grapevine and winding them in, out,...
If your neck is warm, you'll feel warm all over.”Buckwheat seed cozies? Just heat in microwave for no longer than two minutes. The advice kept rolling in, and I tried them all. It is not related to wheat, nor is it a cereal, and it isn't a grass.
I can't believe the quality I get from this little device, especially in coping with low light situations. Lt's taking my gardening proficiency to the next level. How about keeping a calendar appointment to get my seeds planted on time?
Thereafter, lawn care for sedum relies upon plentiful sunshine, occasional weeding and dry conditions. To prevent this, be cautious when working in your sedum covered beds and make sure you aren't moving plant matter to the turf area.
Read on to learn more.are chosen for a variety of reasons. As such, it is an adequate perennial for USDA zones 3-9. Mazus can be used as a lawn substitute or is charming amongst pavers, flagstones, rock gardens and pathways.
Loosen the soil to at least 6 inches and then rake it free of rocks, roots and other debris.Make sure you have superior drainage. If you are seeking an alternative to all that upkeep, try low growing sedge plants to fill in the space and transform it...
It is grown not only for decorative purposes, but this type of chamomile is used for its herbal, medicinal qualities. Trim with a mower or shears in the late summer toOtherwise, enjoy your minimal care green “lawn” peppered with tiny daisy-like flowers,...
If you've got a sunlight-challenged patch where grass refuses to grow no matter what you do, a deadnettle ground cover may be the way to go. However, the plant won't last long in climates warmer thanBefore you consider growing deadnettle in lawns, be...
You can mow them or leave them alone and they will remain small, compact plants.The clumping type forms a uniquely patterned lawn while the creeping variety forms a denser green expanse.
A meadow lawn alternative is an option for homeowners who are tired of the labor involved in maintaining a traditional lawn, or for those who are concerned about the considerable environmental impact of watering, fertilizing and weed control.
The concept was simple: by using grasses that are native residents of hot, drought ridden areas, people could have the lush green lawn they long for while also conserving water.Habiturf native grasses turned out to be a great success in these locations...
That way you aren't working against nature and the plants are built to thrive in the local conditions, requiring less time to establish and even less time to maintain. Check the soil pH, which should be around 5.5. If your soil is higher, lower the pH...
They know that's where I emerge with the filled feeders. It retails for around $15. Logic, schmogic, I wanted to be able to see them!The fuchsia did its job. The bottle feeder went on another pole at the other end of the house.
Of course, you can always go with the easy, albeit not so eco-friendly method of multiple. This method requires patience, as it takes two seasons to completely kill off the top and even longer to get all the roots.
It likes moist soil but won't tolerate soggy conditions. As a result, many gardeners are giving up traditional, resource-robbing lawns for low-maintenance, eco-friendly alternatives such as herniaria, also known as green carpet.It's hard to find fault...
It's best for small areas. Angelita daisy needs occasional watering in dry climates and frequentsp.) -These short shrubs grow about 2 feet tall and they are great for wide areas. Wild ginger grows about 6 inches tall and needs supplemental water in dry...
For instance,look right at home in a graveled landscape. Hard surfaces such as stones, gravels, or pebbles can be just as effective. Whether you're a busy homeowner looking for something easier or just someone wanting to make a statement, there are many...
Eco-Lawn includes English daisy,, strawberry clover, Roman chamomile and perennial ryegrass. Before you make any decisions regarding replacing your current lawn there are some things to consider.There are many ways to landscape your yard so it can be...
Lush, green lawns are traditional, but many people are opting for lawn alternatives, which are often more sustainable, require less water, and are less time-consuming than regular turf.
Think of steep slopes, rocky areas or sand dunes. The odds are that wildflowers can grow in these areas, whereas a gardener would have to work effortlessly to keep a lawn alive in such inhospitable terrain.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Ground covers can also add appealing texture, with some varieties having seasonal blooms and colorful fall foliage. With its yellow blooms and coin-looking foliage, creeping Jenny will easily brighten up the lawn, especially shady another option.
Walkable plants are often used as lawn replacements because they are tough, drought-tolerant, and require very little maintenance. Creeping wire vine displays glossy green leaves. One warning: wooly thyme sports tiny pink blooms that.
Some people are beginning to use either pea gravel or recycled tumbled glass. For centuries, Chamomile has been used all around the world as a ground cover. That being said, in areas like these you may want to be mindful of the blooms, which attract pollinating...
As a senior, I didn't have much extra time, but I did have a bee in my bonnet about this new project. Sticking to my thrifty roots, I started in the places I knew best: the "save me" shelf at big box stores, my wonderful Dave's Garden friends, and my...