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4 Ways to Preserve Summer Flowers
The press flattens the flowers and leaves, so a little more care in arranging the flowers to avoid creases and folds has to initially be done. Air circulation and minimal disturbance are two things to remember; you don't want to hang your plants in high...
El Segundo
Bells-of-Ireland: A Lucky Charm for Your Garden
Under ideal conditions, the plant often self-sows. The cool green bells contrast beautifully with flowers of any color and add drama to arrangements. They look especially lovely when paired with flowers of white or soft pastels like pink, peach or pale...
El Segundo
Dried fruit for the holidays
The Egyptians and Romans both are known to have incorporated dried fruit in cakes (yes, that is how old your fruitcake really is!) and in Rome at the games victorious athletes were rewarded with figs and raisins.
El Segundo
Drying Hydrangea Flowers
Ceramic and porcelain hydrangeas can be purchased, and replicas are readily available in artificial, silk-like renditions. The most important part of the process is waiting until the blossoms are ready before harvesting them.
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: The Busy Person\'s Guide to Preserving Food
You do not actually have to have a root cellar for some of her suggestions either.One of the best tips is how to keep produce in a fresh state for more than a day or so. She places a big emphasis on innovative freezing and her suggestions for using ‘boil...
El Segundo
Make Your Own Lavender Dryer Sachets
When I found out that a large percentage of commercial dryer sheets contain formaldehyde (along with a host of other toxic chemicals) I stopped using them. So I started using dryer sachets, which make my brain even happier, because the clothes never have...
El Segundo
Dry Lime Fruit – What Causes Dry Limes
Fertilizer is typically required once a year, although two applications are sometimes recommended – once in February and following up again in May.can also result in dry limes. As trees mature, the fruit production and juice content improves.– Nutrient...
Dry-climate Growing
Choose containers wisely. Look for containers that have a built-in watering system, or build your own self-watering containers . If you have a shallow caliche layer, you'll likely have better luck with raised beds.
DIY Pest Spray
Cut down on a pest infestation with this simple, natural control technique using materials you already have at home. From climate to unpredictable weather conditions and soil conditioning to insects, a gardener can expect many years of success peppered...
Drying Herbs 101
I noticed a few days ago that some of our herb stores were getting dangerously low—especially dried oregano, a critical ingredient for the homemade pizza we often make on pizza/movie nights.
Lavender Wands: Make Magical Scented Decorations for your Home
One set of instructions we found said to let the lavender wilt a bit, but with our sturdy ‘Fat Spike' variety, that didn't seem to make much difference. The rows of ribbon alternate, so that if the ribbon went over the stem the last time, it will go...
El Segundo
So you don\'t like fruitcake...
...and I don't blame you one bit! But before you turn the page on this article, I really do think you might enjoy this one. If you prefer a darker cake, simply use dark brown sugar, dark fruit, and use more molasses to replace the applesauce.
El Segundo
Spraying Peach Trees: What To Spray On Peach Trees
Apply Spinosad, a natural bacterial insecticide, if: (Also known as petal fall or shuck) Spray peach trees with a copper fungicide, or use a combination spray that controls both pests and diseases.
Potpourri: Then and now
In order to combat odors in castles and banquet halls, fragrant herbs were strewn on the ground so that they could be trampled by people, thus releasing fragrance into the air. Avoid flowers that are past their prime, too, because they will not have a...
El Segundo
Tropical Dry Forest Plants
Tropical dry forests are similar to desert climes, but they receive just enough rain to support life. Blooming occurs quickly following rains, and large and numerous blossoms attract many insects for pollinating.
Santa Monica
How to Dry Tulips
For a delicate flower like a tulip, this can result in a better shape and richer, brighter colors. The sweet spot is right in the middle. Make sure it doesn't touch the sides of the container.
Santa Monica
How to Dry Alliums
Leave the green or brown plant tops in place. Alliums are a genus of perennial plants with more than a thousand species and varietals. Both the bulb and flower can be dried. Included are the most commonly known onions, leeks, chives, shallots and garlic.
Santa Monica
Tough, Dry Figs: Why Your Ripe Figs Are Dry Inside
If you have had an especially long spell of excessive heat or drought, the quality of the fig fruit will be compromised, resulting inthat is dry inside. If you have what appears to be ripe figs, but they are dry inside, what's going on?One of the more...
Drying Fruits And Vegetables: Drying Fruit For Long-Term Storage
(57-60 C.) to finish drying. Watch the weather report and pick a time to sun dry fruit when you will have several days of dry, hot, breezy weather. Don't leave the fruit in too long though or it will become cooked and mushy.
How to Dry Cattails
The brown heads develop from May to July, before bursting in the fall to release thousands of seeds. Set the stems upright in a vase or bucket.Spread newspaper on the floor around the area where you'll be working.
Santa Monica
How To Dry Tomatoes And Tips For Storing Dried Tomatoes
In these areas, you can use your oven. Storing dried tomatoes properly will allow you to use them for months. Knowing how to sun dry tomatoes will help you preserve your summer harvest and enjoy the fruit well into winter.
Dry Rot Of Potatoes: What Causes Dry Rot In Potatoes
With great care, you can prevent potato dry rot disease from spreading throughout your garden, but once a potato tuber is infected, treatment isn't possible.Dry rot of potatoes is caused by several fungi in the genus.
Drying Fresh Basil: How To Dry Basil From Your Garden
Check them every minute and remove any that are dry to prevent burning.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Dried herbs will lose flavor over time and excess light increases this process.
Get the Most from Your Herbs III: Save Some for Later!
This works as long as you are careful to get the leaves completely dry before storage.However, many of the flavors of fresh herbs can be lost in the drying process, especially under home conditions.I prefer to freeze herbs, adding oil to protect their...
El Segundo
Dry Orange Fruit – Why An Orange Tree Produces Dry Oranges
The question of why an orange tree produces dry oranges has plagued many home owners who are fortunate enough to be able to. If there is too little water to support both the orange tree and the orange fruit, the fruit will suffer.– Too much nitrogen...
How To Dry Chamomile Plants – Tips For Drying Chamomile Flowers
Read on to find out how to dry chamomile.There are two types of chamomile: German and Roman. Harvest the open blossoms in the early morning just after the morning dew has dried when the essential oils are at their peak..
When To Spray Nectarines: Tips On Spraying Nectarine Trees In Gardens
Here are our recommendations forThe first spray of the season is in early spring, before the buds begin to swell. You can also use an insecticide containing the active ingredients esfenvalerate or imidacloprid.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...