Why on earth are your cats eating spider plant foliage?freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });While the plant does give of a subtle scent, barely noticeable to us, this is not what attracts the animals.
For a spider plant that is turning white, first trying putting it in an area with less direct light. You can leach the fluoride out by deep watering with distilled water.Solid green spider plants occur naturally when plants revert to a parent plant.
And to add more fuel to the fire, spider plants should not be allowed to dry out completely. In warm climates, they are sometimesbut in most regions they are grown as houseplants. Flush the soil well with the new water to leach out the toxic substances...
It is possible for them to suffer from fungal leaf rot and fungal root rot.can usually be traced to too much watering and/or soil that doesn't drain freely enough.In fact, most spider plant problems can be traced to environmental issues rather than disease.
The bacterial insecticide, which is different from regular, is available in products such as Gnatrol or Mosquito Bits. Be sure the container has a drainage hole.Yellow sticky traps are an effective way to catch adult fungus gnats before they have an opportunity...
To keep these plants looking their best, it is occasionally necessary to trim spider plant leaves and spiderettes.When given the proper growing conditions, spider plants can reach 2 ½ to 3 feet in both diameter and length.
They will also eat other spiders since they are cannibalistic. This is called the tapetum. Their average body length is about one inch. Spiders are outstanding as biological insect control in the garden.Enhance the spider population in your garden by...
I really have no choice as there are hundreds in my little postage-stamp of a garden in southern California, seemingly in every dark corner in every planter box, under every rocky overhang and every abandoned pot and brick in the yard.Black widows are...
If you spot one of these beauties in your yard during the day, the size of them can give you a start - some get 5-6" long. They are more curious and have better vision than many other spiders; I often see them sitting atop my patio chairs, checking out...
This is an unnecessary step, but some people enjoy rooting a new plant the old-fashioned way – in a jar on the kitchen windowsill.If you want a thick, bushy plant, start several spider plant babies in the same pot.
They're also extremely forgiving and easy to take care of – they don't require much at all in the way of special care. Spider plants do best in bright but indirect sunlight, like in a south-facing window or a space outside that receives less than 6...
Place the cutting in indirect light until it has developed roots. These can be taken off the main plant and allowed to grow roots as separate plants. Without support, the leaves may be submerged in the water, which can rot them.
An offset that you have recently potted up should be considered a baby plant. What age is appropriate for getting spiderettes on plants?freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Just as a mammal needs to be mature...
Check to see if the container the plant is in drains freely. Avoid overwatering but don't let the plant dry out.and root rot, but root rot can be serious. The babies they produce will live on for years and produce spiderettes of their own.
Decide how many plants can be started from the remaining roots. Tightly packed roots may kill off some central root sections. That's why spider plants outgrow their pots so quickly—the roots just need more room to grow.
Spiderettes can be rooted in water or soil, but will generally yield more favorable results and a stronger root system when planted in soil.Ideally, the best method for rooting spider plant spiderettes is by allowing the plantlet to remain attached to...
You can do this yourself by gently brushing a cotton swab against one flower after the other, or you can simply put your plant outside to allow insects to pollinate it naturally.After the flowers have faded, you should see bumpy green seed pods appear...
Many times these flowers are so short lived and inconspicuous that they go completely unnoticed. It's also a good idea to rotate hanging spider plants occasionally to give them even light for even growth.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Swabbing the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol is one way to treat them. Normally pest free, your first thought will likely be, “Why is my spider plant sticky?” Before you start blaming the kids for spilling something, take a look at the...
You'll want to think about repotting spider plants before the plants crack their pots.Plants get different cultural care, so their growth rates vary. Repotting a spider plant is fairly easy.
They can be grown like a perennial in zones 9-11 and as an annual in cooler climates. The plantlets are like theand will root wherever they touch soil, creating new spider plants. Spider plants outside make excellent spreading groundcovers and border...
These are great plants for beginning gardeners since they are surprisingly easy going and very tolerant of less-than-perfect cultural care.Many people have a few spider plants indoors as potted or hanging-basket plants.
Allow tap water to sit at room temperature for at least 24 hours or use rainwater or distilled water to irrigate spider plants.Spider plants are native to South Africa and are prolific growers and producers of a multitude of plantlets.
It may be grown outdoors in United States Department of Agriculture zones 10 to 11, however. It should be repotted every couple of years to enhance the growing medium and provide plenty of humic rich soil.Care should be taken not to touch the sap, which...