Vigorous, disease resistant vines produce perfectly oval pale green honeydew fruit with bright green flesh. The firm, sweet, green flesh has a very high sugar content and holds well.
The distinctive color comes from anthocyanins, the antioxidants found in red wine, so purple cauliflower is more nutritious too. Adds magical color and savory rich flavor served fresh, broiled, sauteed; as fritters, or in a summery cool purple soup.
Peak performer with trailing stems is impressive in the front of the border, gilding a hanging basket or two, and mingling in a container. Pollinator magnet draws discriminating butterflies, bees, and nectar-seeking hummingbirds.
My pork has been featured in high end local shops and restaurants. I have a two groups of several gilts, and an unrelated boar to pair up with each group. They have access to the outside in all weather no concrete, although babies are confined inside...
It s one in its kind as it is a fully licensed and self sustaining business operation: farming, butchering, processing, wholesale AND retail. This is an excellent opportunity to step in and grow this business to the next level and/or combine it with a...
Turn Key Sheep Farm with its own Abattoir and Meat Processing Buildings. With the only Licensed Public Abattoir (built in 2006) in the area, possibility to run a business just with this alone.
Housebroken well behaved. Up to date on shots, rabies. Beautiful Fawn Spotted on White Long coat female. Proven free whelper. 4 lbs 10 ounces. Has been shown would make a nice show prospect.
He will be ready when he is 9-10 weeks old. This is for full akc. This little boy would make a nice addition to a small breeding program or an awesome lap baby. This little guy is charting 5 to 5.5 pounds.
He is going to look just like his import daddy. He is just so adorable!! If interested please email, text, or call. He will be up to date on his wormings and puppy shots, His akc registration papers.
Written by educators from LifeLab, this activity guide is full of hands-on activities designed to inspire in young children a connection to the outdoors, an appreciation of healthy foods, and a love of learning.
✓ Educator resources: garden-related songs, ECE garden case studies, and suggested literature lists.
✓ Getting started information – tried and true tips for launching an educational garden.
✓ Gardening how to's: basic gardening techniques, plant lists, and design guides for creating and maintaining a thriving garden, as well as specific techniques for involving young children.
Administer by SQ, IM or IV route. The recommended dosage of Oxytocin for obstetrical use is 5 ml in cows and horses; 1.5-2.5 ml in ewes and sows. Because of the specific action of Oxytocin upon the uterine musculature, it is recommended as an aid to precipitate...
Administer by SQ, IM, or IV route. The recommended dosage of Oxytocin for obstetrical use is 5 ml in cows and horses; 1.5-2.5 ml in ewes and sows. Because of the specific action of Oxytocin upon the uterine musculature, it is recommended as an aid to...
When mailing, please contact your local USPS to determine the exact postage rates. Postcard Seed Packet: "Sowing Real Estate Success with Wildflower Seeds" is a great mailing piece, enclosure or drop-off gift for realtors when looking for listings or...
(With F2-G) Promotes full milk production all the way to weaning. Milkin Mix per ton of complete farrowing lactation ration and full feed beginning 10 days to 2 weeks before farrowing and continue until weaning, or top dress 2 tablespoons per sow per...
The piglets are some black, white, white with black spots and a couple look like the Oxford Sand and Black, some look like a Berkshire with white feet, starting at $45. They have short ears not lop.
Hook up to water source to provide water for livestock. Hog/Sow Water Bowl with Push Button Hog/Sow Water Bowl with Push Button comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Used to keep fresh water available to hogs.
Scince that is what I paid for her as a baby. I have a Full Yorkshire Sow. She is over 400 pounds. She was also a class winner when shown. I like the Hampshire sows better, they throw better babies with my registered york boar.
Have males and females, starting at $40 and up. Less than one year old sow and two sets of piglets born August 22th and 24th 2008. These are free range and also fed twice daily. These are nice sized starter pigs.
Old tamworth sows 1yorkshire sow $350.00 each 4250 350lbs+/- also yorkshire 3yr old has littered 2 and 3 year old pure bred tamworth breeding sows $350.00 each have had litters.
She is white with some dark markings she may be a duroc cross. We can not afford the to feed. We well sell for $300 min. She is a pet kind of, but she is getting to big, she was bought to show but has never been out of the pasture.
I am helping to sell my friends 2yr old Hampshire breeding sow for sale at $500. Email for pictures. She also has a 5x7 farrowing crate that stands 1ft off the ground, for sale $700.
The adults are solid balck and some babies have some white markings on legs. I have 3 sows and 2 boars and several babies. These are wonderful animals for a smaller acerage. I will also consider trade.
Ok well Im not sure she is the worlds largest sow but she is called that-people's mouth's drop when they see her! would love to have her officially measured. She is \\"all natural\\" minus one pen.
The farm covers approximately 1280 acres, with all infrastructure, including a feed mill in place. One of the largest outdoor sow operations in the US. The farm is currently in operation.
Pastured, soy free, GMO free, gentle. 4 Registered \"Matilda\" Large Black Sows for Sale in TX. The other 3 are ~9 mo old and exposed to a pending registration Large Black Noble Sam.