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What Is the Difference Between Perfect & Imperfect Flowers?
The University of Illinois website lists squash, corn, clematis and begonias as species with pistillate and staminate flowers on the same plant. Such flowers are also called pistillate flowers because they have a developed, working pistil but lack a functioning...
Santa Monica
How Big Do Azaleas Grow?
If they are properly cared for, azaleas can grow for up to several hundred years.Gardening books and catalogs frequently list the top height that the shrub will reach in 10 years. According to the Azalea Society of America, there are several thousand...
Santa Monica
Is the Lucky Bamboo Plant a Good Clean Air Plant?
Other plants that improve air quality include English ivy, peace lily and weeping fig.Just because lucky bamboo has no impact on air quality does not mean you should throw away existing plants or choose not to purchase them.
Santa Monica
How to Tell if Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Oil is Genuine
If you smell roses, the manufacturer added fragrance, and the oil probably is not genuine rose hip oil.Place some of the oil on a white surface and look at the color. Try to determine where the oil was produced and look for any "organic" statements.
Santa Monica
Fruit Trees That Grow Well in Minnesota
The Parker pear produces a medium-sized, yellowish-bronze fruit. In addition to producing high-quality fruit, the La Crescent plum is a vigorous grower. The Alderman plum is noted both for its ornamental value and for the magnificent burgundy-red fruit...
Santa Monica
Tree With Blooms That Look Like Carnations
This plant grows in USDA zones 4 through 8.HITOSHI KAWAKAMI/amanaimagesRF/amana images/Getty ImagesA close-up on coral pink blooms of a Japanese rose bush.Other small trees produce flowers that look like carnations.
Santa Monica
List of Monocot & Dicot Flowers
Although the flower head is made of many separate flowers, in the center there are tiny five-petal disk flowers. If you cut the stem open, it will look like a ring of spots.Telling the difference between monocots and dicots.Tulip, iris, crocus and daffodil...
Santa Monica
A List of Flowers With No Smell
The hibiscus draws humming birds and butterflies to its nectar through its long stamen. The stalk can grow 1- to 3-feet tall and the flower is 2 to 3 inches wide. Fragrance-free flowers are usually bright and attractive in other ways, like having long...
Santa Monica
Plants Toxic to Animals: The Lipstick Plant
The lipstick plant will thrive in an environment that is hot, humid and sunny. The difference is that a non-toxic plant will merely make the animal sick, which it will eventually get over, whereas a toxic plant could kill the animal.Though an animal will...
Santa Monica
How Aspirin Water Helps Plants
Plants increase their own production of salicylic acid to heal themselves when threatened by disease, even emitting a salicylic gas to warn other plants that dangerous insects are around.
Santa Monica
Garden Plants That Animals Will Not Eat
But every list is topped by this warning: An animal will eat anything if it is hungry enough. Here are some plants that should remain fairly safe in your garden.Irene Shonle, writing for Colorado State University Extension Service, advises that, in general,...
Santa Monica
List of Shapes for Leaf Identification
The carnivorous plant Drosera intermedia is one of many with this type of leaf.A close-up of circular leaves on a delicate baby tears plant.As the name implies, these leaves are completely round.
Santa Monica
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
Better known as Dracaena sanderiana, this plant is a fixture in many households.Connoisseurs agree that not all bamboo is created equally.Lucky bamboo, also known as "Belgian evergreen," is a woody shrub with shiny green leaves.
Santa Monica
Are Lemon and Lime Poisonous to Dogs?
A dog might vomit, suffer diarrhea, drool and tremble excessively and show signs of ataxia. Dry the dog and keep it warm, watching it carefully for further symptoms. Long-term effects can include depression and liver failure, resulting in the animal's...
Santa Monica
Are Tomatillos Acidic?
Tomatillo fruits, called tomatillos, belong on the list of highly alkalizing foods due to their effect on the body's pH level. When making salsa, 5 cups of tomatillos with their husks removed make roughly 2 pints of salsa.
Santa Monica
How to Identify a White Flowering Tree
They are dark green on the top and light green on the bottom.Analyze the bark on the tree. Black locust tree leaves grow up to 2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. White flowering trees such as sweetbay magnolia has oval or oblong shaped leaves.
Santa Monica
List of Organic Fertilizers
Organic fertilizers are simply those derived from natural plant or animal sources. Fish powders and fish meal are more expensive than fish emulsion, but they also provide more nutrients.Kelp is available in liquid, powder or granular formulas.
Santa Monica
List of Fruit Bearing Trees
Often the darker red or black fruits produce a higher quality flesh, according to Trade Winds Fruit. It has fragrant white flowers that are approximately 2 inches in diameter. Many species of fruit trees originate around the world and each require little...
Santa Monica
List of Flowering Trees
Often, the tree varieties are grown in containers. The flowers of the crabapple tree have five petals and range in color from white to deep pink. Some have large flowers, such as the magnolia tree, while others–like the weeping cherry tree–have clusters...
Santa Monica
Problems With Weeping Willow Trees
Always seeking water, the deep roots of the plant may clog sewer and water pipes on the property. Scale sucks nutrients from the tree, and may appear on leaves or on bark. Symptoms include holes in the tree and a fine dust around the holes.
Santa Monica
How to Identify Oak Trees
But if you are in a swampy forest area, it is likely a water oak.Although acorns are not always available to investigate depending on the season and the tree's maturity, they can be particularly helpful while trying to identify an oak tree.
Santa Monica
A List of Several Adaptations of Land Plants Significant for Terrestrial Survival
They open and close depending on the environmental and physiological conditions. Land plants have small openings on the underside of leaves. Most adaptations of land plants have to do with obtaining, retaining and using water and minerals.A waxy cuticle...
Santa Monica
How to Identify Trees With Berries in Texas
Seeing a tree with berries growing in Texas immediately narrows the list of possible species, since not all trees bear fruit and even fewer trees have fruits that resemble berries.
Santa Monica
Hand Farming Tools
For smaller farms, it is common to do everything by hand. They can be attached to horses or simply pulled by the farmer to move large amounts of fruit or produce during the harvest.
Santa Monica
A List of Flowers
Bulbs like tulips, caladium and crocus provide a sense of drama due to their unusual shapes.The beginner gardener may want to dive into this hobby by choosing from a list of perennials that are readily available across geographic regions and that have...
Santa Monica
List of Plant Diseases Caused by Bacteria
The pruning should be completed with sharp, sterile pruning shears that are sterilized between each cut. The University of Minnesota explains that there are more than 160 species of plant bacteria, each with its own growth rate.
Santa Monica
How to Find a Commercial Greenhouse for Rent
If so, discuss who you should follow up with and contact that individual. Follow up with any recommendations you receive, indicating what you are looking for and that you are willing to discuss rates.Place a want ad on the Greenhouse Industry Classified...
Santa Monica