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Winter in my garden
Soon, it started to snow with tiny snowflakes which dressed up the trees and plants in a beautiful white coat.After a day and a half it stopped snowing and the freeze began. I tell you, they were not so happy to hear that!
El Segundo
The Landscape in Winter
The trees, planted in the mid 1950s, are spaced about 6 feet apart and are 40 to 50 feet tall. They have changed the way the snow drifts in the side yard,Today, they have completely changed the drifts again, with a wind that has shifted twice.They speak...
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The Benefits of Snow in the Garden
This is something we as gardeners can learn from when working our perennial beds. We dread the 'white stuff' and long for spring, however snow is a very important part of a healthy garden in cold winter areas.
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Plugusorul: A Romanian Carol Wishing for Our Daily Bread
Only this isn't the right answer because, from wheat to flour, there is a long and hard process. And since outside is cold and we stay inside around the fire, you might want to bake a bread, using my recipe of traditional, plain bread.Put the flour into...
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You Must Believe In Spring
Not until I tried to grow roses myself did I realise the incongruity of the secret of a rose being benea...Just think if winter comes, can spring be far behind?Is merely that it knows you must believe in Spring!This one song, which I first heard years...
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Snowflakes: Singular Wonders
Taking their name from the Greek word “dendrites” (“pertaining to a tree”), stellar dendrites branch repeatedly during their formation, becoming more and more intricate. In 1885, Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley, a self-educated Vermont farmer,...
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Growing Snow In Summer Plants – Information On The Care Of Snow In Summer Ground Cover
However, a 5-inch deep edge will usually keep this plant in its borders.Don't let Cerastium silver carpet ground cover go unnoticed. The soil must be kept moist for proper germination but once the plant is established, it is very drought tolerant.Established...
If the world is getting warmer, why is it so cold?
At least that's the way it works in the summer.We're used to dry, arid winters, needing lip balm and extra moisturizer. States like Alabama, Louisiana and Texas were treated to a sprinkling of the white stuff for the first time in years.
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Christmas: Snow or No Snow, It\'s All Good
Usually there has been enough rain by then to get the moisture content of plants up to a safer level. To the believer, the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of Christ - is independent of climate, time, or place.
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Making Snow Flowers with my Children
Pictures are everywhere. You are not limited to flowers alone; there is a plethora of designs you can create in the snow. You'll need a long sick or dowel to use as a pencil. And we all had fun.
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Caring For Glory Of The Snow Bulbs
Be careful when growing glory of the snow, however, as it may become aggressive and spread.Glory of the snow bulbs are native to Turkey. A few of the naturalized species you might find growing wild in Turkish fields include:There are numerous cultivars...
Snow In Summer Plant Care – Reasons For No Flowers On Snow In Summer Plant
This will feed the plant for up to 3 months, providing it nutrition to both flower and produce foliage. They bloom in late spring to early summer, producing a carpet of bright white flowers quickly.
Snow Blower, Snow Plow or Both: Which Do You Need?
Here are some factors to consider. A large snow plow can move a huge amount of snow in a short amount of time, which is a must for those days when two feet of snow falls from the sky and you need to get your driveway cleared as soon as possible.
Bishop\'s Weed Plant – Keeping Snow On The Mountain Ground Cover Under Control
The plants spread by means of brittle underground rhizomes, and digging up unwanted plants often causes them to spread even more because broken bits of rhizomes quickly form new plants.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Bishop\'s Weed Reversion – Learn About Variegation Loss In Bishop\'s Weed
If your bishop's weed is losing its variegation, read on for information.Why is my snow on the mountain losing color? , bishop's weed is a rambunctious plant native to western Asia and Europe.
Strawberries and Snow
A little mulch, a few unraked leaves and a foot of snow might be all your dormant plants need to survive a long cold winter.All that information sure doesn't dampen my craving for strawberries in February, though.The thumbnail is a photo of one of my...
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Winter\'s Wrath: Ice and Snow Damage
Tree experts have determined that wound dressings neither prevent decay nor keep out insects. Not all specimens are so lucky.Our trees, shrubs, and perennials enter a period of dormancy as days shorten and temperatures cool in the fall.
El Segundo
Snow Cover
When watering trees, don't put the hose right next to the trunk. As with watering, don't pile your mulch up against the trunk of the tree, where it will only attract such destructive rodents as mice and voles; spread it over the root zone, if possible...
El Segundo
Plow Snow With Your Lawn Mower Or ATV/UTV
You can also increase the weight of your tractor or ATV/UTV by carrying heavy objects (such as sandbags) above the drive wheels; the extra weight will press down and give the tires better traction on slippery ground.
Sugar on Snow
If you happen to have one, why, get it out and dust it off! At the right moment, you (or more properly, your little person) will need plates and bowls packed full of snow,snow. Luckily for us, we didn't have to start with the maple tree.
El Segundo
Snow Seeds
I told my mother that I was going outside to play in the snow, but in my pocket I had all those seeds I had saved for myself, two of a kind. My little old lady friends in the nursing home love those gifts, because I include in theirs a small pot and a...
El Segundo
Onion Snow
Maybe his Nona will let him plant onions with her too. Earlier this week we had our “onion snow.” Not sure if the whole world knows what “onion snow” is, but it's what my mom calls the season's last light dusting of snow (it might be a Pennsylvania...
Snow Cover
Hopefully this year they'll stay nestled in the ground with no heaving and root freeze to speak of. Better safe than sorry. I guess it's a lean year for all the birds around here. The tri-lobed coreopsis is standing tall and my ornamental grasses continue...
13 Snow-removal Tools for 2012
View the slideshow below to find the best plow, snowblower, ATV attachment or other equipment to help relieve your snow burden. Winter conditions can be harsh on the farm, but your winter chores don't have to be.
Snow Mold Fungus: Learn About Snow Mold Control
After all, isn't it too cold under the snow for fungi to grow?Snow mold is actually a group of fungal diseases caused by pathogenic fungus that lie dormant in the soil until the conditions are just right to invade nearby grasses.
8 Snow Removal Tools To Keep Paths Clear This Winter
Keep the square-point shovel handy for getting a sharp, clean scrape on flat areas such as stairs, concrete and around garage doors. Pusher-style snow shovels can be useful for clearing wide, flat areas where the snow isn't too deep, such as decks and...
Gardening in the Snow
Everyday when we venture outdoors to play, I'm clearing the snow off our small trees and shrubs. I'll bet Florida is reeking with garden happiness – I'm gonna check it out and report back to you from the sunshine! « More Dirt on Gardening »