Serial number E00348X843894. *This piece of machinery is at an auxiliary lot at: 3839 VanDyke Rd., Marlette, MI 48453 - it is not at our store in Chesterfield, MI. John Deere 348 Square Baler w/ Thrower Stock# 6472 John Deere 348 square baler with a John...
Serial number E00348X990136. *This piece of machinery is at an auxiliary lot at: 3839 VanDyke Rd., Marlette, MI 48453 - it is not at our store in Chesterfield, MI. John Deere 348 Square Baler w/ Thrower Stock# 6409 John Deere 348 square baler with a John...
This machine is a MultiBale version, enabling you to pack up to 9 small packs in one big bale this is set from the control box in the cab while working in the field. Please call to make an offer!