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Small Climbing Roses

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Angel Face Climbing Rose
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Large two year specimen plants. Now you can enjoy the exquisite beauty and fragrance of this lavender rose as an everblooming climber. Angel Face blooms prolifically throughout the season, producing large, 3-4'' ruffled-edge flowers.
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Spread: 2-4'
  • Zones: 4-9
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
Climbing Rose Bargain
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

Can tolerate zone 4 with winter protection. So order as many as you can use at these bargain prices! We send mixed colors of our choice. We can't tell you which variety you will receive, but they are all our regular top-quality climbing roses.
  • Zones: 5-9
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun
Thornless Climbing Rose
Prices start at : 9.49 USD / each

Grows 8-12' tall and is an absolute must for any garden. Does remarkably well in shade and is excellent for north facing walls and areas with little sunlight. Extremely tolerant of alkaline soil and pollution.
  • Zones: 5-9
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Colors: Pink
  • Season Color: Summer
Blaze Climbing Rose
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Climbing Blaze Rose is an ideal pillar rose for planting along fences, porches, or arches. Climbing Blaze Rose will cover a lot of space with intense 2-3'' non-fading blooms. This is the improved free-blooming strain.
  • Zones: 5-9
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Colors: Red
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
Climbing Show Garden Rose
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Truly befitting its name, it blooms from late May right up to freezing. Never in our experience have we been so in love with a climbing rose as with this one! The 6-7' Climbing Show Garden Roses are covered with the large 4-5'' fully double flowers of...
  • Zones: 3-10
  • Colors: Pink
  • Spread: 4-6'
  • Season Color: Summer
Joseph\'s Coat Climbing Rose
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Climbing Joseph Rose's have tight buds that are cardinal red, changing to marigold orange, then opening into 3'' flowers of bright yellow splashed with crimson and finally turning cardinal red.
  • Spread: 2-4'
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Colors: Orange, Pink, Red, Yellow
  • Zones: 4-10
Orange Velvet Climbing Rose
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

ORDER EARLY -- SUPPLY IS LIMITED! Large 3-5'' fragrant blooms all season long in a showy color seen in few other roses. Ideal for trellises and arbors or plant several to cover a wall or fence.
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Zones: 3-10
  • Spread: 4-6'
Rose Collar
Prices start at : 6.49 USD / each

Allow moisture in during rains, but prevent erosion of mulch. Easy to assemble. Fold flat for storage. Eliminate die back caused by drying out of the canes. Can be used season after season.
  • Deer Resistant: No
  • Zones: 1-11
Climbing Golden Showers Rose
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

However you use it, Golden Showers is certain to make your home or garden more beautiful. An all-purpose climber, this All American Award Winner can be trained on a fence or trellis, or it makes a natural, self-supporting pillar rose.
  • Colors: Yellow
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Max Height (feet): 10
  • Spread: 2-4'
Viking Queen Climbing Rose
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Will begin to bloom within 60-90 days after planting. This top-grade rose is disease resistant, especially to black spot. The Viking Queen Rose is an energetic climber that can handle the summer heat without fading and can take the winter cold down to...
  • Zones: 4-10
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Max Height (feet): 12
Skyscape Roses
Roses that Climb: How to Grow them and Enjoy Them. They may have interesting foliage or hips or fruits that prolong their seasonal interest. Place the hole at least two feet from the tree trunk and make it large enough for the roots.
El Segundo
Love Across the Miles
There have been many stories of heroics and testament to the strength of human spirit and kindness that have emerged over the years but this particular story really touched my heart.
El Segundo
Popcorn Drift Rose
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

It's a tasty treat for the eyes to be sure! A hybrid between traditional roses and groundcover varieties, this diminutive selection is versatile, able to stand alone or even "drift" over borders or walls.
  • Mature Spread: 2 - 3 feet
  • Mature Height: 1 - 2 feet
  • Flower Color: Yellow
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Growth Rate: Medium
Pink Drift Groundcover Rose
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

Use the Pink Drift Rose as a ground cover, mass planting, as a border, or as a container plant. From the miniatures, they inherited their well-managed size and repeat-blooming nature.
  • Mature Height: 2 - 3 feet
  • Botanical Name: Rosa 'Meijocos'
  • Soil Type: Well Drained
  • Foliage: Dark Green
  • Flower Color: Pink
Red Knock Out Rose Shrub
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

It's sure to be a winner with you as well! * Exceptional, long-blooming roses * Disease resistant * Winter interest * Thrives in all climates Award-Winning, Prolific Bloomer Red Knock Out Rose is a remarkably hardy shrub that produces amazing roses.
  • Flower Color: Red
  • Botanical Name: Rosa KNOCK OUT 'Radrazz'
  • Mature Spread: 3 - 4 feet
  • Mature Height: 3 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Pink Rugosa Rose
Prices start at : 55.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

It is a fast growing-expanding by up to 2 feet per year and is suitable for any soil conditions. This rose is widely used in landscaping and as a hedge because if its tough disease tolerant characteristics and profuse number of thorns.
  • Botanical Name: Rosa rugosa
  • Soil Type: Widely Adaptable
  • Mature Spread: 4 - 8 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Foliage: Green
Cinco de Mayotm Rose
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

Inheriting Julia Child's profuse blooming tendency, these clusters of blooms never stop poppin' open and flaunt their flirty fiesta colors. This is a seedling of 'Julia Child' that puts a whole new spin on ‘flower power'.

3 - 4 feet

    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
    • Growth Rate: Medium
    • Mature Spread: 3 - 4 feet
    • Botanical Name: Rosa CINCO DE MAYO 'WEKcobeju'
    • Mature Height: 3 - 4 feet
    Marmalade Skiestm Rose Tree Form
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    Marmalade Skies is a floribunda, so each stem is a one-snip bouquet Marmalade Skiestm Rose Tree care: Your rose tree prefers rich, well drained soil. This healthy, hardy rose is a reliable bloomer and will be a workhorse in your garden.
    • Foliage Color: Green
    • Soil Type: Well-Drained
    • Botanical Name: Floribunda Rose 'Marmalade Skies'
    • Fruiting Time: Fall
    • Mature Spread: 2 - 3 feet
    • Growth Rate: Medium
    Livin Easy Rose
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

    The Livin' Easy rose is easy to care for, is very hardy, and disease resistant. The Rose Livin' Easy produces waves of fragrant, double, apricot, orange and yellow blossoms with a hint of pink.
    • Foliage Color: Moderate
    • Mature Height: 4 feet
    • Botanical Name: Rosa 'Livin Easy'
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
    Pink Knock Out Rose
    Prices start at : 55.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

    If unpruned, this rose can grow to more than 3 to 4 feet tall and as wide. If winter's freezing breezes kill the top growth, the rose will grow back in the spring, and the recovered rose will look the same as the one you purchased.
    • Botanical Name: Rosa PINK KNOCK OUT 'Radcon'
    • Growth Rate: Medium
    • Mature Spread: 1 - 4 feet
    • Mature Height: 2 - 4 feet
    Campfire Rose
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    And what a statement it makes! The glossy green foliage is the perfect backdrop for the smoldering blooms that open a bright yellow and gradually get a hot pink picotee edge. Campfire was bred and tested across Canada and is hardy to Zone 3 – it can...
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
    • Moisture: Medium
    • Foliage: Green
    • Mature Height: 2 - 3 feet
    • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
    • Flower Color: Pink, Red and Orange
    Nearly Wild Rose
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    The 3-inch, single blooms feature delightfully pink, 5-petaled blossoms with yellow stamens and a deliciously, mild fragrance. Nearly Wild Rose offers roses that begin their bloom in May and continue right into fall.
    • Flower Color: Pink
    • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
    • Botanical Name: Rosa 'Nearly Wild'
    • Growth Rate: Medium
    Hansa Hybrid Rugosa Rose
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    The dramatic purple-fuchsia color and heavy blooms will certainly draw you in for a closer look. Many rose enthusiasts prefer the fussier tea rose plants because of their larger blooms, but your Hansa Rose has sizable flowers.
    • Botanical Name: Rosa rugosa 'Hansa'
    • Foliage Color: Moderate
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
    • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
    Easy Elegance Mystic Fairy Rose
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    This creates a striking background to the dazzling show of blooms that keep coming for months. New foliage grows a glossy red and then turns to a dark green. Mystic Fairy rose gives you the classic beauty of your grandma's hybrid tea roses without all...
    • Foliage Color: Very Fragrant
    • Brand: Easy Elegance
    • Mature Spread: 1 - 4 feet
    • Botanical Name: Rosa EASY ELEGANCE 'BAIfairy'
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
    Easy Elegance All the Rage Rose
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    All The Rage, like all Easy Elegance roses, is an easy care rose – much easier than older hybrid tea roses. As they age the blooms turn a luminous lipstick pink before they drop cleanly off of the plant.
    • Botanical Name: Rosa EASY ELEGANCE 'BAIrage'
    • Flower Color: Apricot Blend
    • Mature Spread: 24 - 54 inches
    • Mature Height: 3 - 5 feet
    Easy Elegance Snowdrift Rose
    Prices start at : 49.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

    Easy Elegance Snowdirft is a classic rose look without the classic rose headaches. No need to stay on top of deadheading for Snowdrift to keep its clean look! These beautiful cluster of blooms keep their color before cleanly dropping off the bush.
    • Mature Height: 3 - 4 feet
    • Flower Color: White
    • Brand: Easy Elegance
    • Botanical Name: Rosa 'BAIrift'
    Champlain Rose Shrub
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    The Champlain Rose has beautiful dark velvet red blooms. Prune this plant in late winter or early spring. This rose is classified as a Kordesii rose. Champlain was developed in Canada and it is noted for its winter hardiness, disease resistance and repeat...
    • Flower Color: Deep Red
    • Mature Height: 2 - 3 feet
    • Growth Rate: Medium
    • Botanical Name: Rosa 'Champlain'
    • Mature Spread: 30 - 48 inches