Florikote breaks the feast or famine cycle of other conventional and inferior slow release technologies, ensuring that nutrients remain available to your plants and are not leached into the environment.
This fertilizer contains Florikans unique polymer-coated calcium nitrate along with a very high rate of nitrate nitrogen. This fertilizer also contains chelated iron and calcium to give your plants a deep-green leaf color.
Product Benefits
Desirable levels of calcium and magnesium: Product Benefits
Bag weight (pounds): 50: Specs
High level of available nitrogen: Product Benefits
Chelated iron and calcium for a deep green leaf color: Product Benefits
Potassium and calcium increase for plant strength: Product Benefits
Florikote breaks the feast or famine cycle of other conventional and inferior slow release technologies, ensuring that nutrients remain available to your plants and are not leached into the environment.
in landscape, 9 to 14 lbs per 1000 sq ft. For incorporating into a potting mix, 9 to 14 lbs per cu yd Container rates vary considerably; see label for details: Application Rates
Many other commercial fertilizers are unable to provide these types of nutrients. This product replenishes essential micro-nutrients in the soil. If fertilized before dormancy, the plant may still utilize the nitrogen to set new fruit.
Product Features
Product Benefits
Contains zero pesticides, insecticides, herbicides: Product Features
Sulfur content: 10.40%: Specs
Improves water retention and drainage: Product Benefits
Includes humates, microbes, and probiotics: Product Features
Contains multiple sources of calcium: Product Features
Works with all soil types regardless of pH — no soil test required: Product Benefits
Should not be used on sensitive crops like annuals and perennials. Plants and turf are healthier when they receive a consistent source of nutrient. Contains early release of nutrients for quick greenup.
Product Features
50 lb bags: Specs
2 to 3 months: Specs
Should not be used on sensitive crops like annuals and perennials: Product Features
Contains early release of nutrients for quick greenup: Product Features
This fertilizer contains nitrogen (5%), phosphorus (8%), potassium (10%), calcium (8.47%), and sulfur (9.71%). Everything your tomatoes need! HyR BRIX Tomato Fertilizer provides what your tomatoes require for a healthy growth cycle.
Product Benefits
Sulfur content: 9.71%: Specs
Enhances garden production without harming other plants: Product Benefits
Works with all soil types regardless of pH — no soil test required: Product Benefits
Raises the Brix level of the plant: Product Benefits
A dry granular, slow release product: Product Features
Approximate overage area per bag (square feet): 1,250: Specs
Built to have neutral pH, produce minimal dust, sourced from recycled trees, and loaded with blood meal, bone meal, and dolomitic limestone ARBORChar Root, Flower & Fruit goes above and beyond traditional biochar products.
#18612 is the "horticulture industry standard" in controlled release nutrition. The 3:1:2 is ideal for greenhouse and container nursery stock. Also ideal for propagation and fall feeding.
Composed of water soluble nutrients.Due to the current instability in the fertilizer markets, AM Leonard's printed materials may not reflect updated pricing. Please contact us for pricing information.
So easy to use! Bury it and forget it; works for one year! Controlled release fertilizer packets are designed to make it virtually impossible to over or under feed trees, plants and shrubs.
Happy Frog Rose Food is custom blended to create strong plants and increase the color intensity of your flowers. Includes mycorrhizae and humic acid. Available size: 4 lb Bag DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Mix 1/2 cup per 5 gallons of soil or topdress 1/2 to 3 cups...
When used as directed this fertilizer will help to increase bud set and flower size, as well as enhance the flavor and fragrance of fruit and flowering plants. Side dress rows and gently work into top layer of soil.
Composed of water soluble nutrients.Due to the current instability in the fertilizer markets, AM Leonard's printed materials may not reflect updated pricing. Please contact us for pricing information.
Gardens: Use 1/2 to 3 cups per established plant or topdress 1/2 to 3 cups per 10 sq. FoxFarm Happy Frog Flower Fertilizer is specifically designed to supply essential nitrogen for vegetative growth.
Grower's Tip: Blossom end rot appears as a round, brown shrunken area on the end of the tomato fruit, opposite the stem. BLOWOUT SALE! Organic Laboratories Tomato Maker is a unique fertilizer containing natural sources of major nutrients combined with...
So easy to use! Bury it and forget it; works for one year! Controlled release fertilizer packets are designed to make it virtually impossible to over or under feed trees, plants and shrubs.
Multiple forms of calcium combine with other nutrients to enhance your plants immune systems and make them more resilient to blight and other diseases. For maximum effect, apply before planting.
Product Benefits
Bag weight (pounds): 50: Specs
Works with all soil types regardless of pH — no soil test required: Product Benefits
Contains zero pesticides, insecticides, herbicides: Product Features
Fertilizer type: Granular: Specs
Sulfur content: 10.40%: Specs
Improves water retention and drainage: Product Benefits
All purpose product designed for professional landscape, field grown nursery stock, composting medias, and container grown plants. Contains iron and other micronutrients for enhanced greening and stress tolerance.
Product Benefits
Application Rates
50 lb bag: Specs
Incorporate between 7 and 15 pounds per cubic yard of soil OR broadcast 11 to 19 pounds per 1,000 square feet: Application Rates
All purpose product designed for landscape and field grown stock: Product Benefits
Contains iron for green-up of plants. NOTE: Iron could stain concrete and other surfaces so if it is mis-applied to those, sweep off right away. Do not rinse off: Product Benefits
Container plant rates vary, see label for details: Application Rates
For more information, consult the Bountea Brewing Instructions (PDF). Apply to foliage with a sprayer covering 70% of the top and bottom surfaces of leaves. Ingredients: Dehydrated fish powder, soft rock phosphate and potassium sulfate.
Includes 2.1% sulfur, 1.1% calcium, 0.62% Iron. Watering cycles break down tablets to disperse over time. 3 gram tablets; box of 4,400. A great value! Slow release nutrition that delivers bigger and healthier plants for strong growth! Compare the value!...
Gardens: Use 1-2 cups Rainbow Mix per 25 square feet every 12 weeks throughout the growing season. Essentially it works the same way, just a little faster and is more active. It also has more natural amendments added to increase NPK.
Work into soil and water. Place in the bottom of the hole and mix into soil. Additional Treatments: Prepare a solution of 1 Tbsp Age Old Liquid Kelp in a gallon of water and use in combination with this product.
Age Old In Full-Bloom Fertilizer is a fast-acting, high phosphorus combination. Soil Preparation & Row Transplant: Apply 2 to 3 pounds per 100 square feet. Additional Treatments: Following germination and the formation of 4 true leaves, foliar feed with...
For trees, shrubs, and potted plants, please see label. Espoma's Holly-Tone is 100% natural, backed by 80+ years of proven success, and rich in natural organics. This natural alternative to use around people and pets will boost growth and production for...
8 lb. bag covers 80 160 sq. ft. Feed established plants twice yearly, Spring and Fall; use half the recommended rate in the Fall application. For garden beds, mix 5 -10 lbs per 100 sq. ft. For trees, shrubs, and potted plants, please see Label: Application Rates
For established plants, add one cup for every 10 square feet of growing area, or top-dress one Tbsp per 6” container (4 Tbsp per 12” container). OMRI Listed for use in organic production.
Put around plants, Crab Shell will keep slugs and snails off. An excellent dry organic source of nutrients, including calcium (23%) and magnesium (1.33%). It will help eliminate ants, grubs, fungus and root nematodes, because they are all chitin based...