They are are Medium to Large and weight around 900 on average. Eating 5 lbs of 14% feed and on Fescue and summer grass. They will meet the Ag Enhancement requirements and will start calving February thru March.
68 Bred heifers are black or black-baldie and are all AI bred to Basin Excitement(1AN01230) , a Low Birth Weight, Calving Ease Registered Black Angus Bull and cleaned-up with Registered Low Birth Weight Black Angus Bulls * Heifers are home raised and...
Can be registered. 26 simmental heifers, most ready to breed, mostly blacks & bwf, few reds. These are out of excellent bulls and a herd we have spent 25 years building by keeping our own heifers.
Call Will McKee 731-307-8905 Full vaccine program. Located in Lexington TN (west TN). 900lbs and are due to calve December-January. Price is $2200 per head. 25 Bred Heifers Priced to Move! Confirmed bred to "AAA 17695876" ,an own son of GAR Prophet, with...
$4200 Purebred shorthorn. Blue roan bred cow. Lost her first calf who weighed 120 pounds at birth. A purebred shorthorn bull. Retired show heifer as well. Bred with her second to Bold.
Average weight 570lbs All sired by ai bulls. 2-angus heifers by Coleman Charlo 0256 2- simangus heifers by Dual Focus Have had 2 rounds of virasheild 6 and vision 20/20 Wormed with cydectin pour on $1100 per head or take all 4 for $4000
All 5 to 6 months bred. All 2 to 4 months bred $1,500 each All heifers are naturally bred to registered Angus bulls with low birth weight and easy calving credentials. Theses are real nice heifers raised on our farm and one other farm close by.
1000-1200 pounds. One black baldie is exposed to bull. Bull calf is $500. Verified by veterinarian to be 3-4 months bred. I will sell the entire herd for $23,500. Selling entire herd.
Looking for a good milker we have it all. I have Jerseys, Short horns, Angus and Holsteins Ages range 4 week bottle fed calves to 4 years old. Our Jerseys give 4-5 gallons a day! Our Holsteins give 5-7 gallons daily.
All vaccinations current. 2 calves on the ground and coming quick. Vet checked to calve by Thanksgiving. 5 black baldie-15 black, average wt, 1250lbs. Nice set of two year old heifers.
Looking for a good milker we have it all. I have Jerseys, Short horns, Angus and Holsteins Ages range 4 week bottle fed calves to 4 years old. Our Jerseys give 4-5 gallons a day! Our Holsteins give 5-7 gallons daily.
Actually hate to see my listed cattle go. She'll be 3 yrs old 11/19/17 and was 48" tall, weighed 926 lbs in April of this year...and still growing. If interested or have questions, just call.
He takes his build from his sire so he is a slightly smaller bull also. Asking $1600, but price is negotiable, call if interested. He has thrown lower birth weight calves from the three first time heifers he's serviced.
He's only slightly smaller and has had no problem servicing full size cows. From good solid performance bloodlines. Comes from solid hereford bloodlines. Born on our small farm with close attention to their care.
Calves have been dehorned and vaccinated. They have been grain fed since weaning. I have several head of feeder calves for sale they are Jersey, Holstein, beef cross and Dexter/Jersey cross.
Some out of Hereford cows and others out of angus cows. All out of brahma Bulls. Around 50 heifers. Out of very good Bulls. They are weaned and ready to go. Make some good cows Weigh from 550 to 680.
Will make a great group of replacements. All are open and have never been exposed to a bull. All are tagged, vaccinated, and wormed. Estimated weight is 650-700 lbs. I have for sale a group of 25 open replacement heifers.