Once you have forget-me-nots in your garden, it is rarely necessary to plant seed. If you want more flowers in that site, leave plants in place until fall to allow the seeds to sow themselves naturally.
Forget-me-not plants often grow near brooks and streams and other bodies of water which offer the high humidity and moisture that is desirable to this species.The perennial forget-me-not flower spreads easily, freely self-seeding for more of the wildflower...
Most gardeners prefer to cover up their thorny legs and forget-me-not plants make a great choice for the job, as they will grow up to about two feet (0.5 meter) tall.. There is little you need to do to help them thrive, but you can choose some excellent...
This is a good way to control small numbers of forget-me-nots. However, like many introduced species (also known as exotic plants), forget-me-nots lack natural checks and balances, including diseases and pests that keep native plants in their place.
Strategically placed ant baits can help control the tiny farmers.. This serious fungal pathogen will destroy any forget-me-not it comes into contact with, so dig and destroy all affected plants and those that are immediate neighbors if you hope to control...
Itand spreads without being weedy, so it is a great choice for an area that needs filling, especially a shady area.Container grown forget-me-nots can do just as well as those in beds and borders, and there are several reasons to go with a pot instead...
Once the seedlings have sprouted,to one every 18 inches. As time went on and the popularity of compact, easily transplanted flowers grew, the kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate flower fell out of favor.
If you've already got a bench you love, this exhibit might inspire you to finish it off with a cushion and pillows for a more elegant look.This pergola design caught our eye because of its irregular shape.
The beauty of these types of plants is that they are made for sharing. Get creative, homemade gifts can be simple, and they are always appreciated because they are made and given with love.
Some of theover the years are due to mass production leading to poor quality nursery stock. They all belong to the same plant family. They have a fussy reputation, and many owners comment about unexplained leaf drop.
Even though these fit into one of the categories above, there may be enough of them to warrant having their own section.In subsequent articles, I will go more into depth about each of the sections listed above.
She used contrived flowers made from real plant material in her tiny, hanging design. In this design, as required by the Schedule, she used a frame. This design must have won its Section Award.
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
Exhibitors bring their best to the show. Containers appear dominant with soil volume and depth greater than a dish garden. National Garden Clubs (NGC) defines a trough as: “A miniature naturalistic landscape in a container to withstand year-round outdoor...
The first photo depicts a display of succulents, and the second picture is of the same succulents arranged in a collection.In a display, each specimen is first judged individually for cultural perfection, and then the whole exhibit is judged for decorative...
No classification is ever final. The family name of plants does not have to be used in flower show schedules or for naming exhibits, so even the horticulturists have not been overly concerned with plant families.
There are three other categories of Standard Flower Shows as determined by size. While these are considerations that haunt every exhibitor, the most important questions to ask are, "Did I learn something?" and "Did I have fun?" If exhibitors can answer...
Obviously the panel of judges who judged this exhibit did not agree, for the exhibit was awarded a blue ribbon and a Collector's Showcase Award.Exhibiting a collection in a Standard Flower Show is both fun and challenging.
Every year Valparaiso Garden Club of Valparaiso, Florida, stages a Standard Flower Show. Good, eh?Features red carnations enhanced by camellia foliage and SansevieriaSection B: "Encouraging Our Youth" --Designs may use fresh and/or dried plant materialClass...
You will use the two outside cords to tie the knots, while the two inside cords will be the ‘carrier' cords for your work.These three images will demonstrate how to tie the first series of knots.
Use filtered water, spring water, or freshwater aquarium water. This botanical bearer of good fortune is a tabletop plant having jointed green bamboo-like stems with a few slender leaves at the top.
Standard Flower Shows have three possible divisions: Horticulture, Design, and Special Exhibits. Special Exhibits may include educational exhibits, youth exhibits, sponsored groups, and gardens.
Uncovering it is like seeing an old friend. Amiable Spouse planted it years ago, and it provides all of the vines that I can use when I prune it in the winter. What a treasure it has become!
Artistic Crafts “Whimsical Crafts” The Artistic Craft Award (navy rosette) may be awarded to the highest scoring exhibit; must be a blue-ribbon winner scoring 95 points or higher.Class 1: “Floral Greetings” Greeting card using dried and pressed...
Just heat in microwave for no longer than two minutes. It was first cultivated in southeast Asia around 6000 B.C., it was documented in Europe by 4000 B.C, and was also found in Japan at about the same time.
Several vendors were even preparing snacks and drinks for the crowd to enjoy.Home and Garden shows are a great place to see what's new. We tried to be conservative in our purchases, but still came home with an impressive amount of plant material.
I can't believe the quality I get from this little device, especially in coping with low light situations. I would never have hesitated on this new device if I had known it would not lure me away from the garden, but keep me happier in it.