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Forget-Me-Not Seed Planting: Best Time To Plant Forget-Me-Not Seeds
Once you have forget-me-nots in your garden, it is rarely necessary to plant seed. These little blue bloomers are so unfussy you can plant them almost anywhere at any time and expect some flowers within the next year and a half., which means they flower...
Forget-Me-Not Plants – Information On Growing Forget-Me-Nots
) grows on tall, hairy stems which sometimes reach 2 feet in height. Fertilize forget-me-not plants once or twice each season, once in spring and again in autumn, if neededfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Forget-Me-Not Companions: Plants That Grow With Forget-Me-Nots
Is a popular and pretty late spring to early summer bloomer beloved by gardeners. Grow these in shady areas or in full sun. You'll get the bulbs first, then the forget-me-nots, with a little overlap that adds great visual interest to a bed.have all of...
Forget-Me-Not Control: How To Manage Forget-Me-Nots In The Garden
Are pretty little plants, but beware. Once it escapes its boundaries, controlling forget-me-not plants can become a major challenge. Forget-me-nots are easy to pull, or you can remove them by hoeing or cultivating the soil.
Forget-Me-Not Troubles: Problems With Forget-Me-Nots In Gardens
Strategically placed ant baits can help control the tiny farmers.. Whether you're having forget-me-not troubles or are simply preparing for the worst, this article will help you find the results you want.A robust stand of forget-me-nots is a truly remarkable...
Potted Forget-Me-Not Care: Growing Forget-Me-Not Plants In Containers
And, of course, you can always grow these flowers in pots to enjoy them indoors.Potted forget-me-not care is important because these native perennials are adapted to growing outside in certain conditions.
Care For Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate: Growing Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate Flower
It's making a comeback now, though, as more gardeners are learning about its benefits.Kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate is a very fast-growing annual thatin the fall. While the plant can grow up to seven feet tall and four feet wide, it rarely, if ever, needs...
Through the Years, We All Will Be Together
Figuratively speaking, our gardens and all we put into them are synonymous with love. To garden is to love and the plants contained within are a showcase of our kindness, patience, triumph and generosity.
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Breaking Bread and Swapping Plants: The First Ever Dave\'s Garden Roundup
Back in those days we were all newbies to a newbie gardening site and few, if any, of us knew one another except as screen names on the site. Most of the members attending (we have lost only a few) are still members: Roadrunner, her son Keith and DIL...
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Coffee and conversation: the evolution of an e-community
Our community seems so close-knit at times that it feels as though I should be able to step around the corner and drop in for a cup of coffee and a chat, maybe bring home a geranium cutting.That feeling has brought about some of our longest-running conversational...
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Iowa Roundup 2008--Portal to Plant Heaven
To borrow a quote from that famous scene in the movie, Field of Dreams (filmed in Iowa): "Is this heaven? Themeeting planners above are already making preparations for next year's roundup, which will beheld at the lakeside home of twinlakeschef near Ft
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Dave\'s Garden leads to Dinu\'s Garden
DCs were too expensive. I had opened my first e-mail in 1998. It's a great pleasure to see seeds from other parts of the world growing here. And I can boast DG is the only one gardening website I have time for, no kidding! It makes me sad to share here...
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Its a Small World After All
We all enjoy the natural world as much as Aurora, Snow White and Bambi. Bambi – well, enough said. Many of us escaped into our gardens and let the world go by. A flower expert in Japan was sharing her beautiful arrangements with a doctor/cactus grower...
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The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
I've been blessed with a Mother in law who is a cherished friend and fellow gardener. She could make anything grow; I swear to you just by giving it a smile - ok, that's not true...
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Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
He says, "the birds wasted no time moving in". Clickfor the second. His natural ability and his love for woodworking shone through many projects. He focuses on sparrows, swallows and Purple Martins.Although John has given away many of his creations to...
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The Love Garden: A lasting gift for your Valentine
Valentine's Day is set aside each year as a day for people celebrate their love with gifts and togetherness. It is that time of year again. With so many choices, there should never be a year pass that one can not add a Love Plant to their Love Garden.To...
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I (heart) my garden , my garden (hearts) me
'Hall's Hardy' almond is a hybrid which may take the chill of zone 6. Growing nut trees requires an investment in time and space, and harvesting them can be pretty labor intensive.
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Woody Perennials Bring the Fall Border to Life
They had observed their gardens for years, and they knew which plants would endure the heat and live to put on a show in the fall. Are bursting at the seams with new plants and possibilities for their gardens.
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Fun feature: Spotlight on BirdFiles
Experienced and helpful members from around the world will be more than happy to help you identify feathered visitors. The Spotlight this month is on our Dave's Garden resources that are all about our feathered friends.
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Limbaugh\'s Legacy: My Favorite Heirloom Tomato, \
Still, ‘Potato Top' seems to get great reviews from people across the country, and its popularity is growing among heirloom tomato aficionados.The color difference lies in the skin of the tomato.
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Dave\'s Garden\'s heroes: Extreme reverse makeover saves the day
Strangers worked in aggiegrl's lawn and became friends.The following became evident: true gardeners are never really strangers for we are all connected with the vines of gardening.
El Segundo
Years ago I transplanted a couple of forget-me-not clumps from my mother-in-law's pretty garden in Portland to our moist, shady front yard, where they happily reproduced with wild abandon (warning: They can be invasive).
Meet Dave\'s Gardeners in Your Area: Throw a Plant Party!
That way, if the person taking your plant home has any questions about it later, they'll know who to ask. Check the plant swap area for "orphans," too. After a swap, a thread is needed for photos, stories, follow-up questions about plants, andgeneral...
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Mistletoe: Kiss Me Quick!
It was thought to be a remarkable and sacred shrub because it seemed to grow from the air and not from the earth.Over time its folklore has grown to include the belief that the oak mistletoe could extinguish fire, that it held the soul of the host tree...
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The Bees and Me
In the early evenings, there have been minor skirmishes between the bees and the hummingbirds, who are just slightly bigger than the bees, in a bit of a turf war.For the most part, though, my bees are not aggressive, being happy simply to drink from the...
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A Pox on Me
My youngest hen, and the only chicken born on my property, was instead huddled deep in the coop on top of one of the nest boxes. I'm to keep her in isolation where I can monitor her food and water intake, give her daily antibiotics, and apply cream to...
Dutchman\'s Breeches, A Comedy of Errors
I remember that it was quite cool in the shade, and the legs of my jeans were damp with dew. The northern tribes used it as a love charm. It looked right pretty in the early morning sunlight.That was the first slightly different part of our normal plant...
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