Repeat at this level until desired results are achieved. A fantastic pre-show drench to produce a firm but fresh feel to the animal's top line. Helps maintain pop and bloom on young animals prior to sale.
Helps you gain a show ring advantage by allowing you to push them harder, hold them better, and get them dialed in at just the right time. Hogs 30-60 cc/day; sheep/goats 20-40cc/day; cattle 30-60cc/day.
Contains potassium, magnesium, and sodium, along with vitamins and minerals essential for water retention. Give cattle 30 cc per dose. Sullivan's Show Road Replenish Electrolyte Paste is designed to replenish vitamins and electrolytes in show animals.
Natural oils including coconut oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, tea tree oil, and lanolin are geared for feeding hair follicles. Nutrient molecules in the product are small enough to be absorbed by the hair shaft.
The Essential Winning Fill Bale is the game-changer that everyone in the show cattle world is talking about! Winning Fill is a unique blend of chopped forages, steam flaked grains, Beef Baby 24, and molasses.
Cattle and horses 3 oz. Essential Uni4M contains 50% crude fat, plus lysine and vitamins A, C, D, and E. Essential Uni4M is a highly palatable fat and energy supplement for cattle, horses, swine, sheep, and goats.
Give 5 ml per 100 lbs. One of many conditions that deplete the goat's body of B vitamins is diarrhea (which is a symptom of greater problems). Thiamine-deficient goats display rigid bent necks that won't straighten and a loss of eye focus.
Each combo pack contains a 4 oz. Top dress on feed or dissolve in water. Packet of Definition Base and a 2 oz. Body weight at least 5 hours and 2 hours prior to entering the show ring.
Quickly restores fluid to the muscle tissue, promoting overall freshness and a more defined muscle appearance. Give every 2 hours for 6-12 hours prior to show. For all species except dairy cattle.
Devour It also contains vitamin B12 for increased energy levels to combat fatigue and sluggishness during times of stress. This process stimulates the growth of important rumen bacteria to improve rumen efficiency, while reducing incidence of bloat and...
Top dress or mix with water. Mix with water: add 8 oz. To feed mixture in place of 1/4-1/3 of the daily ration up to a maximum of 12 oz. Pure Grit is a premier electrolyte supplement that is designed to offer ultimate hydration and definition to the muscles,...
Sullivan's Alert is a caffeine and ginseng instant energy paste for cattle. Sullivan's Alert is designed to perk up their metabolism, much like your morning coffee or energy drink does for you.
Provides a supplemental source of colostrum and other essential nutrients for calves that are unable to nurse, or do not receive adequate quantity or quality of colostrum from their mothers.
Lifeline Nourish Beef is the only colostrum replacer made especially for beef calves, delivering added fat, carbohydrates, and nutrients to get beef calves up and eating. The serum-based formula mixes well and feeds easily.
Super comfortable grip, smooth aluminum alloy shaft. Tip is screwed and bonded into the shaft for premium durability. Sullivan's 2-Piece Show Stick is designed with the same features as the Sullivan's Superstick, except the 2-Piece Show Stick unscrews...
Live yeast, yeast culture and enzymes. Sheep and goats: feed 1/4 oz. Helps maintain a healthy G.I. tract in animals on the farm or at shows. Per head daily. Top dress or mix with feed ration.
Allows you to achieve consistent hair growth over a longer period of time. Hide and Hair contains kelp and seaweed, which have been shown to lower body temperature. Hide and Hair for Livestock is a revolutionary hair growth product.
Feed 1/2 scoop per head daily. Essential Body Builder includes soybean meal, flax seed, balanced electrolytes, brewers yeast, Albion chelated minerals, and more. Essential Body Builder for Show Lambs is designed to increase rack size, provide muscle definition,...
This chemistry boosts metabolic fat burning that targets specific areas of the body to reduce fat content, most notably in the neck and brisket area. As a result, heifers have a more feminine, attractive physique and move better.
Show Shake supplies a concentrated source of energy, protein, fiber, electrolytes and vitamins needed in times of stress. Mix 3 ounces of powdered Show Shake to 5 ounces of water, shake and drench your animal.
Essential Keep'n on provides 12 vitamins, 9 minerals and electrolytes for muscle "pop", energy and stamina. Provides the same fill appearance as 8 lbs. Feed swine one bottle 2 hours before and one bottle 15 minutes before show.
All-natural formula. Sheep SHAG helps create luxurious, show-winning wool, even on legs! One-of-a-kind formula will grow wool, even in the hottest weather. Daily to sheep under 60 lbs.
This all natural product assists in the relief of pain. Contains no drugs so there is no withdrawal period or side effects. One tube works for animals up to 1,000 lbs. Can be a benefit for animals that walk stiffly.