Definition is for use in cattle, swine, sheep, and goats. Mix both packets together before feeding. Definition contains a complex formula researched to enhance appearance and muscle definition in show livestock.
Juiced can be used during times of stress or to combat dehydration from environmental changes or show weight restrictions. Provides fast-absorbing amino acids and electrolytes, essential for muscle hydration.
Recommended daily feeding rates of Winning Fill vs other grain mix (i.e. Beef Show, Grower, Finisher): Feeding directions: Winning Fill can be fed as the sole ration or with a grain mix.
Hide and Hair contains kelp and seaweed, which have been shown to lower body temperature. Does not contain melatonin, which can lead to shedding. Feed at least 60 to 90 days before show.
Top dress or mix with feed ration. Sullivan's Appetite Express Probiotic Granules encourage the appetite and aid in proper digestion for improved feed efficiency. Appetite Express is for beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and horses.
To feed mixture in place of 1/4-1/3 of the daily ration up to a maximum of 12 oz. Pure Grit is a premier electrolyte supplement that is designed to offer ultimate hydration and definition to the muscles, and with its homogenized and pasteurized formula...
All-natural feed supplement includes Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin B12, niacin, biotin, and lecithin. To obtain maximum response for difficult skin and coat needs, higher levels may be fed.
Feed Game On for an award-winning look in all classes and stages of developing livestock. Goats and sheep: 2 - 6 oz. Pigs: 2 - 8 oz. Cattle: 4 - 12 oz. Top dress on feed or use as a drench.
Solution twice daily. Irresistible ice cream flavor increases the appetite and helps get animals up and eating. Helps increase weight gain and improve cover. Essential Double Dip improves the appetite of show livestock.
Stimulates the production of a hormone that helps start the sleep cycle, causing animals to relax. Helps your animal overcome anxiety from stressful situations, including showing and transporting.
With Amaferm to significantly increase the digestibility of fiber, releasing greater amounts of energy and microbial protein to drive animal growth and health. Per head daily top dressed over ration or mixed in complete ration.
Sheep and goats: 10 ml daily. LubriSyn HA Plus with MSM provides 150 mg hyaluronic acid and 300 mg MSM per 30 ml. LubriSyn HA Plus Livestock Joint Fluid is fortified with MSM. It is odorless, colorless, tasteless, and free of protein-sourced ingredients.
Takes the edge off during times of stress for a calmer, more collected animal. Peace Pellets are also helpful when breaking animals prior to show. Peace Pellets provide a calming effect, allowing exhibitors to handle show cattle more easily.
Sho Flow helps get your chickens, turkeys, or other poultry, rabbits and cavies into top show or sale condition, and it works safely and naturally. Feeding Directions: Show Flow with LOX (Liquid Oxy-Gen) provides the finish you're looking for when you're...
✓ Rabbits: Topdress 1/2 ounce per cup of complete feed.
✓ Poultry: Mix 2 to 4 tablespoons per pound of feed.
Daily with feed. Topdress 1/2 - 1 oz. Gamma Grow is a high-performance show stock feed supplement for barrows, gilts, goats, sheep, lambs, steers, and heifers.
CircQLate for Rabbits and Cavies includes the proven results of the original Oxy-Gen! Powerful, highly palatable, and safe. Animals under 5 pounds: feed 1/16 to 1/4 ounce daily; 5 pounds and up: feed 1/8 to 1/2 ounce daily.
Stimulates the production of a hormone that helps start the sleep cycle, causing animals to relax. Helps your animal overcome anxiety from stressful situations, including showing and transporting.
Molasses flavored for superior intake. Show cattle: 1 1/2 to 3 scoops per day. This pig started walking real stiff. Thank you for an awsome product. Grower calves: 1 to 2 scoops per day.
Contains levels of l-tryptophan and bee pollen which have proven to greatly lower body temperature in cattle. Chill Factor 2 should be fed for a minimum of 7 days prior to exhibition, with optimal results at 10 days.
The process has been proven to increase muscle mass 4 to 7%. Feed at the rate of 0.4/pound per head per day. Approved for market cattle only. OptaChamp utilizes the optimum level of the FDA approved ingredient Optaflexx to redirect nutrients that would...
Vitamin B12 boosts energy levels, which helps fight fatigue and sluggishness. Sullivan's Show Road Appetite Express+ contains prebiotics, probiotics, and vitamins A, B12, D, and E.
Give cattle 30 cc per dose. Contains potassium, magnesium, and sodium, along with vitamins and minerals essential for water retention. Sullivan's Show Road Replenish Electrolyte Paste is designed to replenish vitamins and electrolytes in show animals.
Contains no drugs so there is no withdrawal period or side effects. Administer 3 hours before time of showing. One tube works for animals up to 1,000 lbs. Can be a benefit for animals that walk stiffly.
Not for use in swine. All natural and fertility safe for open and bred heifers, steers, or bulls. Fresh & Feminine helps define feminine shape and freshness in the front end of show animals.