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Sheep Ears

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Beginner/Looking for Rambouillet
Price : CALL

Need high quality sheep to raise on approximately seven acres. Beginner, no sheep experience yet. Looking to raise two Rambouillet sheep for wool production. Hobby farm only. Need high quality ...
United States
Dorper ewes
Price : CALL

Dorper sheep breeder, located in Suceava, Romania, sells 50 young black headed Dorper ewes, pure character, dewormed and vaccinated. The price is 475 euros per ewe. The transport will be performed by the client.
Dorper lambs
Price : CALL

I am a farmer from Romania, Dorper sheep breeder and I sell 100 lambs for slaughter. The lambs are 4-5 months, the weight is 40-50 kg each, the price is 3 euro per kg live weight ...
Babydoll Southdown Sheep in Nevada & California
Price : CALL

These are the miniature smiling \"teddy bear\" sheep used in vineyards and orchards for organic weed-clearing and fertilizing. Bee Skep Ranch, Nevada. Free delivery to N. Registered rams $300.
Silver Springs
Registered Katahdin Ram - $300
Price : CALL

- Average adjusted 120 day weights : 75 lb. To learn more about us and see the more photos and pedigree, please visit Proven 1.5 year old registered QR Katahdin ram for sale.
North Brookfield
Price : CALL

We r located in hyderabad .. And payment optioneed contact info and details , cost , transportation ns. Need 200 nellore judipi goats on weekly bases and payment options contact info and details , cost , transportation ns.
Andhra Pradesh
Price : CALL

I would like to advertise, that we have lambs Suffolk for sale in JUNE. So please contact me :) They are truelly in great condition. They are healthy and strong lambs, we have them in free housing on the green and we are feeding them with our own bio...
Banska Bystrica
Tunis ram, yearling,ready to reproduce
Price : CALL

Both parents were registered tunis sheep. Tunis ram, yearling, in Damascus Maryland (zip code 20872). Born in our small farm. Vaccination updated. Born in our ... Intact male ready to reproduce.
100% Romeldale/CVM Sheep-Registered-Reserve Now!
Price : CALL

You can reserve your choices today! Pick out your favorites then reserve your choices now and join us in preserving this wonderful sheep breed.Hope to see you there! The Romeldale/CVM, a heritage sheep breed, is rare and critically endangered.
Awassi sheep for sale (rams, ewes and lambs)
Price : CALL

It is used for a range of products; meat, milk and wool. However, this breed is raised primarily for milk. Awassi is an extremely hardy breed, well adapted over centuries of use to nomadic and more sedentary rural management.
New South Wales
Cute Katahdin lambs for sell
Price : CALL

We raise Katahdin sheep which are a hair type and do not need shearing. We do not use pesticides or artificial fertilizers and feed our own hay. We are specialist in the breeding of sheep.
Babydoll Southdown Sheep in Nevada & California
Price : CALL

These are the miniature smiling \"teddy bear\" sheep used in vineyards and orchards for organic weed-clearing and fertilizing. Bee Skep Ranch, Nevada. Free delivery to N. Registered rams $300.
Awassi Fat tail sheep for sale.
Price : CALL

Enjoy Awassi lamb. Also great dairy milk sheep email. Middle eastern Awassi fat tail meat sheep for sale. Bred in Western New South Wales. Eat the lamb you remember as a child that you know and love.
New South Wales
Price : CALL

Excellent health! Registered and about to be sheared and trimmed hooves! Would like to sell entire flock. But I will sell singles. All are registered! Origin was Spokane, WA Flying "D" that is no longer in business.
Middle Tennessee Shetland Sheep for sale
Price : CALL

Rams Ewes and lambs. All unregistered full-blooded Shetland Sheep. Beautiful colors and fine wool with original stock out of Windswept Farms in Michigan. $100 each, $75 for three or more.
Sheep for sale
Price : CALL

Kept in a 12 acre farm house near neelmangala. These sheeps are being brought up in a very healthy condition in a 12 acre farm house near neelmangala on tumkur highway Qty 50 sheep for sale specially for eid-ul-zuha.
Pruebreed Babydoll Sothdown Sheep!
Price : CALL

Purebred Babydoll Southdown Chocolate Sheep, mother and son, perfect health, very loving and sweet, full wool ready to harvest. Pair: $295.00 Call Pete Purebred Babydoll Southdown Chocolate Sheep, Mother and Son, perfect health, very cute and sweet.
St. Johns
Saint Augustine
Live lambs sheep from whole Bulgaria
Price : CALL

Origin Domestic Bulgarian 3. Quantity: 5000 Heads per month 6. Daskalov 53 Et: 1 Office: 9 4000 Plovdiv Bulstat 1st Option is based in terms below: 1. Dear Buyers, UNIBRO offers alive lambs for slaughtering from Bulgaria in two options including some...
Momino Selo
Rare Barbados Blackbelly starter flock
Price : CALL

I do not vaccinate or deworm, so my sheep are extremely parasite tolerate and disease resistant. *Ram is half-brother to one of the ewes, which will not be a problem. Proven genetics from an established breeder.
East Friesian Dairy Sheep Breeding Stock
Price : CALL

Flock is very healthy, prolific, excellent for milk, lamb production and quality fleeces. Possible transport options may be available. Excellent quality high % East Friesian dairy cross lambs available for sale.
Original Barbados Black Belly Sheep
Price : CALL

Picture shows at 2 weeks old.Can not accept checks or credit cards.Receipt given at time of pick up. Will sell individually or as pair. Great as companion animals 2 Ram's- almost 10 months 2 Ewe's - almost 10 months not registered
Rare Barbados Blackbelly starter flock
Price : CALL

I am selling four young, bred ewes and an unrelated* ram. I do not often have starter flocks available, and I am the most western breeder of Barbados Blackbelly sheep in the U.S. The flock will be ready for transport January 1, 2011.
Wiltshire Horn sheep for sale
Price : CALL

Great mothers, excellent meat, both ewes and rams are horned. We are the largest producer of Wiltshire Horn sheep in the U.S.A. There are currently only 250-300 of these sheep in the U.S. We have breeding stock available year-round.
Chilsons Predator Control
Price : CALL

Sound wildlife predator management Ten years experienced predator trapper in new mexico free estimates on location i trap offending coyotes bobcats and other large predators working for the landowner to stop/prevent loss, proffesional service not just...
southern new mexico
St. Croix Lambs for sale
Price : CALL

LA Farm has St. Croix lambs for sale and 2 St. Croix Adult Rams. Registered $300.00 each LA Farm in Texarkana, Arkansas has several St. Croix Ram Lambs for sale and 2 Adult Rams. All registered.
Mometamax for Dogs
Price : CALL

Mometamax Otic Suspension is used for the treatment of canine otitis externa in dogs caused by susceptible strains of yeast and bacteria. Each gram of Mometamax Otic Suspension contains gentamicin sulfate, USP equivalent to 3 mg gentamicin base; mometasone...
Synotic Otic for Dogs
Price : CALL

Brand Name: Synotic Otic Solution Manufacturer: Zoetis Inc Medication Name: Fluocinolone Acetonide and Dimethyl Sulfoxide Is a generic equivalent available? Synotic Otic Solution is indicated for the relief of pruritus and inflammation associated with...