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Shade Trees For Small Areas

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How to Prune a Chinese Elm Tree
Make an angled cut to stop the flow of sap and reduce damage to the Chinese elm.Apply pesticides to the tree if there are any insect or fungal problems to help keep the tree healthy.
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between Willow Trees & Weeping Willow Trees?
This type of tree can suffer from poor collar formation, a condition that weakens the crotch and increases the risk of breakage. Removing this vegetative debris helps eliminate this potential source of illness.
Santa Monica
How to Cut Tree Roots Without Killing the Tree
Embed a strong root barrier made of plastic, metal or concrete into the trench. Leave the water to seep into the soil, then wait until the soil dries to the point of still being damp but not soggy.Loosen the top layer of soil, overturning it with a hand...
Santa Monica
Spacing for Birch Trees
Wounds in bark will attract insects and disease, weakening the tree. Birches do best when planted on the north- or east-facing sides of buildings, where they can get full sun in the morning and some shade during late afternoons and early evenings.
Santa Monica
White vs. Black Cedar Hedging
The width of the branches of the white cedar require that the trees be spaced farther apart than black cedar. White cedar allows for a beautiful barrier but does not completely block out its surroundings.The leaves and nuts on the black cedar lend texture...
Santa Monica
Palm Tree Adaptations
The adaptation has several advantages, including protecting the trees from destruction by wildlife. Palm spines can be painful to the touch, break off underneath the skin, and can cause swelling with an infection.
Santa Monica
How Fast Does a Japanese Maple Grow?
More typical is the widely planted "Bloodgood" (Acer palmatum "Bloodgood," hardy in USDA zones 5 through 8), which grows about 12 to 15 inches per year to a mature height of about 20 feet.
Santa Monica
How to Prune Flowering Pear Trees
Take care not to cut into the trunk, causing further damage. Aim to trim 20 to 30 percent of the tree's interior canopy for a clean, shapely pear tree. While you should wait until late spring to perform pruning, dead or damaged branches may be removed...
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Peach Trees
In March and May of the second and third years after planting the tree, fertilize it with 3/4 lb. It will help the tree to develop a strong trunk and side branches.Fertilize a new tree with 1/2 lb.
Santa Monica
How to Stop Oak Acorns
Too much will harm the tree and not enough will allow flowering and acorns.Call the tree service and arrange for a time to have them spray. In older trees, the elimination of acorns is the act of stopping the oak from flowering, or removing the flowers...
Santa Monica
What Is the Rate of Growth for Dogwood Trees?
Mulch can help avoid such problems, and keeping your trees healthy is the best defense against these and other issues. The specific growth rate varies by cultivar.Slow-growing cultivars of flowering dogwood include Cherokee Princess, Barton's White, First...
Santa Monica
Cherry Tree Leaf Identification
Measure the leaves of black cherry, for example, and you will discover they average between 2 and 6 inches in length, with widths of 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches. Other cherry trees, including Carolina laurel cherry and pin cherry, possess a more lance-shaped...
Santa Monica
South Carolina Flowering Trees
It is found in USDA zones 5 to 9, and prefers moist to wet soil.Although there are many varieties of crapemyrtle, few grow in the United States. South Carolina is known for its scenery, from the mountains to the beaches.
Santa Monica
Do Walnut Tree Roots Grow Down or Out?
If other competing trees, shrubs or grasses grow in the vicinity and deplete the shallower soil depths of moisture, walnut tree roots tend to grow more downward to secure position in moister, deeper profiles.
Santa Monica
Mango Tree & Its Uses
The tree's fruit production, however, may be a disadvantage for its use as a landscape specimen because falling fruit will litter the ground under the tree.. Its color ranges from green when the fruit is immature to red, yellow, orange or purple when...
Santa Monica
My Dogwood Tree Won\'t Bloom
Often, diseases can be passed on to trees through soil in which a diseased tree was planted earlier. Dogwood trees must have at least 1 inch of water per week. This is especially true for dogwoods that were planted in non-fertile soil.Determine how much...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Junipers in the Shade
Junipers make excellent wind-breaking plants for around a home or garden, and their low light requirements allow gardeners to grow them on mostly shaded northern sides of buildings.
Santa Monica
How to Propagate a Rubber Tree Plant From a Cutting
Soak the knife in the solution for five minutes, rinse it with clean water and allow it to air dry. Each requires the same set of tools and supplies. Keep it in the growing medium until the roots are 1/2 to 1 inch long.For a leaf bud cutting, use a sterilized...
Santa Monica
How to Kill Black Mold on Citrus Trees
These have no noxious chemicals that may damage fruit or the tree itself.Mix only one of the following: 2 tbsp. If the tree does not die from lack of sun, it will produce inferior fruit, or no fruit at all.
Santa Monica
How to Uproot a Tree Without Killing It
Also, when moving large trees, use professional landscapers -- as they have the specialized equipment necessary to deal with the weight and height. Multiply this measurement by 8 to 12 inches for each inch of trunk diameter.
Santa Monica
Cypress Tree Leaf Identification
Leaves on the pond cypress resemble scales that wrap around the twig. Nutans) has thick, shaggy bark that helps distinguish it from the bald cypress. The smaller pond cypress tree (Taxodium distichum var.
Santa Monica
Maple Tree Bugs
Picking the pests off saplings by hand is usually enough to protect the tree but pests are not always easily accessible. Other leaf-eating bugs that infest maple trees include tiny, pear-shaped aphids, black and red boxelder bugs and bronze-colored Japanese...
Santa Monica
How to Plant a River Birch Tree
Composts are a familiar amendment, but they are often slightly alkaline. Make the hole the same depth as the roots, so after planting the tree sits in the soil at the same depth that it was growing previously.If the plant is balled and burlaped, set the...
Santa Monica
How to Transplant Yucca Plants
Try to keep most of the roots intact, although yuccas are extremely resilient and will quickly regenerate a root system.Replant the yucca in the spot you chose in Step 1. Water daily until the plant sprouts new growth on its stems.
Santa Monica
Tree Leaf Identification Guide
Hickory, sumac, walnut, locust and ailanthus trees grow compound leaves.Simple leaves fall into their own categories. Three main points will form the tips of each one of these broad leaves, though the entire leaf will be edged with several smaller points.
Santa Monica
Live Oak Tree Vs. Laurel Oak Tree
Branches with a narrow angle to the trunk need to be pruned to prevent them from splitting as they get older. Laurel oak does not tolerate salt. They have the same USDA growing zones as other members of their respective species.
Santa Monica
How Far Away From a House to Plant a Magnolia Tree?
If you know that your space allotment is limited, plant one that does not grow as tall or wide as the larger cultivars. Make sure the tree's height does not interfere with overhead power lines.When choosing the type or cultivar to plant, discuss your...
Santa Monica