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Shade Tree Timber Tree For Sale In Honolulu

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Canary Pine, Canary Island Pine Pinus canariensis
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* It is a subtropical pine and does not tolerate low temperatures or hard frost, surviving temperatures down to about 6 to 10 °C. * The Canary Island Pine ( Pinus canariensis ) is a species in the genus Pinus , family Pinaceae , native and endemic to...
  • Species: canariensis
  • Seeds Per Pound: 5,448
  • Crop Year: 2014
  • Germination: 91%
  • Height: 100-140 feet
  • Family: Pinaceae
Hardy Rubber Tree, Gutta-percha, Du Zhong EUCOMMIA ulmoides
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

It is near threatened in the wild, but is widely cultivated in China for its bark , highly valued in herbology such as Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Much interest has been aroused by Du Zhong's ability to reduce high blood pressure.
  • Genus: EUCOMMIA
  • Germination: 91%
  • Botanical Name: EUCOMMIA ulmoides
  • Seeds Per Pound: 7,422
  • Species: ulmoides
  • Germination Test Type: cut
Shoal Creek Vitex
Prices start at : 24.77 USD / each

Chastetree blooms in the summer in clusters of violet flowers that resemble spikes. Shoal Creek Vitex, also called Chastetree, is a long-blooming small tree (or shrub) that is often planted around porches, patios, and decks for its beautiful summer flowers...
  •  Tree height at time of shipping varies based on growing season
  •  Will attract butterflies
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Additional Characteristics: Drought Tolerant
  • Mature Width (in.): 144
  • Shipped As: Container
Leyland Cypress
Prices start at : 24.77 USD / each

The Leyland Cypress is a fast-growing evergreen tree with a pyramidal shape. And a spread of 15 ft. The tree's dense growth and tall height make it a great choice for creating a border shade that will block unwanted sights and reduce neighborhood noise.
  • Optimal Soil Condition: Acidic
  • Hardiness Zone: 10 (30 to 40 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F),9 (20 to 30 F)
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Growth Habit: Pyramidal
  • Mature Height (in.): 840
  • Common Name: Cypress Tree
October Glory Red Maple Tree
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 pcs

Its leaves drop later in the autumn season than other trees, so you have more time to enjoy their show ! You'll enjoy your October Glory's proud display of red foliage while other trees are bare! In the spring, it produces tiny conspicuous red flowers...
  • Mature Height: 40-50 ft.
  • Sunlight: Full Sun, Partial Sun
  • Spacing: 30-40 ft.
  • Growth Rate: Moderate
Corkscrew Willow
Prices start at : 99.95 USD / 5-6 Foot (5 Gal.)

This is not to be rushed. A very large tree in the ground will take 2 – 3 lbs spread around the drip line of the branches (not next to the trunk). It is much, much better to err on the side of too little fertilizer than too much.
Black Maple ACER saccharum nigrum    - ACER nigrum
Price : CALL

* Native to the Midwestern United States, portions of the Eastern United States, and the southeast of Canada in southern Ontario. * Very Similar to Sugar Maple. * Typically used for timber, landscaping and maple syrup production.
  • Family: Sapindaceae
  • Botanical Name: ACER saccharum nigrum
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Height: 100 feet
  • Common Name: Black Maple
Ginkgo Biloba \'Mariken\' Tree
Prices start at : 79.95 USD / 1 pcs

Known as “the brain herb,” the Ginkgo Biloba plant's natural compounds are believed to sharpen memory while providing essential antioxidants . The Ginkgo Biloba 'Mariken' was even named a 2010 Conifer of the Year by the American Conifer Society.
  • Sunlight: Full Sun
  • Spacing: 5 ft.
  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Mature Width: 2-8 ft.
Oglethorpe Oak Quercus oglethorpensis
Price : CALL

* The species is found in the Piedmont of Georgia and South Carolina, and in Louisiana and Mississippi. * Trees grow to approximately 25 meters in height, with a diameter at breast height of about 80 cm.
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Height: 70-80 feet
Weeping Pussy Willow
Prices start at : 79.95 USD / 1 pcs

The growth of your Weeping Pussy Willow is considered moderate to fast which is just a little slower than the standard variety because of the grafting required to create this dramatic tree but well worth a little extra time.

6-8 ft.

    • Growth Rate: Fast
    • Sunlight: Full Sun, Partial Sun
    • Spacing: 6-8 ft.
    • Mature Height: 6-8 ft.
    Autumn Purple Ash
    Prices start at : 107.96 USD / 1 pcs

    A year and into a pyramidal shape when young, then flourish into a pleasing oval shape at maturity. Our Purple Ash is a customer favorite and sells out every year! Each Autumn Purple Ash tree goes through an extensive grafting process that guarantees...
    • Drought Tolerance: Good
    • Growth Rate: Fast
    • Spacing: 30-40 ft.
    • Mature Width: 30-50 ft.
    Coral Bark Japanese Maple
    Prices start at : 29.96 USD / 1 pcs

    It will grow up to 25 ft. Tall and 12 ft. Landscapers can line these up in tall containers along downtown streets and outside modern buildings and skyscrapers for an upscale combination of color and style.
    • Spacing: 12-15 ft.
    • Sunlight: Full Sun
    • Mature Height: 15-25 ft.
    • Mature Width: 10-12 ft.
    Heritage River Birch (Clump)
    Prices start at : 89.95 USD / 4-5 Foot (3 Gal.)

    Organic additions to the soil can also be combined with a shot of chemical fertilizer for maximum effect. Plants that are deficient in Nitrogen are usually not growing vigorously, and sometimes exhibit pale colored foliage as in the case of gardenia's.
    Autumn Blaze Maple
    Prices start at : 12.99 USD / each

    This hybrid combines the best features of both parents: the vigor and adaptability of the Silver Maple with the beauty and strength of the Red Maple. Large, fast-growing tree with spectacular fall color.
    • Genus: acer x freemanii 'Jeffsred' PP4864
    • Deer Resistant: No
    • Spread: 40'
    • Max Height (feet): 50
    Catalpa Paulownia, Paulownia Tree Paulownia catalpifolia     - Paulownia catalpafolia
    Price : CALL

    * Recently, Paulownia has received a great deal of interest for its environmental properties and has been put forward as a potential solution to the global deforestation problem which lies at the heart of the climate change debate.
    • Family: BIGNONIACEAE
    • Genus: Paulownia
    • Botanical Name: Paulownia catalpifolia
    • Species: catalpifolia
    Scotch Pine Potted Evergreen Tree
    Prices start at : 8.08 USD / each

    The wide spreading branches expose the beautiful orange bark. Often used as a Christmas tree, grouping or windbreak. USDA hardiness zone 3 to zone 7. Foliage is bluish green. Plant in full sun in moist well drained soil.


      •  Container grown plants provide virtually no transplant shock compared to bare root plants
      •  Healthy 2-year old plants are 7 to 12 in. tall
      • Mature Height (in.): 480
      • Additional Characteristics: Evergreen
      • Evergreen or Deciduous: Evergreen
      • Optimal Soil Condition: Neutral
      October Glory Maple (Acer rubrum)
      Prices start at : 89.95 USD / 5-6 Foot

      Proper fertilization of your October Glory Maple Tree will lead to healthier and more disease resistant plants, as well as provide you with many more enjoyable blooms. Trees such as October Glory Maple Tree grow best if they are fertilized lightly in...
      Coffee Tree, Chinese Coffee Tree, Soap Tree, Yunnan Bean Gymnocladus chinensis
      Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 1 packet

      It is in flower in April, and the seeds ripen in October. * Chinese relative of G. Dioica, Kentucky Coffee Tree; planted for ornament and for timber; doubly compound leaves; substantial branches; flowers in clusters at the ends of branches; fruit a thick,...
      • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
      • Crop Year: 2016
      • Quantity: 4.04 lb
      • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 6
      • Height: 20-45 feet
      • Family: LEGUMINOSAE
      Katsura Tree, Japanese Judas Tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum
      Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

      * Cercidiphyllum japonicum or Japanese Judas-tree is a species of flowering tree in the Cercidiphyllaceae family that commonly goes by the name Katsura tree. The mature leaves are blue-green and roughly heart-shaped.
      • Common Name: Katsura Tree, Japanese Judas Tree
      • Genus: Cercidiphyllum
      • Height: 40-60 feet
      • Purity: 99%
      • Germination Test Type: estimate
      • Botanical Name: Cercidiphyllum japonicum
      Quaking Aspen
      Prices start at : 107.96 USD / 1 pcs

      But it's also a brightly colored tree with many desirable characteristics. An amazing tree in every sense, the Quaking Aspen gets its name from its shimmering heart-shaped leaves. Grows best in Growing Zones 2-6
      • Growth Rate: Fast
      • Sunlight: Full Sun
      • Mature Width: 20-25 ft.
      • Mature Height: 40-50 ft.
      Chinese Pistache Tree
      Prices start at : 89.95 USD / 3 gal. 4-5' tall

      Removing the dead and dying limbs will minimize the possibility of diseases such as “dieback” and will also allow the plant to re-concentrate its energies and produce flowers. Try to cure the problem before adding fertilizer.
      Bearded Maple ACER barbinerve
      Prices start at : 11.95 USD / 1 packet

      It is among the first to take on colour, usually creamy yellow but also orange at times, and has usually dropped its leaves by the time other trees and shrubs start to turn. * Bearded maple is one of Mustila's many shrub maples.
      • Quantity: 0.42 lb
      • Height: 15-20 feet
      • Germination Test Type: cut
      • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 15
      • Botanical Name: ACER barbinerve
      • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
      Korean Hackberry Celtis koraiensis
      Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

      The species is endemic to the Korean Peninsula and the north of China. It can grow up to 15 meters in height. The fruit is about 10mm in diameter with a thin flesh and a single large seed.
      • Botanical Name: Celtis koraiensis
      • Height: 30-40 feet
      • Collection Locale: China
      • Germination: 83%
      • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
      • Germination Test Type: cut
      Shumard Oak Tree
      Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 1 pcs

      With very little attention and care, your tree will grow 13"-24" each year. Give your family the gift of a long-standing, durable tree. Even your great-grandchildren will tell stories about this tree.
      • Mature Height: 40-60 ft.
      • Sunlight: Full Sun
      • Spacing: 40 ft.
      Paulownia, Empress Tree Paulownia elongata
      Price : CALL

      Leaves are very large and pubescent. * Paulownia elongata is a species of plant in the Paulowniaceae family. It is used as a forestry tree in North America and China. * This species can withstand a very wide range of environmental conditions, however,...
      • Genus: Paulownia
      • Species: elongata
      • Botanical Name: Paulownia elongata
      • Family: BIGNONIACEAE
      Hophornbeam, Ironwood, Eastern Hophornbeam, Hop Hornbeam, Eastern Hop Hornbeam Ostrya virginiana
      Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

      It weighs 51lb per cubic foot. A very good fuel, though it is almost impossible to split. * Ostrya virginiana ( American Hophornbeam ), is a species of Ostrya native to eastern North America , from Nova Scotia west to southern Manitoba and eastern Wyoming...
      • Height: 50 feet
      • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 16
      • Family: Betulaceae
      • Botanical Name: Ostrya virginiana capsules
      • Common Name: Hophornbeam, Ironwood, Eastern Hophornbeam, Hop Hornbeam, Eastern Hop Hornbeam
      • Germination: 48%
      Cardinal Redtm Maple Tree
      Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 pcs

      And it's not just the reds that will impress you… Low maintenance – There's simply nothing to taking care of the Cardinal Redtm Maple. You'll love the mesmerizing colors of spring, the peaceful shade of summer, and the breathtaking reds of autumn.
      • Drought Tolerance: Good
      • Spacing: 30 ft.
      • Sunlight: Full
      • Mature Height: 40 ft.