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Shade Tolerant Plant Drought Tolerant Plant For Sale In Massachusetts

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Bi-Color Daylily
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / each

Red petals with orange-yellow stripes and other blends make this hybrid daylily stand out in any garden. A stunning blend of orange, yellow, red and tan. Mid-late season bloomer. Grows 22'' tall.
  • Genus: Hemerocallis
  • Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow
  • Spread: 18-24"
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
United States
Lawson\'s Pine Pinus lawsonii
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

It is found only in Mexico. * Lawson's Pine (Pinus lawsonii) is a species of conifer in the Pinaceae family. * It grows with various species of Quercus and a variety of other pines .
  • Family: Pinaceae
  • Crop Year: 2013
  • Botanical Name: Pinus lawsonii
  • Common Name: Lawson's Pine
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Genus: Pinus
United States
Korean Sweetheart Tree, Euscaphis Tree EUSCAPHIS japonica
Price : CALL

* Can be grown as a small ornamental tree. * Common in thickets and in thin secondary forests in lowlands and low mountains of central and southern Japan. The red seed pods are brilliant, opening to revel shiny black seeds.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Species: japonica
  • Height: 6-20 feet
United States
European Columbine, Columbine, Dwarf Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris  Double Mix
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

* The plant is short lived but self sows freely producing a good quantity of seed each year. * This mixed wildflower perennial is a double form of columbine that has been used in gardens for a long time, due to its curious flower shape.
  • Family: Ranunculaceae
  • Collection Locale: Holland
  • Botanical Name: Aquilegia vulgaris Double Mix
  • Germination: 98%
  • Variety: Double Mix
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
United States
Blue Ash Fraxinus quadrangulata
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* Fraxinus quadrangulata ( Blue Ash ) is a species of Fraxinus native primarily to the Midwestern United States , as well as the Bluegrass region of Kentucky and the Nashville Basin region of Tennessee.
  • Seeds Per Pound: 6,341
  • Quantity: 0.88 lb
  • Purity: 99%
  • Botanical Name: Fraxinus quadrangulata
  • Family: Oleaceae
  • Germination: 91%
United States
Chinese Plum Yew, Chinese Cowtail Pine, San Jian Shan Cephalotaxus fortunei
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

They are usually multi-stemmed with an open and loosely rounded crown. Fortunei is a shrub or small tree growing to as high as 20 m with a diameter at breast height of about 20 cm.
  • Genus: Cephalotaxus
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Botanical Name: Cephalotaxus fortunei
  • Species: fortunei
  • Crop Year: 2016
United States
Honeylocust, Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos
Price : CALL

Seedpods - the pulp is sweet and can be eaten raw or made into sugar. The render young seedpods can be cooked and eaten. The juiceof the pods is antiseptic. * The pods have been made into a tea for the treatment of indigestion, measles, catarrh etc.
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Height: 60-100 feet
  • Species: triacanthos
  • Botanical Name: Gleditsia triacanthos
United States
Lawson\'s Pine Pinus lawsonii
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

It is found only in Mexico. * Lawson's Pine (Pinus lawsonii) is a species of conifer in the Pinaceae family. * It grows with various species of Quercus and a variety of other pines .
  • Germination: 98%
  • Height: 80-100 feet
  • Species: lawsonii
  • Purity: 99%
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Collection Locale: Mexico
United States
Sweetfern, Sweet Fern, Sweet-fern Comptonia peregrina
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

It is still used for most of the same purposes in modern herbalism. * A broad, flat-topped shrub native to northeast U.S.; has fragrant foliage, long, narrow, frondlike leaves; a nitrogen-fixer, so good for poor soils; takes sun or part shade.
  • Seeds Per Pound: 25,424
  • Height: 4-5 feet
  • Family: Myricaceae
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Germination: 98%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 22
United States
Yellowbells, Yellow Trumpetbush Tecoma stans
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

The plant is desirable fodder when it grows in fields grazed by livestock . The flowers attract bees , butterflies , and hummingbirds . Yellow Trumpetbush is a ruderal species , readily colonizing disturbed, rocky, sandy , and cleared land and occasionally...
  • Height: 15-20 feet
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Quantity: 1.69 lb
  • Purity: 99%
  • Common Name: Yellowbells, Yellow Trumpetbush
  • Seeds Per Pound: 617,440
United States
Aleppo Pine, Jerusalem Pine Pinus halepensis
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* In Israel , the tree has been very successful in Yatir Forest in the northern Negev , where foresters had not expected it to survive. * Good for seashore planting; native to Mediterranean region.
  • Species: halepensis
  • Crop Year: 2013
  • Germination: 98%
  • Family: Pinaceae
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Collection Locale: Italy
United States
Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

The foliage grows in dense sprays, varying from dull gray-green to bright glaucous blue-green in color. It grows to heights of 10-25 m, and its trunk diameter reaches 0.5 m. The cones remain closed for many years, only opening after the parent tree is...
  • Family: Cupressaceae
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Botanical Name: Cupressus arizonica
  • Height: 70-80 feet
  • Collection Locale: India
  • Germination Test Type: cut
United States
Winged Elm Ulmus alata
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

The reddish samarae are relatively small, < 8 mm long, narrowly elliptic with two long incurving stigmas at the tip, and usually disperse by the end of April . The canopy form is variable, from pyramidal to rounded.
  • Species: alata
  • Common Name: Winged Elm
  • Lot#: 100517
  • Height: 90 feet
  • Crop Year: 2010
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 49
United States
Scorpion Senna Hippocrepis emerus     - Coronilla emerus
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* Hippocrepis emerus reaches on average 50–150 centimetres (20–59 in) of height, with a maximum of 200 centimetres (79 in). The plant has a lignified stem with green branches bearing five to nine leaflets.
  • Crop Year: 2014
  • Quantity: 0.22 lb
  • Germination: 98%
  • Genus: Hippocrepis
  • Species: emerus
  • Collection Locale: Italy
United States
Cork Oak Quercus suber
Price : CALL

It is the primary source of cork for wine bottle stoppers and other uses, such as cork flooring. Wine corks represent 15% of cork usage by weight but 66% of revenues. Only the bark is extracted, and a new layer of cork regrows, making it a renewable resource.
  • Botanical Name: Quercus suber
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Common Name: Cork Oak
United States
White Fringetree, Old Man\'s Beard, Grancy Grey Beard Chionanthus virginicus
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

* Grown for its masses of glorious, delicate, white, slightly fragrant flowers in May; of open, spreading habit; native to the southeastern United States but hardy nearly everywhere; dark green leaf sometimes a golden yellow in fall.
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Quantity: 4.69 lb
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Seeds Per Pound: 1,906
  • Height: 30 feet
  • Crop Year: 2017
United States
Korean Sweetheart Tree, Euscaphis Tree EUSCAPHIS japonica
Price : CALL

* Can be grown as a small ornamental tree. * Common in thickets and in thin secondary forests in lowlands and low mountains of central and southern Japan. The red seed pods are brilliant, opening to revel shiny black seeds.
  • Species: japonica
  • Genus: EUSCAPHIS
  • Common Name: Korean Sweetheart Tree, Euscaphis Tree
United States
Needle Juniper, Temple Juniper, Temple Juniper Juniperus rigida
Price : CALL

* It is grown as an ornamental tree, often planted in temple grounds in Japan. It is also often grown as bonsai. * An attractive, variable plant, often with a vertical central leader, horizontal side branches, and drooping branchlets; a loose, open habit;...
  • Botanical Name: Juniperus rigida
  • Family: Cupressaceae
  • Common Name: Needle Juniper, Temple Juniper, Temple Juniper
  • Genus: Juniperus
United States
Northern Catalpa, Western Catalpa, Northern Cigar Tree, Catawba Tree, Hardy Catalpa Catalpa speciosa
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Heart-shaped leaves to 1'; fast grower, yellow and white flowers in late June; large and sometimes rather coarse; fall color yellow, not an asset; tolerates heat and drought; wood slow to rot in soil; native to south central U.S. * The wood is soft,...
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 23
  • Family: Bignoniaceae
  • Collection Locale: Missouri
  • Botanical Name: Catalpa speciosa
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Height: 45-60 feet
United States
Balkan Maple ACER heldreichii
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Mediterranean and Asia Minor. * This species grows up to 50 feet, and has yellow flowers. * Sun- and drought-tolerant.
  • Quantity: 0.43 lb
  • Family: ACERACEAE
  • Genus: ACER
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Crop Year: 1999
  • Species: heldreichii
United States
Siberian Elm, Chinese Elm, Asiatic Elm, Dwarf Elm Ulmus pumila
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

The leaves are deciduous in cold areas, but semi-evergreen in warmer climates, < 7 cm long and < 3 cm broad, with an oblique base and a coarsely serrated margin, changing from dark green to yellow in autumn.
  • Genus: Ulmus
  • Species: pumila
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Purity: 97%
  • Botanical Name: Ulmus pumila
  • Germination: 67%
United States
Utah Juniper Juniperus osteosperma     - Juniperus utahensis
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* A wax on the fruit is obtained by simmering the fruit in hot water and skimming off the wax as it rises to the surface. It is native to the southwestern United States , in Utah , Nevada , Arizona , western New Mexico , western Colorado , Wyoming , southern...
  • Height: 30-40 feet
  • Family: Cupressaceae
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 12
  • Purity: 99%
  • Germination: 50%
  • Species: osteosperma
United States
Sweetfern, Sweet Fern, Sweet-fern Comptonia peregrina
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

It is still used for most of the same purposes in modern herbalism. * A broad, flat-topped shrub native to northeast U.S.; has fragrant foliage, long, narrow, frondlike leaves; a nitrogen-fixer, so good for poor soils; takes sun or part shade.
  • Species: peregrina
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Quantity: 0.72 lb
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 22
  • Purity: 99%
  • Botanical Name: Comptonia peregrina
United States
Canary Pine, Canary Island Pine Pinus canariensis
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* It is a subtropical pine and does not tolerate low temperatures or hard frost, surviving temperatures down to about 6 to 10 °C. Within its natural area, it grows under extremely variable rainfall regimes, from less than 300 mm to several thousands,...
  • Crop Year: 2014
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Height: 100-140 feet
  • Botanical Name: Pinus canariensis
  • Common Name: Canary Pine, Canary Island Pine
  • Species: canariensis
United States
Chamiza, Chamiso, Four Wing Saltbush Atriplex canescens
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Fourwing saltbush is most common in early succession areas such as disturbed sites and active sand dunes. * Atriplex canescens ( Chamiso , Chamiza , Four wing saltbush , Four-wing saltbush , Fourwing saltbush ) is a species of evergreen shrub in the...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Botanical Name: Atriplex canescens
  • Family: Chenopodiaceae
  • Lot#: 031083
  • Purity: 79%
  • Genus: Atriplex
United States
Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii    China - Pinus thunbergiana    China
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

This hardy pine species is relatively disease free and tolerates poor soil conditions, making it a good choice for all levels. * Extremely salt tolerant, good for seaside planting and holding beach sand in place.
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Height: 120 feet
  • Botanical Name: Pinus thunbergii China
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Collection Locale: China
  • Germination: 83%
United States
Swamp Azalea, Swamp Honeysuckle, Clammy Azalea Rhododendron viscosum
Price : CALL

* Rhododendron viscosum , commonly known as swamp azalea or clammy azalea , is a deciduous shrub which is endemic to the United States .
  • Genus: Rhododendron
  • Common Name: Swamp Azalea, Swamp Honeysuckle, Clammy Azalea
  • Height: 2-8 feet
  • Species: viscosum
United States