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Shade Pine Trees

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Austrian Pine
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 pcs

Its foliage will grow together to create a solid living wall that filters out pollutants and cleans the air. They don't mind frigid temperatures that drop below freezing and stand up to heavy layers of ice and snow .
  • Mature Height: 40-60 ft.
  • Mature Width: 25-30 Ft.
  • Spacing: 8-10 ft.
  • Drought Tolerance: Moderate
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Eastern White Pine Tree
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / 1 pcs

The Eastern White Pine makes a wonderful Christmas tree because it grows in the classic pyramidal shape. The history and uses of the Eastern White Pine is fascinating. Of course, your children will love making crafts with the large pinecones all throughout...
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Spacing: 30 ft.
  • Sunlight: Partial Sun
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Japanese Black Pine
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL 18-24 inch

Japanese Black Pine is an interesting, fast growing species. A 2 to 3 inch layer of mulch is sufficient but remember to take care not to cover any part of the stem of the plant with mulch.
American Elm Valley Forge
Prices start at : 89.95 USD / 5-6 Foot (3 Gal.)

Most of the water you put on the plant at first will run away from the plant until the soil is soaked. The amount of chemical fertilizer used per plant will vary with the size of the plant and it's root system.
Chinese Pistache Tree
Prices start at : 89.95 USD / 3 gal. 4-5' tall

Knives, hand cutters, saws, and shears should be sharpened if necessary before pruning any plant. A 2 to 3 inch layer of mulch is sufficient but remember to take care not to cover any part of the stem of the plant with mulch.
Eastern White Pine
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL 18+ inches

Check trees every three months and loosen as needed. When creating a wind break or privacy hedge its important to know how far apart to space your plants. It grows well in a variety of soils, but prefers good drainage.
Vanderwolfs Pyramid Limber Pine
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 2 GAL 18-24 inch

Water using the counting method for the first few weeks. Its better to leave a one inch gap of space between the mulch and the stem or trunk of the plant. Vanderwolfs Pyramid Limber Pine trees take on a tall, broad-based, pyramidal shape if left un-pruned.
Ginkgo Autumn Gold
Prices start at : 74.95 USD / 3-4 Feet

This is not to be rushed. This is a very loose estimate, so please read the directions on the fertilizer before applying it. Full sun brings out the best fall color. The most important reason for pruning tree is to improve the overall health of the plant...
Small Ponytail Palm
Prices start at : 39.00 USD

The palm bonsai tree is recommended for beginners due to its hardiness and bonsai is easy to care for. The ponytail palm bonsai tree is characterized by its large bulbous base and fine smooth-edged flat leaves.
  •  Leaves can be pruned back regularly as the leaves grow rather quickly.
  •  The Ponytail Palm Bonsai tree does not require frequent watering. Once a week is sufficient.
Pine O\' Mine
Thanking my mother-in-law, I placed my precious little pine in the back of our van and rode home with my husband and children.Even though I was a very busy stay-at-home mom at that time, I took special care to get that little pine tree planted so that...
El Segundo
Hinoki Cypress Bonsai
Prices start at : 29.00 USD

This quality makes it a great bonsai for training as the foliage can be easily accentuated due to its dense growth. One of the most revered types of bonsai trees. The Hinoki Cypress Bonsai (Chamaecyparis Obtusa) features thick tighter foliage.
  •  The Cypress Bonsai tree does best in filtered or full sunlight.
  •  Cypress Bonsai trees can survive in cold weather and are extremely hardy but provide protection from freezing conditions in winter.
  •  Water moderately, keeping the bonsai tree moist at all times. The cypress bonsai enjoys frequent waterings over under watering.
Ponytail Palm
Prices start at : 55.00 USD

The palm bonsai tree is recommended for beginners due to its hardiness and bonsai is easy to care for. The ponytail palm bonsai tree is characterized by its large bulbous base and fine smooth-edged flat leaves.
  •  The Ponytail Palm Bonsai tree does not require frequent watering. Once a week is sufficient.
  •  The Ponytail Palm Bonsai tree does best in filtered or shaded sunlight but can also tolerate direct sun.
\'Green Vase\' Zelkova Tree
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 1 pcs

Plant your Green Vase Zelkova in a sunny spot in your yard and then enjoy summer afternoons resting under its ample shade. Adaptable to most soil types , this tree is perfect for yards with pesky soil.
  • Sunlight: Full Sun
  • Drought Tolerance: Good
  • Mature Height: 60-80 ft.
  • Mature Width: 40-50 ft.
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Quaking Aspen
Prices start at : 107.96 USD / 1 pcs

You know fall is on its way when your Aspen trees begin turning bright gold. And for good reason. An amazing tree in every sense, the Quaking Aspen gets its name from its shimmering heart-shaped leaves.
  • Drought Tolerance: Good
  • Mature Width: 20-25 ft.
  • Mature Height: 40-50 ft.
  • Growth Rate: Fast
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Golden Raintree
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 1 pcs

Then come the long, airy sprays of color. Golden Raintrees give you dense shade, but also make incredible flowering trees that can be the focal point of your landscape. You often see them as street trees in urban environments and as fabulous focal points...

30 ft.

    • Growth Rate: Moderate
    • Mature Width: 30 ft.
    • Drought Tolerance: Good
    • Mature Height: 30 ft.
    South Carolina
    Fort Mill
    American Elm Tree
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 1 pcs

    Now, with disease resistant cultivation, you can enjoy a nostalgic piece of history by growing an American Elm in your yard. Old leave scars give the appearance of a cat's face. The thick leaves transition beautifully through the seasons.
    • Mature Width: 30-70 ft.
    • Mature Height: 40-60 ft.
    • Drought Tolerance: Good
    • Spacing: 40-50 ft.
    South Carolina
    Fort Mill
    Dura Heat River Birch
    Prices start at : 79.95 USD / 1 pcs

    Its dense root system tolerates heavy, wet soil and even regular flooding and standing water. No matter where you live, chances are good that a Dura Heat River Birch can enhance your landscape.
    • Mature Width: 25-30 Ft.
    • Growth Rate: Fast
    • Spacing: 20-30 ft.
    • Drought Tolerance: Moderate
    South Carolina
    Fort Mill
    Autumn Purple Ash
    Prices start at : 107.96 USD / 1 pcs

    These deciduous trees usually grow up to 3-5 ft. Few other nurseries do this, because it takes an extra year and more labor. Perfect for lining streets, especially in areas that receive a lot of snow.
    • Growth Rate: Fast
    • Spacing: 30-40 ft.
    • Mature Height: 50-70 ft.
    • Sunlight: Full Sun, Partial Sun
    South Carolina
    Fort Mill
    Kentucky Coffeetree
    Prices start at : 69.95 USD / 1 pcs

    Growing to 60-70 ft., you can plant the Kentucky Coffee anywhere you want to create visual interest. Best of all, this tree is hardy, tolerant and adaptable in every way possible … Cold or warm climates, polluted or clean air, poor or rich soil, soggy...
    • Mature Height: 60-75 ft.
    • Spacing: 60 ft.
    • Drought Tolerance: Great
    • Growth Rate: Moderate
    South Carolina
    Fort Mill
    Shademaster Honeylocust Tree
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 1 pcs

    Many shade trees have a dense canopy that offers fantastic shade, but the lack of light makes it impossible for anything to grow underneath. Some shade trees are notorious for their weak branches and broken limbs.

    30-70 ft.

      • Sunlight: Full Sun
      • Mature Width: 30-70 ft.
      • Mature Height: 30-70 ft.
      South Carolina
      Fort Mill
      Royal Empress Trees
      Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 pcs

      It's an entertaining tree year-round . He took a saw and cut it flat to the ground. It's a hardwood tree that lives to an old age. You can also feel good that you're planting one of the most environmentally beneficial trees in the world.
      • Sunlight: Full Sun, Partial Sun
      • Drought Tolerance: Good
      • Mature Width: 30-40 ft.
      • Growth Rate: Fast
      South Carolina
      Fort Mill
      Chinese Pistache Tree
      Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 pcs

      These vivid trees will be the talk of the neighborhood because they will outshine all of the dull trees in your neighbor's yards with their stunning color and beautiful, thick rounded canopies.


        • Growth Rate: Moderate
        • Mature Width: 25-35 ft.
        • Drought Tolerance: Moderate
        • Spacing: 20-30 ft.
        South Carolina
        Fort Mill
        DayGlo (Glow in the Dark) Tree
        Prices start at : 13000.00 USD / 1 pcs

        Because this tree is self-pollinating, it will grow and radiate all on its own for up to 100 years. Remembering to turn your porch light on and off can be a grueling task. The sun does all the work charging your tree during the day, so as evening approaches,...
        • Sunlight: Partial Sun
        • Mature Width: 20-25 ft.
        • Drought Tolerance: Great
        • Mature Height: 50 ft.
        South Carolina
        Fort Mill
        American Sycamore
        Prices start at : 107.96 USD / 1 pcs

        Which provides tons of shade. Its dense leaves make it an excellent shade provider for your home ... Just plant and watch it grow! The tree's many branches develop large green palmate leaves that turn to gold in the fall.
        • Mature Height: 70 ft.
        • Spacing: 40-50 ft.
        • Drought Tolerance: Good
        • Mature Width: 50 ft.
        South Carolina
        Fort Mill
        Patmore Green Ash Tree
        Prices start at : 79.95 USD / 1 pcs

        Since it's resistant to disease and drought, you won't have to fuss with a lot of upkeep. You'll likely see finches, bluebirds and even Coopers hawks growing their family in your Patmore Ash Tree.
        • Sunlight: Full Sun
        • Mature Width: 35-40 ft.
        • Mature Height: 50-70 ft.
        South Carolina
        Fort Mill
        Princeton Elm Tree
        Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 1 pcs

        The summery green leaves turn a bright yellow in fall adding ornamental value to your autumn landscape. This shade tree grows to 50-70 feet with a canopy of 30-50 feet … Plant near your home to provide cost-cutting shade , or plant in a wide open space...
        • Mature Width: 30-50 ft.
        • Growth Rate: Fast
        • Sunlight: Full Sun
        • Mature Height: 50-70 ft.
        South Carolina
        Fort Mill
        Katsura Tree
        Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 1 pcs

        This stunning Asian shade tree grows as a pyramidal shape when young, so it even looks good before it's established . And best of all, this tree loves to grow… tolerant of everything but dry, sandy soils No insect or disease problems, and completely...
        • Growth Rate: Moderate
        • Mature Height: 40-60 ft.
        • Mature Width: 25-60 ft.
        • Spacing: 60 ft.
        South Carolina
        Fort Mill