Jahir hussain and P. A simple protocol for shoot multiplication from Sorghum bicolor Moench callus culture. A.P.H. publishing corporation, New Delhi-110 002. Baskaran (2006). Through multiple shoots - Influence of additives combination.
· Best M.S thesis research award, 2002, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. Muralidharan, T Longvah and TS Raveendran. Prospects of Genetic Enhancement of Iron and Zinc in Pearl Millet.
Oloke Director of Pre-degree Science Programme, PMB 4000, Ogbomoso, Oyo-State, Nigeria. Applied genetics and plant breeding Sc. Botany 2001 (ii) B. Faculty Prize for the best graduating student in science 1997 iii.
Buffer extract was found to be effective in scavenging superoxide radical whereas the methanol extract was effective in scavenging DPPH radical.  10th from ST. John's Diocesan Girls Higher Secondary School, Kolkata, West Bengal Board of Secondary...
Department of Soil Science and Agril. Buldhana Lecturer 5th Oct., 2004 5th Mar, 2005 5 months 3. MS-CIT passed with 78.00% marks on behalf of the Government of Maharashtra in the month of September 2004.
We sell more than 200 medicinal plants we sell rare indian medicinal plant on cheap rate we deliver the plants by packing in coconut peat moss We sell more than 200 indian live medicinal plants like boswellia sandkle , aquilaria , cardamom nux vomica...
Grown in Japan for centuries They bloom later in the spring than other types Satsuki Azalea Bonsai Tree: Of all shrubs with flowers, the Azalea is by far the most dramatic with brilliant blooms of radiant colors blooming in late spring.
✓ Outdoor Care - Your order will be carefully wrapped in a custom designed corrugated carton and delivered with detailed care instructions.
✓ This Satsuki Azalea Bonsai is 6 years old.
✓ Grown in Japan for centuries
Assembled Product Weight: 5 oz
Condition: New
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 6.00 x 8.00 x 8.00 Inches
Each Azalea bonsai comes with an 8 piece box of chocolate, making this a great gift. Brussel's Satuski Azalea Bonsai - Small - with Medium Chocolate The Satsuki Azalea is a popular choice among Bonsai.
Model: DT3066AZMC
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 8.00 x 8.00 x 12.00 Inches
Your complete Bonsai Kit comes with an Azalea tree, glazed container with wire and drain screen, 2 quart bag of bonsai soil, pruning shears, humidity tray with decorative rock and a proper care brochure.
Brand: Brussel's Bonsai
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 9.50 x 10.50 x 18.00 Inches
Harvesting Sesame Seeds Manual harvesting of homegrown sesame seeds is best done by carefully plucking the seed pods off the plants. Mature plants can grow 3 to 6 feet tall, depending on the variety, and the seeds are collected from the dried seed pods...
· Shanthi, S., Nadarajan, N. I worked as a Research Officer for four years on rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea analyzing important molecular aspects of pathogenesis by developing T-DNA mediated random insertions.
Where temperatures fall below freezing use a breathable insulative mulch to help protect the crown and ensure its return in spring once soil temperatures begin to warm. A full to mostly sunny location and a well-drained fertile soil will help to ensure...
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
Grows To: 30'H
pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral
Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Soil & Moisture: Well-drained, moderately fertile, average moist soils. Dryer in dormancy.
The Rangoon Creepers are heat and sun loving tropical climbers with medium green foliage often with a bronze cast. Rangoon Creepers (we also offer the double flowered form , see item# 9869) are naturally deciduous in winter, provide them with a well lit,...
Indoor Light: Direct sunlight
Salt Tolerance: Slight
Soil & Moisture: Well-drained, moderately fertile, average moist soils. Dryer in dormancy.
Native To / Origin: Asia
USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 10,11 as woody vine - 8,9 as dieback perennial if protected
Then, after a rest, you'll see intermittent blooms all summer, with another big flush in late summer to early fall. If you plant it near the edge of a terrace or wall, you can get it to spill over! (It won't hang straight down for 3 feet like a spreading...
Bloom Color: Multi-Color, Orange, Red
Genus: Rhododendron
Zone: 6 - 9
Habit: Spreading
Restrictions: Canada, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
D BIOTECHNOLOGY Thesis submitted (Reports received and degree awaited) 1994-1996 Agricultural College, Naira Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University. 172 Jena KK, Kameswara Rao K. B.Sc. (Ag) Passed in First Division with two Gold Medals Research Experience...
In a 25-by-25-foot bed, you could harvest about 15 pounds of seed. The slaves called the seeds sesame benne, a name that Thomas Jefferson would use throughout his extensive correspondence with people.
Senior Research Fellow (November 2000 to January 2004): I worked in the department of Vegetable Crops (Punjab Agricultural University) in a National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP, funded by World Bank) entitled Development of Hybrids in Vegetables.
*Crop production of commercial crops like sugarcane, tobacco, cotton. Cultivation of Sunflower with latest agronomic practices like controlling dormancy with gibberellic acid, pre emergence application of TOK-E-25 for effective weed control, hand pollination...
JARS Volume 32, Number 1 Winter 1978 Argent, G. (2 sections, 16 species) ( Increased to three sections ) Azaleastrum Planch. Rhododendrons have fibrous roots and prefer well-drained soils high in organic material.
JARS Volume 32, Number 1 Winter 1978 Argent, G. (2 sections, 16 species) ( Increased to three sections ) Azaleastrum Planch. Rhododendrons have fibrous roots and prefer well-drained soils high in organic material.