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Fertilizing Indoor Ferns – How To Feed Your Indoor Potted Ferns
They are versatile plants that grow in an amazing variety of conditions, and many are well-suited for. Are beautiful, ancient plants that have been around for many millions of years.
Zebra Plant (Aphelandra)
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 4" Pot

On average needs small amounts of water often rather than a thorough watering once in a while. Zebra plant is in reference to its ovate to elliptic, dark green leaves with distinctive zebra-like white veins.
Burgundy Ficus (Rubber Plant)
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 6"

Water regularly to keep it healthy. In terms of care the Ficus decora ‘Burgundy” is a very easy plant to grow. The Burgundy Ficus plant has large oval shaped leaves that are a rich chocolate burgundy-brown color.
Propagating Ferns: Growing Ferns From Spores And Division
When the leaf is dry, shake the bag to let the dry spores float down to the bottom.mixture in an unglazed pot. Growing ferns from spores, which takes many months up to a year, is an interesting process that provides an educational experience for the whole...
Little Fiddle Fig Standard (Ficus lyrata)
Prices start at : 109.95 USD / 3-4' Tall

In colder climates, this is a popular houseplant that typically grows to 2-10' tall. Grow as a houseplant. This tough plant adapts easily to conditions and once acclimated it can grow to 6 feet or taller.
Frizzle Top On Palms: Information And Tips For Frizzle Top Treatment
This prevents the plant from gathering maximum nutrients, including any available manganese.Palm fronds will exhibit dry, withered leaves. Leaves on palms get necrotic streaking which affects all parts of the leaves except the base.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Bush (Ficus lyrata)
Prices start at : 22.95 USD / 12 to 18" Tall

It is mixed with water and applied to the plant during watering. Give your tree water less often. Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Bush will look fuller with occasional pruning to shape leggy branches, and can be shaped as desired.
Victorian Indoor Plants: Caring For Old-Fashioned Parlor Plants
Read on for some options that will bring a touch of nostalgia and sophistication to your home.Nostalgic fads of the Victorian era have a classic stylishness even today. In fact, there is a variety that is called the.
Preventing Mold In The Soil Of A Houseplant
Gently remove all the soil from the plants root ball and repot in new, sterile soil. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done to treat mold allergies beyond the age-old advice of simply avoiding sources of mold.
Supporting Vining Houseplants: Managing Vining Plants Inside The Home
If you're skilled enough, you can always make your own with a little wire coated with plastic or non-rusting wire. At first, they tend to grow rather bushy. Depending on the structure of the support apparatus you use, you can shape the plant into an orb,...
Arum Plant Information: Learn About Common Varieties Of Arum
Many of the available varieties of arum plants are not common, however, but you can try online nurseries for a broader selection. Most arums are not frost tolerant, as many are from the Mediterranean region; however, a few European varieties have some...
Low Allergy Houseplants: Which Houseplants Relieve Allergies
For people who suffer from allergies due to pollen and other indoor pollutants, this means more sneezing and watery eyes indoors. Newer, energy-efficient homes are great for saving money on utility bills, but they're also more airtight than homes built...
Repotting Houseplants: How To Repot A Houseplant
Of course, this depends on the plant's requirements. If the root ball resists, run a knife between the pot and the root ball to loosen the roots.Inspect the roots and remove the crock from the root ball's base when repotting a houseplant into a clay pot.
Houseplants That Heal – Tips On Growing Houseplants For Medicine
Basil leaves and juice have significant insecticidal qualities; just rub them on your skin to keep pests away. You can also chew basil leaves to strengthen your immune system or minimize the duration of a aggressive and can be difficult to control...
Indoor Plants That Need Low Light
There is the plant with the 2-foot-long dark green leaves marked with white (Maria) or the yellow-green leaved plant with darker splotches (Silver Queen). It likes cool to hot temperatures and doesn't need to be fertilized frequently.) is the plant you...
Using Cuttings And Leaf Cuttings To Propagate Your Houseplants
It's also a great way to increase the number of plants you have in your collection. Water the pot and then cover with a little plastic tent. These should then be transferred to smaller pots of potting compost.All of these are great examples of what to...
Propagating Your Houseplants With Leaf Cuttings
Make sure you water the mother plant the day before you take a cutting so the cutting lasts long enough to root.You will want to cut the leaf, severing it close to the plant's base.
What Is Bottom Watering: Tips On Watering Potted Plants From The Bottom
Pour water over the top of the soil until it drains out the bottom once a month, just to rinse the soil and remove the excess minerals. Is the most common chore you do with your potted plants, and you probably do it by pouring water onto the surface of...
Keeping Your Pet Safe: Identify Poison Plants In Your House
Toxic plants for pets can cause heartbreak. While there is no tell-tale sign that a plant is poisonous, there are a few standard signs that can help you identify potentially toxic plants.
Salt Leaching Methods: Tips On Leaching Indoor Plants
Indoor plants should be leached regularly to keep their soil clear. For example, for a half gallon pot, slowly pour a gallon of water.The water will absorb the salts and carry them away.
Fluorescent Lighting For Indoor Gardening
Incandescent lighting typically lasts less than half this time.Incandescent lighting is generally better when used for highlighting a group of plants, a single one or as supplemental light.
Move A Houseplant Outside: How To Harden Off Houseplants
Summer sun can be quite intense on indoor plants unaccustomed to this much heat or light.or burn plants. Whether it's a houseplant that's spending summer outdoors or one that's been brought in from the cold, all plants need to be hardened off, or acclimated...
Reviving Plants: How To Revive An Overgrown Plant
Tease apart the roots and remove any roots that have been cut loose. This is characterized byBe sure to leave young growth in place. Make repotting and pruning your indoor plants a yearly task and you will reduce the chances that you need to bring a plant...
Biophilia Information: Learn How Plants Make Us Feel
And while walking through a forest is nice, you can reap the natural benefits of biophilia from the simple presence ofHumans benefit psychologically and physically from biophilia, and plants are a fantastic and low maintenance source of it.
Edible Plants Indoors – Tips On Growing Edible Houseplants
Hand pollination may also be necessary. The tiny roots or mats of microgreens can be susceptible to these problems and should not be used if there is any sign of mold or decay.Kids love to grow mini greens since they pop up quickly.
Common Houseplant Diseases
These can include mottling or mosaic patterning of leaves, malformed leaves, misshapen flowers and bad coloring. It's not that common inside homes, however. Make sure to remove all dead and dying parts of the plant when you see them to deter the mold...
Miniature Indoor Gardens
Keep reading to learn more.Young plants can serve your purposes for a miniature garden for only a short period of time. These gardens can have all the features that belong to a normal garden such as trees, shrubs and flowers.