Looking for a good used Bobcat 553 or smaller...low hours. Must be in excellent condition. Willing to negotiate. I have a 2001 Bobcat 753G with 550 hours that I would be willing to trade.
Skid steer Bobcat 883G. Please, give year and working hours when offering. Please send me an e-mail or send me a letter Price will be between $10,000 and $13,000 USD. This machine will be used for my business immediately.
Will travel to buy. Would like to test drive before buying. Almost any small skid steer, age, condition, hours, are no problem. The farther from central Phoenix, the longer it will take for me to buy.
Hydrostat right hand drive motor for Melroe 530 Bobcat. Some models 630,631,632 will fit. Please email to me thank you Looking for used drive motor. Aftermarket motor is ok.
Looking for used 642 bobcat engine, 1.6 litre, or a option to repower with? Any one that has ever attempted info greatly appreciated Complete motor in good running order or would repower unit with another engine.
Im looking for 600, 700 and 800 series dezel only. Wanted used bobcat, i dont care about the hours runing condition or not, as lon as it has all the part in it, and it has to be not burned.
Wanted Bobcat 463, low hours with 36-inch bucket, and std tires. It needs to clear 42 inches wide opening East Coast is not cost-effective. Will consider other machines, which can squeeze through 42-inch wide opening.
I am looking for the plexiglass replacement piece without the windshield motor or the complete door for a T-250 bobcat Eithter the plexiglass insert or the door piece without the windshield wiper motor for a bobcat T-250
Could you please give me prices on your Bobcats? I am looking to buy in the near future. From the 453F, 463, 553, 751G series, 753F, 753G, 763HF, 763HG, 773G, 773TG Thank-you very much.
Let me know what else comes with the bobcat. Extras not required but considered, let me know what the cost of the addtional equipment for the bobcat is? 10,000 hours or less and be in good condition, not sure why we need all this dialog?
I have 160 acres , lots of brush & hedge i want to clean. Five little ponds need repaired and a little dirt work needs to be done But would like skid steer that would last. I don't want to send a arm and leg for a piece of epuipment and then let it...
711m605ab is the sereial number off of the engine it is a ford gas 4 cylinder engine melroe bobcat 642 I am looking for a governor for a 642 bobcat engine s/n is 711m605ab gas engine
An enclosed cab would be a plus. Want to buy a 1999 or newer skid steer. 1500 lbs lift or greater with Hand controls. I prefer 1999 or newer, relatively low hours and in good shape.
Best if item located in fond du lac county or near to it. Buckets, forks desired, but ok if it has only buckets. Please e-mail details, price, location, condition, age, and related information so that we can review with operator.
I am in need of an approximate 40 Horse Power, used (with low hours, under 1,000 preferred) BobCat for home use/light landscaping. The BobCat should be in good working condition with at least one 60\" bucket.
I am looking for get some for a mini excavator. Need to get prices for (4) seals, snap ring, washer, ling, pin(lock retainer) shim, bushing and other misc items Mini excavator 320-1997, need parts for a mini excavator, need to get some quotes
I wish to purchase a 1998 Timberjack 360 grapple skidder. Would like lease to own. I want a 1998 but i would considera 1995-1998. Must have grapple and winch on skidder.
Wanted a 500 gallon arena watering skid or trailer with water nozzles, prefer to be in the usa, WEST COAST. New or used, preferrably new. Needs to be powered by gas engine, and a centrifugal pump, preferably a poly pump.
Bob Cat Skid Steer Back Hoe attachment worhing or nonworking prefer to be complete, in the Michigan, Ohio area. Back hoe attachment for bob cat skid steer in the Michian, Ohio area working or nonworking but complete.
20' 820 or 1020 flex header with poly skid shoes if possible. Would consider anything Would consider anything that is 20'. 20' 820 or 1020 flex header with plastic fingers if possible and poly skid shoes if possible.
Good working order all hoses and fikttings tight no leaks currently set up for skid loader call for appt or questions Caretree tree spade 3 blades 36 in deep x 32 in wide moveable control manifold model 636 serial 1233 ut.wt.
This Piece of equiptment will windrow poultry litter an chop at the same time . Brown Bear is one brand It looks like a rototiller with a snow blade behind it. This piece of equiptment must mout to a skid steer loader .