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Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Price : CALL

I am in need for eycalyptus camaldulensis (common name red gum) young plants between 6-12 months old and at about 15-30cm height. I want to use them for scientific reasons concerning the in vitro propagation of eycalyptus.
Family Looking For Land/Farm!
Price : CALL

We are fairly new to farming on our own, so we are learning along the way, but we are more than determined. I'd like to negotiate a price, and we are more than willing to provide eggs, fruit, and vegetables.** We don't have a lot of money or experience...we're...
United States
North Carolina
Klinglesmith Corn Planter
Price : CALL

Looking for hand planter patented by my great grand father John F. It also allowed one to use two at a time to plant 2 rows . It was designed to plant corn by hand. Patent number 80,746.
United States
New Mexico
Nano Brewery seeks location
Price : CALL

I am looking for space with the following: Roughly 500 to 1000 sq ft Zoned light industrial or retail o Would work to get a variance for the right situation Water Public sewage Electric service Natural gas (propane an option for the right situation) Ability...
United States
Wanted Topsoil
Price : CALL

This is a private not proffessional enquiry. We need at one or two lorry loads of topsoil to finish our garden. We have just created a garden and need enough topsoil to finish the project, one or two lorry loads
Feathers for my jewelry
Price : CALL

Also looking for natural (earthy) colored feathers. Nothing more so I have to fill this up. Unusual and colorful feathers. Looking for a source for feathers for my jewelry and carft business..
United States
Mate for my gander
Price : CALL

Looking for chinese female goose, preferrably bown, but will consider white, prefer adult but will accept younger Gander recently lost his partner is very sad, honking and looking for her, needs female companion
United States
WTB Galiceno for my wife
Price : CALL

I am looking to purchase a Galiceno for my wife. We had a Galiceno years ago and my wife has wanted one eversence. She is a begining rider. I am retired and have time to spend with the horses now and would like to find her one.
United States
My horse needs a companion
Price : CALL

I have work in large animal veterinarian offices for the past two years and have the \"know how\" to take exceptional care of Maajic (my horse) new friend. I would like a goat to be her friend.
United States
North Carolina
White Peonies for my wedding
Price : CALL

Hello, I would like to get a pricing on white peonies for my wedding. Please let me know price per bunch, lead time, and do the flowers come in red?
United States
My Gander needs a mate
Price : CALL

I will pay 30-40 dollars a female if they are around the same age as the male i was given. I was given a male and he is very lonely and has taken to bossing my turkeys and chickens.
United States
Need ddt for my home
Price : CALL

I seem to have bedbugs in my apartment and thay seem to have driven my wife mad. If DDT will work for a two bedrome apartment and it's in the price range of a common man please help me by selling me some THANK YOU
United States
New York
Wanted topsoil including deliver
Price : CALL

15 tonnes of top soil need for me to level my garden. I am looking to grass seed my garden after I have moved it all, so I don't really want any rocks etc in the soil. Can you please contact me in you can help.
Lost my babies due to storm
Price : CALL

Seeking Rouen Ducks, drake and hens - year or older. My hen will be too lonely without some companions. I am in Maine, willing to pay shipping, or will pick up in New Hampshire or Maine.
United States
Looking for goats for my farm
Price : CALL

I'm really interested in bringinglivestock onto my farm on long Island. I seem to be having a hard time finding goats, and sheep. I want to have an attraction for the younger kids that come to my farm.
United States
New York
NEED A Place To Raise My Family
Price : CALL

GOTTA GET AWAY!!! My fiance, our two boys, and I are looking for a place to raise our family. We would like to have some kind of acreage with room for a few horse, a few dogs, and some small livestock! We would like somewhere within 100 miles south of...
United States
Wanted Used Barrels
Price : CALL

Immediate payment by bank transfer Wine, Cognac, Whiskey, anything considered. Full articulated lorry loads purchased. 225 litres mainly but will take larger, smaller or a mix of sizes.
United Kingdom
Wanted Ducks for my 5 acre farm
Price : CALL

I am in Florida. I have a 5 acre farm with a pond and a lonely male pekin duck who would love to have a friend of any sex.
United States
I will like to sell my pepper
Price : CALL

I wil will lkie to sell my pepper to any respective buyer and they are one of the fresh pepper that you will ever find. Fresh yellow and read pepper for dsale.i will like to have customer all over so that it will promot ourbusines link between the globe.
Wanted all types of fresh fruits
Price : CALL

All products mentioned are to be exported from Spain using our own transport. Required pricelist, location, payment options and loading times. Wanted oranges, apples, strawberrys etc.
Apples,oranges,srtawberrys etc.
Price : CALL

Please contact us to negotiate price, quantity, location, payment options and loading times. We are looking for a fresh fruit producer capable to supply different types of fruits to be exported from Spain by our own transport.
Horse wanted
Price : CALL

Hi - Im finding myself in the horse market. I hit the double digits in going off (he has a quick shoulder drop and spin) and am realizing that he will not be safe for me to do what I want - trail ride, hunter paces, occasional hunter show.
United States
Male Mallard Duck
Price : CALL

My neighbor killed the female and my male is lonely Looking for female mallard duck to go with my male mallard duck.
United States
Dairy farm
Price : CALL

I am an indian... I would like to buy dairy farm house in australiai want to start this it is our family businesskindly assist for iti already running this business in my farm house
New South Wales
Wanted Asulam Herbicides
Price : CALL

I need the product to kill carpet grass in my st.augustine lawn. I tried using bleach to kill the carpet grass ,but it always comes back.i tried using rock salt ,it also keeps growing.i was searching the web and it said that asulam will do the job for...
United States
Looking for a poultry farm
Price : CALL

I am interested in the poultry business. My email address. I am looking for 8 poultry houses in Georgia. My name is Amy from Florida. Each poultry house will hold atleast 23000 chickens.
United States
Wanted Egg Candlers
Price : CALL

I am looking for an egg candler for use in my classroom with my Hovabator-incubator. My students are going to observe the development of chicken eggs. I am in need of an egg candler for use in my classroom.
United States