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Scottish Highlander Livestock For Sale In New Jersey

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For Sale: 4 Scottish Highlander Bulls
Price : CALL

Atticus has a great pedigree and a great temperament. We are located near albany. Willing to help with Northeast area trucking. Sunset Limited Addition and Backwatch Dam bloodlines.
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 5 Scottish Highlander Bulls
Price : CALL

2 large older bulls, nice temperaments, progeny can be seen on site - or if beefed will dress out at about 1000 lbs each. Also 3 2 yrs olds, for feeders or for beef, 2 are full Highland, 1 is Highland/Jersey cross, very handsome animals, $1000 each.Call...
  • Number of Head: 5
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 2 Scottish Highlander Bulls
Price : CALL

I have 2 nice highland Bull calves for sale. Call David for more info @ 802-274-4335 They're register bulls. Asking $800 A piece.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 1 Scottish Highlander Bulls
Price : CALL

I have this well tempered 2 year old purebred Highland bull. Looking for new blood? Healthy and approachable he's ready to breed your herd.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 1 Scottish Highlander Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Registeted 18 month old beutiful red heifer for sale. Dam is well desired Sunset Limited Edition pedigree. Call or text for better pictures . We are located near albany NY area. We arer willing to help with trucking in the Northeast area.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 9 Scottish Highlander Cows
Price : CALL

Not registered. Real nice Highlander starter herd. Can email more pics. No cowboying, we call them up. Very good tempered and friendly. Chester 8 yr old bull, Dixie 9 yr cow (w/4 mo bull Chewy), Sugar 4yr cow, Ginger 1 yr heifer, Dolly 4 yr cow (w/3 mo...
  • Number of Head: 9
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 2 Scottish Highlander Open Heifers
Price : CALL

1 year old heifer calf and her dam (4 years old) Both registered and from amazing bloodlines!!
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 30 Scottish Highlander Cows
Price : CALL

I have about 30 Scottish highlanders that I am ready to part with. Please contact me for more info.
  • Number of Head: 30
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 2 Dexter, Lowline, Scottish Highlander Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Born April 2017. One half Scottish highland half dexter. One half dexter 1/4 Scottish highland 1/4 redwattle lowlife Angus.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
New Jersey
Red Highland Bull for sale
Price : CALL

Selling him because I want to concentrate on raising lambs, and we only have one other Highland that is going in the freezer. Red Highland Bull for sale in Green Township, Sussex, NJ $750.00.
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 5 Angus, Angus Cross, Black Angus, Black Hereford, Hereford, Hereford Cross, Holstein, Jersey, Scottish Highlander Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

1 cow calf pair - cow is jersey/angus calf is sired by pure Hereford 1 open cow Holstein 3 years old 1 3 year old Scottish highland steer 1 2 year old open angus heifer
  • Number of Head: 5
United States
New Jersey
Highland Bull 4 Sale
Price : CALL

We are willing to trade as well. We are in northern NY and don\'t deliver. This bull is ready for service and is a fine animal. He's gentle , smart and behaves. , highland heifers , calves , stockers etc.
United States
New Jersey
Starter Herd
Price : CALL

(1) 5year old bull , very gentle and proven breeder. Cows are both bred so you'll be well on your way to grass fed beef. (2) cows , bred and due soon. We are asking $3000 for the lot.
United States
New Jersey
Bulls 4 sale!
Price : CALL

Scottish Highland Bulls for sale. They are both very gentle and well behaved and are use to a pasture rotation and electric fences. We have (1) 2 year old bull and (1) 1 year old bull calf.
United States
New Jersey
Highland bulls
Price : CALL

The other bull is a 1 year old who also is a very quiet well mannered animal. There sire is a very gentle animal that we never had any trouble with at all. We have 2 highland bulls for sale.
United States
New Jersey
Best beef 4 grass only fed
Price : CALL

(2) HEIFER calves about 6 months old . Asking price is $600 each. They are a joy to own and the beef is top quality. No grain needed! Call Tim L Can be finished on any good grass hay/alfalfa etc.
United States
New Jersey
Highland Heifers
Price : CALL

3 available for immediate pick up. If your thinking of raising your own grass fed beef you should raise highlanders. Scottish highlander 2 year old heifers. My taste buds tell me he is right , I don't buy A-1 anymore.
United States
New Jersey
Registered, non, and mixed breed
Price : CALL

15 bulls, cows, and calves available from 25 head. I am listing these for a relative who does not have internet access. Most are gentle, many are halter trained. I will contact them and reply to your email questions.
United States
New Jersey
Scottish highlanders for sale
Price : CALL

Special offer for purchase of a small herd. Small 100% grass fed herd for sale we have sixty head and are looking to reduce to forty five by winter. Beautiful/Gentle Scottish Highlander cows Great lean meat, high in omega 3 s 100% grass fed - excellent...
United States
New Jersey
Sepascot Home Farm
Price : CALL

They are known for their survival qualities: hardiness, maternal abilities and longevity. We are willing to negotiate the amount of cows for sale. We work with our animals daily they are gentle creatures and even-tempered.
United States
New Jersey