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Canker Of Eucalyptus Trees – How To Treat A Eucalyptus Tree With Canker
Severe infection results in the death of the branches or even the crown.are infected with canker through wounds when the asexual spores are dispersed by rain or in some regions wind and fostered by high temperatures.
Feeding the Homeless From an Urban Roof Top Garden
A hole is drilled in the bottom of a 5 gallon plastic bucket and a device called a net pot (available at hydroponic stores Fig 1.) is inserted into the hole. Sitting in the shadow of Comerica Park, home of the American League Champion Detroit Tigers,...
El Segundo
What Products Are Made From Trees?
Sodium lauryl sulfate is a papermaking byproduct used in shampoos and shaving creams as a foaming agent. Forest product companies are an extremely efficient industry. You use products made from trees every day, such as wood and paper in addition to many...
Santa Monica
7 Items You Need For An Oil Change
This is a relatively simple job, but you'll want to plan ahead and purchase a new filter before you begin. Even if you manage to avoid any spills or drips, you'll still want to have a rag on hand to clean the dipstick so you can accurately measure the...
Plant Wisely To Improve Water Quality & Quantity In Suburban Streams
If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Educate yourself on the abundant variety of plants that serve multiple purposes and blend into a natural landscape. Fortunately, an antidote to water pollution, bank erosion and flooding can be as simple...
What Is Brown Rot Blossom Blight: How To Treat Brown Rot Blossom Blight
The foliage and twigs are much more likely to develop the disease if they remain wet for more than five hours.If your trees show signs of brown rot blossom and twig blight, you have reason for alarm.
Drip Irrigation - Save water, save time, save plants!
I found that, while doing this big project, I was also able to get caught up on potting that I've been needing to do for years. In this group of articles I will share with you what I discovered about converting a home nursery of hundreds of plants, including...
El Segundo
How to Prune Forsythia Bushes
These shrubs may also look unattractive – with crossed branches, an overly open habit, or a scrubby appearance. You should also disinfect after cutting out any diseased or damaged wood, or when moving between plants.
Santa Monica
What Is A Water Wand: Learn About Using Garden Water Wands
Continue reading for the answer and to learn how to use a watering wand in the garden.Garden water wands are basically just as the name implies, a wand-like tool used to water plants.
Elephant Ear Diseases
Continued applications (every week in rainy weather and every other week when it's dry) are required until the plants are around 9 months old.Pythium rot is the most serious disease affecting elephant ear plants, according to the University of Hawaii.
Santa Monica
Fusarium Wilt Disease: Tips For Controlling Fusarium Wilt On Plants
Preventing the fungal wilt is preferable to most Fusarium wilt treatments.Fusarium is most prevalent in warm soils. This soil-borne pathogen attacks many types of plants, with ornamental flowers and some vegetables topping the list.
Calibrachoa Cutting Propagation – Learn How To Root Calibrachoa Cuttings
This will prevent buildup of mineral salts.Avoid over misting the cuttings, as stem rot can occur. The cuttings will require high light in full sun and consistent misting to take off correctly.
Top 10 List of Plant Diseases that you might find in your Yard or Garden
It is usually found on bluegrass and fescues. Allowing the soil surface to dry out will go a long way in preventing this problem. Entire leaves that are affected turn yellow and fall from the plant.
El Segundo
Disinfect Wells after Hurricane Sandy
Caution: Do not use this water for drinking, cooking, bathing or washing during this time period—it contains high amounts of chlorine. If you have a water-treatment system, switch it to bypass before turning on the indoor faucets.
The Color White in Folklore and in the Garden
In western art, Jesus, angels, and saints are often shown dressed in white.Psychologically, white is said to aid mental clarity. After all, would anyone say "plain vanilla" if vanilla ice cream was red?White is considered a neutral color in landscaping.
El Segundo
Watermelon Alternaria Leaf Spot Control – Treating Leaf Blight Of Watermelon Crops
However, with alternaria leaf blight, these first small lesions oftentimes have a light green to yellow, water-soaked ring around the spot, which can appear halo-like.The foliar lesions of leaf blight of watermelon plants can grow up to 10 mm.
How to Extract Oil From Plants
This process, known as "distilling," is the same procedure used to make distilled alcoholic beverages.Oil extract from lavender plants is used in perfumes, soaps and cosmetics.Harvest plant material right before beginning the distillation process, to...
Santa Monica
Farm Discoveries: Musings On An Old Cattle Water Dispenser
This particular rock pile (there are many) is especially interesting because it's covered with rusty objects that were evidently no longer in use. However, when the pedal in the bowl was depressed by the nose of a thirsty cow, the bowl would have filled...
Hickory Nut Tree Pruning: Tips On Pruning Hickory Trees
This will reduce chances of breakage that may invite disease and pest problems.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Trees started as seedlings may take 10 to 15 years to bear nuts.
The Weekend We Spent Without Water
While he'd purchased a 20-foot tube to use as a siphon in case this happened, it wasn't quite long enough, and his hamstrings still feel the workout. It was sprinkling a bit, but definitely not raining hard enough to form a small stream.
This Water Pump Is Propelled By The Water It Pumps
So for centuries, when people needed water uphill, they laboriously hauled it there. So if you're hoping to irrigate through sprinklers, for instance, you'll need a fair bit of water pressure, and thus a large enough pipe and a lot of drop from the tank.
Zone 8 Hummingbird Plants: Attracting Hummingbirds In Zone 8
The antics of the hummingbird are some of the more charming activities to watch. These may include:Additional plants for hummingbirds in zone 8 include a number of perennials that provide year after year blooms, but annuals are also useful to attract...
Hand-y Watering in the Garden - Hoses and Et-cetera!
But if someone wants to sell you a hose that is guaranteed not to kink, and they will replace it free if it does, by all means consider buying it!One other item is that you will see hoses rated as for hot water, for drinking water, and for landscape or...
El Segundo
Making a Simple Rain Barrel
All 4 corners of the debris screen were bolted through the top, using a flat washer on either side to prevent tears. Then, he set the barrel on top and held the downspout adaptor in place to determine where to cut the downspout.
El Segundo
4 Surprising Advantages of Having a Farm Sanitation Program
If someone were to get sick from a bag of lettuce, for example—which is possible on any size farm—having a good sanitation program with consistent documentation can help you easily track down the issue and recall or throw out any products that might...
Adding Ducks or Geese? Learn Their Housing Needs
Attempts to offer a space like this can succeed, but just as often they'll find a low bush or corner of a barn as a suitable place. Here are the things you need to know. The main reason to keep birds in a shelter at night is to protect them from predators,...
Preserving the Bounty, a Summary of Food Preservation (Part 3)
Place the food on drying trays or wire cooling racks covered with cheesecloth. These have become more popular during recent years, and are more efficient than a conventional oven. Drying times vary considerably when using either an oven or dehydrator,...
El Segundo