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Hey, What\'s going on in there?
Voila! British Scientists at the University of Manchester have done CT scans on living pupas to essentially peek inside and observe this amazing feat. But the thing that fascinates me most about butterflies is metamorphosis, that bit of biological magic...
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Hardy and Tropical Pipevines
However, the pipevine swallowtail larvae find at about the first instar that the tropical pipevines do not supply the nutrition necessary for their continued survival. Most gardeners in the United States can choose a native pipevine right for their garden,...
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What\'s that Bug? Libytheana carinenta, the American Snout
The American Snout, or Snout-nosed Butterfly is probably one that many have never encountered.All butterflies will be attracted to sunny areas with blooming plants. Give them open areas and places where they can rest in safe cover and you should have...
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Victorian Gardens of Cape May
The Cape is nestled in a peninsula at the southern most tip of New Jersey, where the Delaware Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean. All rights reserved. The Suttons have reported bald eagle nestings by mid-February and even as early as January, which was the...
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Got Milkweed? - Attracting Monarch Butterflies to Your Garden
To aid them in sensing their way around the milkweed, they have front and rear tentacles. Predators of greater concern are parasitic wasps, bacteria or viruses. The summer adult Monarch lives from two to five weeks.
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Are Monarchs Just a Memory?
She describes her visit in an email."I went to the monarchs' overwintering sites on Cerro Pelon yesterday and discovered that people have been illegally logging right in the core protected area of the biosphere reserve.
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What\'s That Bug? Junonia coenia, the Common Buckeye
The large, bright eyespots on its open wings make it a snap to identify. The trick is to know which ones are friends and which ones are foes. Gardeners often encounter unique and colorful insects in their gardens.
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Milkweed and Monarchs
Much controversy exists in the arguments about which milkweed to select for your garden. Tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) is not native, but it is often chosen for garden plantings because of its colorful flowers and general availability.
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Legends and Lore Concerning Butterflies
They have been the subject of many stories and legends throughout history and never fail to bring a smile to faces young and old.Butterflies come in a huge range of sizes, shapes and especially colors.
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Monarchs and Milkweeds
As the weather warms up in the second half of February, these same butterflies mate and then begin the first leg of the long return flight north. Males can also be distinguished by thinner black veining and two black dots on their hind wings.The tiny...
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The Invaders: Milkweed
The next year, there were even more milkweeds coming up in the lawn, even farther away from the fence where they had originally sprouted. Because now I know what I did not know at the time I first let it grow, that milkweed is not an annual, dying at...
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Butterfly Bush Leaves Turning Yellow: How To Fix Yellowing Butterfly Bush Leaves
If butterfly bush leaves are yellow, it might be due to plant stress or it might be an insect invasion. This will be the clue to which insects are the culprits. Buddleia prefers well-drained soil and full sun for best flower production.
Butterfly Sage Care: How To Grow Butterfly Sage In Gardens
Butterfly sage, also commonly called bloodberry, is a small heat loving evergreen shrub that produces beautiful tiny flowers that are excellent for attracting butterflies and other pollinators.
What Is A Butterfly Pea Plant: Tips On Planting Butterfly Pea Flowers
Lightly nick or scrape the seeds, and then let them soak overnight in room temperature water before planting. Also known as spurred butterfly pea vines, climbing butterfly pea or wild blue vine, butterfly pea () is a trailing vine that produces pinkish-blue...
Tips On Growing Butterfly Vines – How To Care For A Butterfly Vine
However, this fast-growing vine works well as an annual in cooler climates and looks great in a container orfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });.
My Butterfly Bush Is Not Blooming – How To Get A Butterfly Bush To Bloom
For the most part, they are very hardy to disease and pests, but they can sometimes fall victim toIn another vein, if you've planted your butterfly bush recently, it may still be suffering from.
Skippers, Species, and Fun with Macro
I have to be a little proactive if I want to get any shot at all, even though the lazy photog in me would rather just sit and wait. Moreover, the macro photographer may often contribute his or her photographs and new-found knowledge to scientific Websites...
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Butterfly Bush Has Brown Leaf Spots: Fixes For Buddleia Leaves With Spots
These tough bushes grow quickly; attract pollinators, like butterflies; and resist disease like champs. The aggressive growth of Buddleia will quickly replace those missing leaves.Fungal diseases like leaf spots and downy mildew are encouraged by high...
Do Butterfly Bushes Spread: Controlling Invasive Butterfly Bushes
Some states, like Oregon, have even banned sales of the plant.Butterfly bush control is very difficult. Invasive plants spread quickly in nature, invading wild regions and taking over growing space from.
Where are all the Butterflies? Butterfly Populations in the United States
I did not see the first Monarch in my garden until July 8th!Apparently I was not the only one looking for butterflies. Numbers in two locations are roughly half of what they were five years ago (2008=696; 2003=1811).
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Rainy Day Crafting: Polymer Clay Butterflies
Now pinch one side to make a teardrop shape. "Condition" the clay by rolling it in your hands to warm and soften it. Trim off one end of your tri-color snake, cutting straight down, and you'll see the bulls-eye pattern inside.Cut off four bulls-eye discs,...
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My Butterfly Bush Looks Dead – How To Revive A Butterfly Bush
It may be long after the last frost before it begins to put out new leaves. A bad frost after this kind of pruning can kill back all that healthy living wood you've just exposed. While your butterfly bush dying may be your biggest worry, it should be...
Tips For Transplanting A Butterfly Bush
When they do, the butterfly bush plant won't require as much watering, growing to become quite drought-tolerant.back to the ground during its dormancy in winter. For instance, spring is a more suitable time for transplanting a butterfly bush in colder...
Butterfly Bush Varieties: Kinds Of Butterfly Bushes To Grow
This tall shrub grows to 15 feet and offers white flowers with a scent so sweet and powerful that you can smell it from across the yard. Although butterfly bushes are evergreen in warmer climes, in cool areas they die back in fall, then regrow rapidly...
Butterfly Bush Planting: Tips On Caring For Butterfly Bushes
When the pods mature and release their seeds, weedy young plants emerge. When planted in good quality garden soil, a butterfly bush rarely needs fertilizer.Give your butterfly bush plenty of room.
Best Fertilizer For Butterfly Bushes: Tips On Fertilizing A Butterfly Bush
Many experts suggest that there is no reason to start fertilizing a butterfly bush, as the plant will grow and bloom perfectly well without feeding.However, if your butterfly bush is growing in poor soil, you may want to consider some type of fertilizer.
Butterfly Bush Container Growing – How To Grow Buddleia In A Pot
The answer is yes, you can – with caveats. Whatever you decide to use, be sure the pot has at least a couple of good drainage holes. Dwarf varieties such as Petite Snow, Petite Plum, Nanho Purple or Nanho White are limited to heights and widths of 4...