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Salt Tolerant Plant Heat Tolerant For Sale In Nevada

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Oleander Nerium oleander     - Nerium indicum
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* The plant is commonly used for informal hedging in the Mediterranean. Odorum , but the character is not constant and it is no longer regarded as a separate taxon. * Oleander grows to 2–6 m (6.6–20 ft) tall, with spreading to erect branches.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Germination: 50%
  • Collection Locale: India
  • Family: Apocynaceae
  • Height: 6-20 feet
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 35
United States
Balkan Maple ACER heldreichii
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* This species grows up to 50 feet, and has yellow flowers. * Sun- and drought-tolerant. Mediterranean and Asia Minor.
  • Height: 50 feet
  • Germination: 91%
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Lot#: 9902
  • Crop Year: 1999
  • Seeds Per Pound: 2,587
United States
Honeylocust, Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos
Price : CALL

* Honey locusts can reach a height of 20–30 m (66–100 ft), with fast growth, and are relatively short-lived; about 120 years, some living up to 150. The pods have been seen as a good antidote for children's complaints.
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Species: triacanthos
  • Height: 60-100 feet
  • Botanical Name: Gleditsia triacanthos
United States
Kamchatka Bugbane, Black Bugbane, Autumn Snakeroot CIMICIFUGA simplex
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* This perennial blooms late in the season and makes a great transition along shady edges.
  • Quantity: 0.04 lb
  • Germination: 91%
  • Seeds Per Pound: 617,440
  • Lot#: 080449
  • Height: 2-4ft
  • Species: simplex
United States
Oleander, White Oleander Nerium oleander  Alba
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

* The plant is commonly used for informal hedging in the Mediterranean. Odorum , but the character is not constant and it is no longer regarded as a separate taxon. * Oleander grows to 2–6 m (6.6–20 ft) tall, with spreading to erect branches.
  • Variety: Alba
  • Genus: Nerium
  • Crop Year: 2016
  • Botanical Name: Nerium oleander Alba
  • Purity: 94%
  • Common Name: Oleander, White Oleander
United States
Austrian Pine, European Black Pine Pinus nigra  austriaca
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* The lumber is used for rough carpentry and furniture. It is tolerant of urban, seaside, and other difficult conditions. * Pinus nigra is a large coniferous evergreen tree, growing to 20–55 metres (66–180 ft) high at maturity and spreading to 20...
  • Height: 60-100 feet
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Purity: 99%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 35
  • Quantity: 10.69 lb
  • Variety: austriaca
United States
Blue Diddley Dwarf Chaste Tree, Vitex, Monk\'s Pepper Tree
Prices start at : 14.99 USD

The flowers attract bees and other pollinators. Vigorous, disease and pest resistant shrubs that can be trained into small trees, Vitex are tolerant of a wide range of soil types and growing conditions.
  • Salt Tolerance: Moderate soil and aerosol salt tolerance
  • Soil & Moisture: Average moist, well-drained soils otherwise fairly tolerant.
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline, Alkaline
  • Container Size: Quart / 30 fl.oz. / 887 ml
  • Native To / Origin: US Gardens - 2015 Proven Winners introduction
United States
Oriental Hornbeam Carpinus orientalis
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / 1 packet

* In recent years, this species has been extensively used in Bonsai. * Carpinus orientalis (Oriental Hornbeam) is a hornbeam native from southeastern Europe to northern Iran and occurs usually on hot dry sites at lower altitudes in comparison to the European...
  • Collection Locale: Ohio
  • Purity: 98%
  • Family: BETULACEAE
  • Seeds Per Pound: 21,056
  • Common Name: Oriental Hornbeam
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 19
United States
Lavafield Jackbean, Awikiwiki Canavalia pubescens
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 packet

* Canavalia pubescens, commonly known as ʻawikiwiki or Lavafield Jack-bean, is a species of flowering plant in the legume family, Fabaceae, that is endemic to Hawaii. It is threatened by habitat destruction, mainly due to introduced grazing mammals.
  • Height: 20-30 feet
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Genus: Canavalia
  • Purity: 99%
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 10
United States
Arizona White Oak Quercus arizonica
Price : CALL

* The Arizona White Oak is a perennial tree and may grow up to 60 ft with a diameter of 3.3 ft. * One of the largest southwestern oaks, this handsome tree reaches its greatest size in canyons and other moist sites.
  • Common Name: Arizona White Oak
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Botanical Name: Quercus arizonica
United States
Five-lobed Chinese Maple, Marijuana Maple, Five Leaf Maple ACER pentaphyllum
Prices start at : 13.95 USD / 1 packet

* A handsome species, one of the rarest in cultivation (rare even in its own Yalung R.valley) * A small, 8-30' tree/shrub.
  • Botanical Name: ACER pentaphyllum
  • Seeds Per Pound: 8,122
  • Common Name: Five-lobed Chinese Maple, Marijuana Maple, Five Leaf Maple
  • Family: ACERACEAE
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 7
United States
Tobira Pittosporum, Japanese Cheesewood, Japanerse Mock-orange Pittosporum tobira
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* Pittosporum tobira is a species of flowering plant in the Pittosporum family known by several common names, including Japanese mock-orange and Japanese cheesewood . Inside are black seeds in a bed of resinous pulp.


    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 58
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 9
    • Germination: 98%
    • Common Name: Tobira Pittosporum, Japanese Cheesewood, Japanerse Mock-orange
    • Purity: 98%
    • Crop Year: 2015
    United States
    Heavenly Bamboo, Sacred Bamboo Nandina domestica
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    It is a monotypic genus, with this species as its only member. * Nandina domestica (pronounced /naen?di?n? This varient will grow to 8 feet tall. D??m?st?k?/ ) commonly known as heavenly bamboo or sacred bamboo , is a suckering shrub in the Barberry family,...
    • Collection Locale: California
    • Common Name: Heavenly Bamboo, Sacred Bamboo
    • Species: domestica
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Seeds Per Pound: 10,896
    • Germination: 98%
    United States
    Rose Of Sharon, Rose Of Althea Hibiscus syriacus
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    Individual flowers are short-lived, lasting only a day. Syriacus is a hardy deciduous shrub. * Hibiscus syriacus is the national flower of South Korea. It is upright and vase-shaped, reaching 2–4 m (7–13 ft) in height, bearing large trumpet-shaped...
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Species: syriacus
    • Family: Malvaceae
    • Germination: 98%
    • Seeds Per Pound: 25,424
    • Genus: Hibiscus
    United States
    Myrtle Oak Quercus myrtifolia
    Price : CALL

    It typically matures to 15-20' tall and 8-10' wide, but occasionally rises to as much as 35' tall. Leaves are obovate with bristle at the rounded tip. * It is native to dry sandy soils of dunes, sandhills, dry ridges and hammocks, from sea level to 350'...
    • Height: 15-20 feet
    • Common Name: Myrtle Oak
    • Botanical Name: Quercus myrtifolia
    • Genus: Quercus
    United States
    Great Basin Bristlecone Pine, Intermountain Bristlecone Pine, Western Bristlecone Pine, Ancient Bristlecone Pine, Methuselah Pine Pinus longaeva     - Pinus aristata longaeva   , Pinus aristata  longaeva
    Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

    * One member of this species, known as Methuselah , is thought to be the oldest living non-clonal organism on Earth . * Pinus longaeva , the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine , is a long-living species of tree found in the higher mountains of the southwest...
    • Collection Locale: California
    • Common Name: Great Basin Bristlecone Pine, Intermountain Bristlecone Pine, Western Bristlecone Pine, Ancient Bristlecone Pine, Methuselah Pine
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 21
    • Purity: 99%
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Botanical Name: Pinus longaeva
    United States
    Bastard Oak, White Shin Oak, Bigelow Oak, Scaly-bark Oak, Shortlobe Oak Quercus sinuata  breviloba
    Price : CALL

    * A shrub or small tree with light gray, flaking bark. * Found mostly on flat-topped limestone hills. * Forms thickets on shallow soil, seldom a single tree.
    • Family: Fagaceae
    • Common Name: Bastard Oak, White Shin Oak, Bigelow Oak, Scaly-bark Oak, Shortlobe Oak
    • Botanical Name: Quercus sinuata breviloba
    • Variety: breviloba
    • Genus: Quercus
    United States
    Madagascar Periwinkle, Rose Periwinkle, Rosy Periwinkle Catharanthus roseus     - Vinca rosea
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Catharanthus roseus, commonly known as the Madagascar periwinkle, rose periwinkle, or rosy periwinkle, is a species of flowering plant in the dogbane family Apocynaceae. * In the wild, it is an endangered plant; the main cause of decline is habitat...
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Seeds Per Pound: 825,455
    • Quantity: 2.32 lb
    • Germination: 91%
    • Purity: 87%
    • Collection Locale: India
    United States
    Eastern Redbud, Northern Zone 6 Redbud, Northern Zone 6 Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis    Northern Zone 6
    Price : CALL

    * A small tree with a sturdy upright trunk which divides into stout branches that usually spread to form a broad flat head. Prefers a deep sandy loam and a very sunny position. * Succeeds in most soils and pH types, but dislikes growing in wet soils,...
    • Species: canadensis
    • Height: 30 feet
    • Common Name: Eastern Redbud, Northern Zone 6 Redbud, Northern Zone 6 Eastern Redbud
    • Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis Northern Zone 6
    • Family: Fabaceae
    United States
    Royal Poinciana, Flame Tree Delonix regia
    Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Scarlet and yellow flowers followed by 2' pods; grows rapidly; dense-growing, fernlike, doubly compound leaves to 2'; native to Madagascar, much grown in southern Florida and Hawaii.
    • Purity: 99%
    • Genus: Delonix
    • Species: regia
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 10
    • Botanical Name: Delonix regia
    • Collection Locale: China
    United States
    American Elm Ulmus americana
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * The glorious elm that used to line American streets. * The American elm occurs naturally in an assortment of habitats, most notably rich bottomlands, floodplains, stream banks, and swampy ground, * The American Elm is the state tree of both Massachusetts...
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Family: Ulmaceae
    • Crop Year: 2018
    • Genus: Ulmus
    • Purity: 94%
    • Species: americana
    United States
    Faber\'s Maple ACER fabri
    Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

    It wmay survive in zone 7, but a cold winter could do it in. The lanceolate leaves are glossy and evergreen. * Acer fabri (Faber's Maple) is a species of evergreen maple tree native to Vietnam and central to southern China.
    • Botanical Name: ACER fabri
    • Quantity: 1.89 lb
    • Common Name: Faber's Maple
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
    • Collection Locale: China
    • Purity: 98%
    United States
    Red Velvet American Holly Ilex opaca   Red Velvet
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Ilex opaca is a medium-sized broadleaved evergreen tree growing to 10-20 m tall, exceptionally up to 30 m tall, with a trunk diameter typically up to 50 cm, exceptionally 120 cm.
    • Purity: 98%
    • Height: 18 feet
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 13
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Cultivar: Red Velvet
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    United States
    Shore Pine, Beach Pine Pinus contorta  contorta
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    * An attractive shrub or small tree with a short trunk; 2" needles; contorted branches reaching nearly to the ground; of broadly conical form; dark green, much planted in Europe; "an excellent garden tree" (Wyman); native to coastal North America from...
    • Seeds Per Pound: 88,076
    • Height: 30 feet
    • Variety: contorta
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Common Name: Shore Pine, Beach Pine
    • Family: Pinaceae
    United States
    Chihuahuan Pine Pinus leiophylla
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * This species often grows in mixed in stands with several other pines and/or junipers, in Arizona most often with Apache Pine and Alligator Juniper, but also grows in pure stands.
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 9
    • Crop Year: 2013
    • Genus: Pinus
    • Seeds Per Pound: 45,400
    • Quantity: 0.99 lb
    • Common Name: Chihuahuan Pine
    United States
    Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Trees are very drought tolerant and are planted on slopes in its native range in order to prevent soil erosion. The cones remain closed for many years, only opening after the parent tree is killed in a wildfire , thereby allowing the seeds to colonize...
    • Quantity: 11.85 lb
    • Botanical Name: Cupressus arizonica
    • Purity: 99%
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
    • Germination: 77%
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    United States
    Monterey Cypress Cupressus macrocarpa
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    The surviving trees from this forest are as old as 2000 years. * A good fast growing hedge for the milder areas of Britain, tolerating maritime exposure. * Cupressus macrocarpa , commonly known as Monterey Cypress or Macrocarpa , is a species of cypress...
    • Purity: 99%
    • Crop Year: 2014
    • Collection Locale: India
    • Common Name: Monterey Cypress
    • Family: Cupressaceae
    • Height: 40-50 feet
    United States