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Salt Tolerant Plant Flowering Shrub For Sale In Costa Mesa

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Bumalda Bladdernut Staphylea bumalda
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

The fruit for most shrubs in the genus Staphlea is an inflated baggy seed capsule (usually more inflated than the flattened capsules on S. * Delicate white flowers in May or June; showy inflated yellowish fruits to 1"; opposite compound leaves with three...
  • Quantity: 0.88 lb
  • Height: 5-7 feet
  • Crop Year: 1999
  • Botanical Name: Staphylea bumalda
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 39
Costa Mesa
Tobira Pittosporum, Japanese Cheesewood, Japanerse Mock-orange Pittosporum tobira
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

Inside are black seeds in a bed of resinous pulp. The inflorescence is a cluster of fragrant flowers occurring at the ends of branches. It can be used in shelterbelt plantings. The leaves are oval in shape with edges that curl under and measure up to...


    • Botanical Name: Pittosporum tobira
    • Height: 10-15 feet
    • Purity: 98%
    • Family: Pittosporaceae
    • Crop Year: 2015
    • Germination: 98%
    Costa Mesa
    Pearl Bush, Sawtooth Pearlbush , Pearl Tree Exochorda serratifolia
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    Elliptic, serrate, pale green leaves (to 3" long) turn yellow in fall. * This species of pearlbush is an early-blooming, upright deciduous shrub that is native to Manchuria and Korea.
    • Common Name: Pearl Bush, Sawtooth Pearlbush , Pearl Tree
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 78
    • Quantity: 1.54 lb
    • Lot#: 9701
    • Height: 6-8ft
    Costa Mesa
    Devilwood Osmanthus americanus
    Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Devilwood was so named because the fine-textured wood is difficult to split and work. * Osmanthus americanus, commonly called American olive, wild olive, or devilwood, is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to southeastern North America, in the...
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Height: 10-20 feet
    • Common Name: Devilwood
    • Species: americanus
    • Seeds Per Pound: 2,724
    • Genus: Osmanthus
    Costa Mesa
    Silverberry, American Silverberry, Wolf-willow, Wolf Willow Elaeagnus commutata
    Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

    Good when added to soups they also make an excellent jelly. * Elaeagnus commutata ( American Silverberry or Wolf-willow ), is a species of Elaeagnus native to western North America , from southern Alaska through British Columbia east to Manitoba , and...
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Seeds Per Pound: 3,348
    • Quantity: 58.5 lb
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 14
    • Family: Elaeagnaceae
    • Germination: 98%
    Costa Mesa
    Virginia Sweetspire, Tassle-White Itea virginica
    Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 packet

    Individual shoot rise up and then arch over to some degree. Itea virginica also known as Virginia Sweetspire is a deciduous to semievergreen shrub, growing 3' to 6' tall. Spires that droop with the arching branches.
    • Common Name: Virginia Sweetspire, Tassle-White
    • Genus: Itea
    • Collection Locale: North Carolina
    • Germination Test Type: estimate
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 250
    • Crop Year: 2013
    Costa Mesa
    Common Privet, European Privet Ligustrum vulgare
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    Privets are fast growers and do well as long as they are planted in well-drained soil. A black dye can also be obtained from the fruit as well as an ink. Ligustrum vulgare are hardy plants and tolerate temperatures down to 20 degrees F.
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 32
    • Genus: Ligustrum
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Seeds Per Pound: 16,214
    • Height: 9-12 feet
    • Crop Year: 2016
    Costa Mesa
    Fragrant Olive, Sweet Osmanthus Osmanthus fragrans
    Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

    Sweet osmanthus is also the 'city flower' of Hangzhou , China. * The unripe fruits are preserved in brine like olives. The very fragrant flowers are used by the Chinese to impart a pleasant aroma to tea, wine and sweet dishes such as lotus seed soup,...
    • Genus: Osmanthus
    • Seeds Per Pound: 2,062
    • Common Name: Fragrant Olive, Sweet Osmanthus
    • Collection Locale: China
    • Botanical Name: Osmanthus fragrans
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 7
    Costa Mesa
    Silky Camellia, Silky Stewartia, Virginia Stewartia Stewartia malacodendron
    Prices start at : 20.95 USD / 1 packet

    * It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. * Silky camellia is a large, open-branched shrub growing up to 10 feet tall. * Silky camellia is an under-story woodland species with rich brown colored bark * It grows best in partial...
    • Common Name: Silky Camellia, Silky Stewartia, Virginia Stewartia
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Family: Theaceae
    • Genus: Stewartia
    • Seeds Per Pound: 9,080
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
    Costa Mesa
    Desert Willow Chilopsis linearis
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    Although the natural growth is a very irregular shape, it can be readily pruned into a conventional tree shape. Despite the common name Desert-willow , given because of its willow -like leaves, it is actually a member of the bignonia family, Bignoniaceae...
    • Height: 20-30 feet
    • Crop Year: 2005
    • Seeds Per Pound: 72,186
    • Botanical Name: Chilopsis linearis
    • Common Name: Desert Willow
    • Collection Locale: AZ
    Costa Mesa
    Bladdernut, American Bladdernut Staphylea trifolia
    Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

    * White flowers about 1/4" long in sparse clusters to about 2"; 3-lobed fruit to 2"; native to the eastern U.S. * Plants have dense underground root systems and are of some value in erosion control.
    • Height: 30 feet
    • Species: trifolia
    • Common Name: Bladdernut, American Bladdernut
    • Seeds Per Pound: 7,264
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Family: Staphyleaceae
    Costa Mesa
    Distylium Blue Cascade
    Prices start at : 48.95 USD / 3 GAL

    Distylium Blue Cascade favors nutrient rich soil and ample fertilization. As with chemical fertilizers, do not apply it right next to the trunk or stems emerging from the ground. Never fertilize a plant with a chemical fertilizer if the plant looks sick...
    Costa Mesa
    Siberian Spirea Sibiraea laevigata     - Sibiraea altaiensis
    Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 packet

    * A versatile mid sized, prolific flowering shrub that is quite cold hardy. Leaves usually solitary at axils on current year's growth, clustered on older branchlets; leaf blade linear-lanceolate, broadly lanceolate, or oblong-oblanceolate, 4–6.5 ×...
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Height: 4-5 feet
    • Common Name: Siberian Spirea
    • Germination Test Type: estimate
    • Germination: 30%
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    Costa Mesa
    Physocarpus Diablo
    Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

    Never fertilize a plant with a chemical fertilizer if the plant looks sick or wilted. Physocarpus such as Physocarpus Diablo grow best if they are fertilized once in the spring and once in the summer.
    Costa Mesa
    Queen Anne\'s Lace, Wild Carrot, Bird\'s Nest, Bishop\'s Lace Daucus carota
    Price : CALL

    * A teaspoon of crushed seeds has long been used as a form of natural birth control; its use for this purpose was first described by Hippocrates over 2,000 years ago. * The flower clusters can be french-fried to produce a carrot-flavoured gourmet's delight.
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Common Name: Queen Anne's Lace, Wild Carrot, Bird's Nest, Bishop's Lace
    • Height: 3 feet
    • Species: carota
    Costa Mesa
    Aitchison\'s False Spirea Sorbaria aitchisonii
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    Johnson) & contrasting beautifully with the lush pinnate foliage, in its first reddish growth or its later fresh-green. * This 6-8' shrub is "of matchless elegance a its fleecy sprays lovely in their silken lightness" (A.
    • Purity: 80%
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Height: 6-8ft
    • Quantity: 0.08 lb
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 362
    • Genus: Sorbaria
    Costa Mesa
    White Fringetree, Old Man\'s Beard, Grancy Grey Beard Chionanthus virginicus
    Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Grown for its masses of glorious, delicate, white, slightly fragrant flowers in May; of open, spreading habit; native to the southeastern United States but hardy nearly everywhere; dark green leaf sometimes a golden yellow in fall.
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 12
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Genus: Chionanthus
    • Height: 30 feet
    Costa Mesa
    Bottlebrush Buckeye Aesculus parviflora
    Price : CALL

    * This beautiful large flowering shrub deserves much wider use in the landscape. * Plants can be used as a tall ground cover for large areas of land. * It is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens, where its August flowering attracts butterflies.
    • Family: Hippocastanaceae
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
    • Botanical Name: Aesculus parviflora
    • Species: parviflora
    Costa Mesa
    Corkwood Leitneria floridana
    Price : CALL

    * Wood - very light, soft, close grained. * Leitneria floridana ( Corkwood ), the sole species in the genus Leitneria , is a deciduous dioecious shrub or small tree , found only in the southeastern United States states of Arkansas , Florida , Georgia...
    • Common Name: Corkwood
    • Genus: Leitneria
    • Species: floridana
    • Family: Leitneriaceae
    Costa Mesa
    Common Sweetshrub, Eastern Sweetshrub, Carolina Allspice Calycanthus floridus
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    He described it, with its bark "as odoriferous as cinnamon", but did not name it. The wood, leaves and roots smell strongly of camphor, whilst the bark smells like cinnamon. The colonial planters of the Carolinas transplanted it into their gardens, and...
    • Seeds Per Pound: 2,260
    • Family: Calycanthaceae
    • Crop Year: 2017
    • Genus: Calycanthus
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 9
    Costa Mesa
    Devilwood Osmanthus americanus
    Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Devilwood was so named because the fine-textured wood is difficult to split and work. * Osmanthus americanus, commonly called American olive, wild olive, or devilwood, is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to southeastern North America, in the...
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 12
    • Common Name: Devilwood
    • Genus: Osmanthus
    • Species: americanus
    • Germination: 98%
    • Botanical Name: Osmanthus americanus
    Costa Mesa
    Chinese Matrimony Vine, Chinese Desert-thorn, Wolfberry, Goji Berry, Red Medlar, Barbary Matrimony Vine, Bocksdorn, Duke of Argyll\'s Tea Tree, Mede Berry, Chinese Wolfberry, Chinese Boxthorn Lycium chinense
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    * The fruit is one of the most popular tonics used in Chinese herbal medicine. * Wolfberry species are deciduous woody perennial plants , growing 1–3 m high. * Both the berries and the root are used and traditionally the plant is believed to promote...
    • Species: chinense
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Crop Year: 2014
    • Seeds Per Pound: 658,163
    • Collection Locale: China
    • Family: Solanaceae
    Costa Mesa
    Alangium Alangium platanifolium
    Price : CALL

    The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) * The root is used in the treatment of rheumatism and other bone diseases. * Alangium platanifolium is a deciduous Shrub growing to 3 m (9ft) by 2 m (6ft).
    • Family: ALANGIACEAE
    • Botanical Name: Alangium platanifolium
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
    • Height: 8-9 feet
    Costa Mesa
    Buddleia Pugster Blue
    Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

    Adding compost or topsoil will help the young feeder roots of Buddleia Pugster Blue to spread through the loose, nutrient rich soil, much easier than if you used solely the existing soil which more times than not will be hard and compacted.
    Costa Mesa
    Pinxterbloom, Pink Azalea Rhododendron periclymenoides     - Rhododendron nudiflorum
    Prices start at : 15.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Pinxterbloom azalea is a deciduous shrub that is native to moist woods, swamp margins and open areas from Massachusetts to South Carolina and Tennessee. * Pink azalea is a 6-12 ft.
    • Seeds Per Pound: 1,816,000
    • Germination: 30%
    • Collection Locale: North Carolina
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Botanical Name: Rhododendron periclymenoides
    • Family: Ericaceae
    Costa Mesa
    Mountain Andromeda, Mountain Fetterbush Pieris floribunda
    Price : CALL

    Japonica which has pendulous flower clusters. * Native to primarily North and South Carolina, but also found in Virginia and Georgia. * Soils should be acidic and very well-drained but not excessively dry.
    • Family: Ericaceae
    • Common Name: Mountain Andromeda, Mountain Fetterbush
    • Botanical Name: Pieris floribunda
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    Costa Mesa
    Nana Heavenly Bamboo, Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo Nandina domestica   Nana
    Price : CALL

    It is native to eastern Asia from the Himalaya east to Japan * Evergreen except in cold climates; delicate compound leaves, reddish when new, later blue-green; attractive white flowers in panicles atop the stems, followed by beautiful bright red berries;...
    • Height: 2-3 feet
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Botanical Name: Nandina domestica Nana
    • Family: Berberidaceae
    • Species: domestica
    Costa Mesa