6 Row Lilliston Rolling Cultivator, Big Bar, 3PT Hitch Mounted, Adjustable Automotive Guage Wheels, Adjustable Rippers on each Row, Good Spiders & Bearings, Crop Shields, & Ready to Work
Email us with your zip code for a quote. Lilliston 8 row 30" cultivator - hydraulic fold You are welcome to come, look at any item or pick up a purchase. Shipping is available for most items.
Property Taxes Not Inlcuded. **Payment is subject to credit approval by 21st Century Leasing LLC., 12 row 22" Folding Gauge Wheels $930 Annual Lease Payment for 5 years. Option at Maturity to Purchase or Return.
New coulters! No barrowing off disc or shields. Nice cultivator! John Deere 885 row crop cultivator on Buffalo flat fold bar. Center unit has angle iron welded to it to fit around top mast.