3030 Alloway 24 Row 22 in Folding Row Crop Cultivator, 1 Single Heavy Duty S-Tine for each Row, Large Diameter Rotary Shields, 3Pt Mounted with Hydraulic Lift Assist Rear Wheels, Thru the Shop Including New Shovels, Field Ready and in Nice Condition.
6 Row Lilliston Rolling Cultivator, Big Bar, 3PT Hitch Mounted, Adjustable Automotive Guage Wheels, Adjustable Rippers on each Row, Good Spiders & Bearings, Crop Shields, & Ready to Work
6 Row Harristion Heavy Duty S-Tine Row Crop Cultivator with Hiller Discs, 3Pt Mounted, Pneumatic Gauage Wheels, Guide Cones, Handcrank Height Adjust on each Row Unit, Ready to Work
Alloway 2040 Single Shank 12 Row 22in Row Crop Cultivater, Large Diameter Rolling Shields, Guage Wheels with Hand Crank Adjust, Guide Cones, Field Ready
6 Row Harristion Heavy Duty S-Tine Row Crop Cultivator with Hiller Discs, 3Pt Mounted, Pneumatic Gauage Wheels, Guide Cones, Handcrank Height Adjust on each Row Unit, Ready to Work
24 Row X 22 in Wil-Rich PT-7722 Single Shank Pull Type Row Crop Cultivator, Guage Wheels, Large Dia. Rolling Shields, Heavy Duty Transport Wheels, Excellent Cond
2975 Kongskilde 49ft Vibro Till Heavy Duty S-Tine Cultivator, 5 Section Fold, 2 Piece Heavy Duty S-Tines, New Tires on Main Section, Walking Beam Axles, Auto Depth Control, Adjustable Harrow & 2 Rows of H.