And the best part about a gentill aerator is the options. This 22 1/2' genesis tillage aerator is the best vertical tillage unit on the market. Aeration can improve soil quality so much that the government is rewarding farmers how can successfully become...
Email us with your zip code for a quote. Lilliston 8 row 30" cultivator - hydraulic fold You are welcome to come, look at any item or pick up a purchase. Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00 Saturday: Appointment Only
Email us with your zip code for a quote. Kewanee 3200 - 7x7 bar, internal cylinders, flat fold You are welcome to come, look at any item or pick up a purchase. Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00 Saturday: Appointment Only
Nice cultivator! Center unit has angle iron welded to it to fit around top mast. John Deere 885 row crop cultivator on Buffalo flat fold bar. New coulters! No barrowing off disc or shields.