This allows more contact time between the blades and the material being mulched, producing much better results and less discharge. Most any materials thrown from the blades will strike the rear slanted deck section and be deflected downward.
Let us know if you have any questions - we are here to help! PAYMENT All items must be paid for in full before they leave. WE ARE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS. Tiger hydraulic flail mower. We also have a loading dock.
* Slotted top link hole on 3 point hitch. * #6 metric driveshaft w/ torque limiter. 4.35% 84 MOS 10' HOWSE MOWER HEAVY DUTY DRAG 80 DEG. (HD10DC) NEED ANYTHING ELSE LET US KNOW. CALL US AT KOUGH EQUIPMENT 270 382 2207 M-F 8-5 CENTRAL TIME AND 8-12 SAT.