Call or email us first before you come so that someone can be here to meet you. WE ARE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS. Sunday is God and family day, so don't even ask! We have cranes, forklifts, and loaders to load your purchase.
(NEW) Bush Hog 1815 rotary cutter, 15ft, 540 PTO, deck rings, front and rear chains, dome deck, 2.5" cutting capacity, 10 gauge deck, 5 year gearbox warranty! ZERO DOWN AND 0% FOR 48 MONTHS FINANCING AVAILABLE! SAMPLE PHOTO
Pull-type, 4 fixed guage wheels, hyd lift, 1 3/4 PTO, lights, L knife, few dings on the hood, front rod that holds flaps bent (easy fix), knives 50-60%, pretty nice unit