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The Jungle in my House
Nothing was left behind by the original owners, except one scrawny red margined dracena. I took it outside to enjoy the sunshine. I swear it might soon be a foot taller than I am.But that's not the really bad part.
El Segundo
It\'s Fiesta Time
In spring you planted them. Use standard home canning jars. Next you will core and chop the tomatoes.Keep in mind that chunky is good. (Jalapeno peppers are good.)All the above ingredients may be adjusted to taste.
El Segundo
Rough-cut Mowers
The slip clutch is next most important. Pulling into a field or pasture overgrown with brambles and brush with a hay mower is a recipe for damage. To further confuse the situation, a rotary cutter powered by a dedicated 18-horsepower motor and pulled...
Getting Attached To Your Equipment: A Primer On Tractor Attachments
To get the most out of your farm, let your tractor play the field with multiple implements. Finish mowers could also be a good fit for you, as they create a fine, clean look when used properly.
Dead House Plants? Are You Sure They\'re Dead?
The roots however are still kicking, depending, of course, on how long it's been allowed to go dry :)Point three. And to think it almost ended up at the dump.You see, even though there is no life visible above the soil, it doesn't mean the roots are dead...
El Segundo
An Easy Thanksgiving Banner
With a 1/4-inch seam allowance, stitch the two triangles together. If you love to sew as much as I do, then check out some of my other sewing tutorials at my blog, The Seasoned Homemaker , where I comment on all things delightfully domestic.
Salt and Salts: How They Work
Usually Sodium Chloride is used. These need to be flushed periodically.a form of salt that is used to keep icy roads from freezing. You only need a little salt, as table salt is so much saltier than the inside of a vegetable's cell walls.
El Segundo
How to Grow Split Peas
Once they are completely dry, the peas begin to split in half naturally along a center line. Lightly cover the peas with native soil to fill the rows slightly higher than the surrounding ground.Apply 1 to 2 inches of water on the growing peas every week.Harvest...
Santa Monica
Zone 5 Water Plants: Tips On Growing Water Loving Plants In Zone 5
It's also important to know that some water loving plants in zone 5, like cattails, horsetails, rushes and sedges, can out compete other plants if not kept in check. This whole botanical garden is built around a man-made pond with streams, smaller ponds...
Information On How To Transplant Wisteria Vines
Start digging about 18 to 24 inches from the stem. Those springtime clusters of pale purple flowers can create a gardener's dream or — if it's in the wrong place, a gardener's nightmare.
Tips For Watering Plants Grown Upside Down
Upside down gardening offers many benefits too. But what about watering? The problem is that it's easy to overwater, which can result infreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });When you're shopping for an upside...
How to Deadhead Knockout Roses
Removing faded blooms can decrease the time between bloom production and increase the size and quality of the flowers.Make a disinfecting/sanitizing solution using bleach and water.
Santa Monica
Winter Mulch Madness
Sticking to a yearly schedule cuts the workload in our garden. The crowns of the fiddlehead ferns (also called ostrich fern) are above ground, so don't smother them, or they'll rot.
Learn More About Burr Medic And Its Control
Neither of these, however, will kill the burrs that are left behind in the lawn or garden.Therefore, you may want to use an old woolen blanket to drag over the area first, which should snag most of these burrs.
Japanese Digging Knife – Using A Hori Hori Knife For Gardening
But while it's often used for digging, this Japanese gardener's knife has so many other uses that it's best to think of it as a multi-purpose tool.There are a few different styles of hori hori available commercially, though the difference tends to be...
The unexplained metaphysics of dirt
And even then I sometimes came up short.Does dug dirt enter some wormhole and end up at the opposite end of the universe somewhere?If so, there is enough dirt there just from the holes I have dug, to cover a two story building.Perhaps this dug dirt changes...
El Segundo
Make Mine Mules
When a stallion (male horse) breeds a jenny (female donkey) their offspring is known as a hinny. Instead, investigate mules offered by reputable mule breeders and trainers. Top Mule Shapes & Sizes Mules come in innumerable shapes and sizes, so there's...
What Is Wild Celery: Uses For Wild Celery Plants
The water plant offers good habitat to different kinds of fish in streams and lakes. It is, in fact, one of the favorite aquatic plant foods of ducks, geese, swans and coots. The female blossoms grow on thin stalks until they rise to the surface of the...
Carpetgrass Uses: Information On Carpetgrass In Lawn Areas
Narrowleaf carpetgrass is the type most often used in lawns and the seeds are readily available.Plant carpetgrass seeds after the last spring frost. Ten weeks after planting, the seedlings should be established and beginning to spread.
Thinning Out Nectarines – How To Thin Nectarines
Next, remove fruit that is at the tip of branches that can potentially drag the limb down due to weight and break it. I suppose everyone's little finger end is a bit different in size, so let's say about ½ inch across.There isn't a quick way to thin...
Can You Prune Cabbage: Information On Pruning Cabbage Leaves
Prior to harvest, cabbage must be nurtured and maintained as it grows and part of this maintenance may include pruning cabbage plants. The answer would be in pruning the cabbage leaves, but can you prune cabbage?
Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 3: learning to use your new software
So I took a square planter, made it 1" high and colored it terra cotta. Good luck!!*Author's note: as I mentioned in the previous installment, 3DHA is no longer being offered or supported by Riverdeep.
El Segundo
Owner\'s Manual Revisit
It's nothing fancy, but it should help. The one time I do pay particular attention to my manual is when a problem develops. Over the years, I have tried to be better about reading the instructions first—or at least while I assemble.
Trendy Turbines: Give Your Eco Side Flair
“For us, it's being able to give to our customers and also to the environment,” he says. “We can't put these things out fast enough,” he says. “This isn't your typical propel blade spinning in the wind,” Taylor says.
Go Bananas! Growing Tropical Banana Trees in Maryland
The collective impact will knock your socks off!Bananas must be dug before the first fall frost and overwintered inside, either fully dormant or semi dormant. Time will tell.Accordingly, last fall I dug up the bananas, and we dragged them down to the...
El Segundo
Overwintering Root Vegetables: 3 Methods For Success
Blessed with incredible insulative properties, the soil is an excellent place for overwintering root vegetables. To do this, first cover the root crop bed with a large, flat piece of concrete reinforcement wire, making sure the piece is large enough to...
Soaker Hose Irrigation: How To Use Soaker Hoses In The Lawn And Garden
For a more sophisticated system, you may need couplers or valves to allow you to easily switch from area to area.Lay the hose between rows or weave the hose through plants in a flower bed.